Wanting to add t3 to NDT: Hello, once again I... - Thyroid UK

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Wanting to add t3 to NDT

GentleSoul profile image
4 Replies

Hello, once again I went to another dr that didnt know what to do with me! Short story of 2019- had an adrenal crash in June, looked around for another doctor, previous one just wanted to run test and not listen to symptoms. Was told about functional medicine doctor so thought she could help. Saw her in Aug, explained all I had been experiencing since june. She ran test and I went to see her 3 months later. Not sure why, because she didnt help at all. Told me I should go get tested for Epstein virus, it might be this but she didn't know how to read results so recommended a doctor that dosent take insurance. Meanwhile I am taking 90 mg of NDT split into 3 doses. I know I have high testosterone, which i was told to alter diet and take liver cleansers. Well it is now Dec and I do not feel any different. I have exercise intolerance, I feel like am just existing, going to work, coming home , doing house hold mother/wife duties but I do anything else I get exhausted and am down for 2-3 days. I cant seem to concentrate enough to comprehend and understand Paul Robinsons book on t3. So I was wondering if maybe adding t3 and lowering my NDT could help me? I have all common signs of hypo and adrenal fatigue. I will post my labs and supplements I am currently taking. I greatly appreciate any advice/direction in this. ~Much Love 🌺

Aug blood work**

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), 500mg, Pure Encapsulations - B-Complex Plus for my B's Metagenics Cortico B5B6. I also take Magnesium, Vit A, d-3 & K, selenium, zinc, Vit c (3000mg a/day), a probiotic and betain/HCI. In Aug I stopped all dairy and have been gluten free for 7 yrs.

•A1C 5.3. Range- 5.7

• Est Avg Glucose 105

•Iron 114. Range. 50-212

•TIBC. 271.0 Range 228.0-428.0

•Iron% Saturat 42 Range 20-55

•UIBC 157 Range 155-300

•Ferritin 38 Range 11-307

T3 free 3.98 Range 2.52-4.34

T4 free .69 Range 0.55-1.60

TSH 0.398 Range 0.270-4.200

Thyroglobulin Ab 1 Range 0-4

Thyroid Peroxidase Ab 1.64 Range 0.00-9.00

Reverse T3 14.8 Range 9.0-27.0

Vit B12 518 Range 180-914

**Saliva Test

Estradiol 2.3 Range 1.3-3.3

Progesterone 390 Range 75-270

Ratio: Pg/E2 170 Range 100-500

Testosterone 1329 Range 16-55

DHEAS 14.7 Range 2-23

Cortisol 5.8 Range 3.7-9.5

I have known about this gene since 2014 - Hetrozygous MTHFR Gene (Heterozygous 677 / Normal 1298 (i.e. one parent passed down a single 677 mutation))

**Blood work Sept 20, 2019***

Homocysteine 6.8 Rng 3.7-13.9

Vit D 43.9 Rng 30.0-100.0

Sodium 141 Rgn 133-144

Potassium 4.2 Rgn 3.5-5.5.1

Chloride 105 Rgn 98-107

Glucose 93 Rgn 70-99

BUN 19 Rgn 7-25

Creatinio 1.0 Rgn .6-1.2

Calcium 9.3 Rgn 8.6-10.3

Protien 6.9 Rgn 6.4-8.9

Albumin 4.5 Rgn 3.5-5.7

Bilirubin Tot .07. Rgn 0.0- 1.0

Alk Phos 58 34-104

AST ( SGOT) 16 Rgn13-39

Carbon Dioxide 20.3 Rgn 21.0-31.0

ALT (SGPT) 17. Rgn 7-52

Anione Gap. 15.7. Rgn 3.6-11.0

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GentleSoul profile image
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4 Replies
cazlooks profile image

you seem well tested..... I'll leave someone else to interpret these results as I'm out of my comfort zone with some. However, ebv. It can cause serious inflammation which works against you at every turn, join a support group on fb and start an anti inflammatory regime. Try echinacea twice daily and a good turmeric laden meal 3 times a week. That will bring down main inflammations. This really works and has the added bonus of supporting you if you catch colds/flu etc. too.

jamesal0 profile image

But whats wrong ? I couldn't work that out. You drive drive NDT on symptoms not blood tests

SeasideSusie profile image

I am not medically trained so I can only offering my comments on your test results based on my own experience, reading and research.

•A1C 5.3. Range- 5.7

Presumably this is the HbA1C test for diabetes. I don't think you're in the UK and I don't recognise your range.

In the UK below 42 mmol/mol (or below 6%) is normal, 42 to 47 mmol/mol (6.0% to 6.4%) is pre-diabetic, and 48 mmol/mol (6.5%) or over indicates diabetes. That may or may not help.

• Est Avg Glucose 105

Again, that result doesn't make much sense compared to our tests. 5% HbA1C (31mmol/mol) would have an average glucose of 5mmol/L, and 6% HbA1C (42mmol/mol) would have an average glucose of 7mmol/L. Again, that may or may not help.


Optimal iron levels, according to web.archive.org/web/2018083... are:

Serum iron: 55 to 70% of the range, higher end for men - yours is 39.5% so it's low

Saturation: optimal is 35 to 45%, higher end for men - yours 42%

TIBC: Low in range indicates lack of capacity for additional iron, High in range indicates body's need for supplemental iron - yours is 17.2% so it's low in range

Ferritin: Low level virtually always indicates need for iron supplementation yours 9% so it's very low. Ferritin is recommended to be half way through range.


TSH 0.398 Range 0.270-4.200

T4 free .69 Range 0.55-1.60 = 13% through range

T3 free 3.98 Range 2.52-4.34 = 80% through range

When on NDT we generally expect to see a low, maybe even suppressed TSH, FT4 lowish in range and FT3 is often better higher in range. Your results reflect that. If you don't feel well thyroid-wise with these results then that suggests the ratio of T4:T3 in NDT is not right for you. We are all different as to what that ratio needs to be and the 4:1 ratio of NDT isn't right for everyone. There isn't really any room to add extra T3 to your current amount of NDT as that would most likely take your FT3 over range. It's possible you may need your FT4 higher (I take Levo plus T3 and need both Ft4 and FT3 around 75% through range to feel best) and in that case the two options are to add synthetic levothyroxine to your NDT or change to a combination of synthetic levothyroxine plus T3.

Thyroglobulin Ab 1 Range 0-4

Thyroid Peroxidase Ab 1.64 Range 0.00-9.00

No indication of autoimmune thyroid disease.

Reverse T3 14.8 Range 9.0-27.0

Your result is within range. However, this is not a useful test because if the result was high the test can't tell us why it's high and there are many, many reasons for high reverse T3, only one of which is connected to the thyroid.


Vit B12 518 Range 180-914

You haven't given the unit of measurement, but if this is pg/ml or ng/L (both are the same) then according to an extract from the book, "Could it be B12?" by Sally M. Pacholok:

"We believe that the 'normal' serum B12 threshold needs to be raised from 200 pg/ml to at least 450 pg/ml because deficiencies begin to appear in the cerebrospinal fluid below 550".

"For brain and nervous system health and prevention of disease in older adults, serum B12 levels should be maintained near or above 1000 pg/ml."


Vit D 43.9 Rng 30.0-100.0

The Vit D Council/Vit D Society recomments a level of 40-60ng/ml so this is within that range although if it was me I'd want mine nearer the upper end of the range so there is room for you to increase your dose of D3 if you wish.


I can't comment on the others I'm afraid. If they're in range then there is probably nothing to worry about, if out of range then you should discuss with your doctor.

GentleSoul profile image
GentleSoul in reply to SeasideSusie

Wow, you explained this better then my doctor. Thank you for your reply. I think I am baffled with the fatigue and exercise intolerance. But greatly appreciate your time and knowledge on this!

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