Posts - NRAS | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for October 2011

And heres another newbie!!!!

This site is a breathe of fresh air to me,after being diagnosed only 6weeks ago ...
clair profile image

Can I take a multivitamin containing Folic acid?

I take Folic acid 5mg once a week on the day after my methotrexate. I also have ...
Catjones profile image

Steroid injection and my skin?

This may be a daft one, but a friend called last night who I've not seen for abo...
KathH profile image
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elbow pain

i started with pains on the inner arm in the elbow joint the elbow bone isnt hur...
ohbother69uk profile image


does anyone unerstand the details in my letter from the ra nurse as i said befor...
ohbother69uk profile image

I get terrible Itching on my back, to the point I scratch the skin raw. Is this related to anti tnf treatments or pain killers?

I have Ankylosing Spondylitis and was on Humira and Methotrexate injections but ...
SpondyBlondie profile image

my doctor as prescribed folic acid after blood test and i dont know why

vicki123 profile image

folic acid

hi my i had blood test last week i havent seen doc yet but i had to pick up a pe...
vicki123 profile image

Hi all, i am new to this site, i would like to know if anyone with RA suffers with Bursitis?

Hidden profile image

Yet another newbie!

Having been diagnosed with RA last year, I am now just being screened for Tb so ...
PJ68 profile image

Another Newbie!!!

Had RA 2 years now and many of the comments I read I can relate too, some I can'...
PeteC profile image

Zippetydo da (1)

Feel like kicking up my heels (chance would be a fine thing), shouting the news ...
LavendarLady profile image

I am angry

This has been forming in my head for a little while so bear with me. As you all ...
sylvi profile image

URGENT - Just days left to help a good cause...

Dear All, I'm sorry to continually bombard you with requests for help, but we...
Oli-NRAS profile image

Did anyone get this years flu vaccine and get a sore arm & a gassy tum? To say the least!

Gina_K profile image

What does an increase in alt in liver function mean?

my gp just rang me to say my alt is up on liver function test this month should ...
Gina_K profile image

Can drugs used for RA cause weight gain.

My weight seems to keep going up and up even though I eat less than others.I hav...
avjh profile image

Shall i risk having the Rhufliximib infusion as Humira and Infliximib did not work .

As a newbie and have done a blog with not a lot of info , sorry . I am at pres...
pottypam profile image

Newbie - Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. Flare Up at the moment so not feeling great.

Hi All I have been on this sight for a few weeks now, reading all the lovely po...
lilolil profile image


I have had RA for about 15 years and osteo for 30 and another form of it from a...
pottypam profile image


Hi folks! Hope you are all keeping chirpy. Am being treated for RA - since A...
CaroF profile image

Winters coming!!!!

I got home from work today and my knees where giving me serious jip due to stand...
sciqueen profile image

Shopped til dropped

Hi all, had a lovely day today, went shopping with my best pal Liz, we actual...
Gina_K profile image

Does anyone have a cyst in there ankle due to RA

Consultant said that the soft tissue is bulging and i now have a cyst as well in...
Julie1 profile image

Post wedding,things i want to add now that would have spoilt the wedding enjoyment.

This is all i suffered before and during the wedding. Our car was a big worry,we...
sylvi profile image

What are the connections between RA and pleurisy?

I keep getting recurrent pleurisy, they now say it's because my RA has damaged m...
Barbaraj2 profile image

Please tell me this will get better

Hi I've not yet had official diagnosis but consultant has confirmed inflamatory ...
KathH profile image

Preparing for Surgery.

Hello, As most of you might know, I was diagnosed 3 years ago with RA and mos...
Gina_K profile image

wedding weekend oh what a weding!!!

Well lovely people here i am returned home exhausted. Got ulcers in my mouth ach...
sylvi profile image

How do I know if hydroxchloroquine (plaquinele) is working?

I've taken it for 30 days now, still no let up in the pain I am experiencing. Th...
sciqueen profile image