Posts - Fibromyalgia Action UK | HealthUnlocked

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for May 2013

SHEE33 1 - ATOS 0

yes i got the letter today and i won my appeal, Im so happy, they awarded me 18 ...
she33 profile image

she33 1 - ATOS 0

yes u have guessed it i won my appeal got the letter today and cant believe it, ...
she33 profile image

not about fibro deepest sympathy to the soldier

I just want to say my heart goes to the soldier & family and to offer my deepest...
chicme profile image
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Having a bad day ??

Since changing to cymbalta about 2 months ago I have been feeling more me, but h...
mooo1967 profile image

to those who failed to win at ESA tribunals...

I was wondering if age had anything to do with it? Is it mainly younger people w...

Breaking thru the fibro fog the book

There was a conference in April with the author of this book and i went along wi...
josie46 profile image

Re. GPs to replace sleeping pills, pain relief with physio and counselling!

Presumably there is a huge surplus of physios and counsellors currently twiddlin...
tulips123 profile image

Fibro breakthrough

Study title: A blood spot based diagnostic test for fibromyalgia syndrome and r...
Jackieathor profile image

Help with claims and appeals

There is a site called fightback on facbook run by experts wbo are having great...
Hidden profile image

Off to the clinic for scans today

Morning all Well off for my scans today, 9 40 appointment, feeling a little app...
lyndia profile image

Hi everyone it is the day the Gardener arrives for Ist visit

unfortunately I have really nasty pain in back and it is running around to my tu...
Ginsing profile image

Adequate Pain Relief! What a difference!!!!!!!!!!

For quite some time my pain levels were becoming increasingly intolerable. I dev...
tulips123 profile image

ill again

Well still fighting the council, but our local councillor is trying to help us n...
ronald53 profile image

Failed ESA tribunal. What now?

Well, I waited 12 months for my tribunal and didn't get anywhere. I was almost i...
Deefer profile image

Don't just assume something

March 4th I had an interview with a compliance officer at my local job centre, d...

Half marathon for Fibroaction Please support Us Xxx
cloflow profile image

Been prescribed cymbalta today anyone else taking this .

Already taking nortriptyline at night and nefopam , doc said I can take nortript...
angib53 profile image

Just received this email

We did it! Iain Duncan Smith will be held to account for his misuse of Governme...
Boromoor profile image

im a 30 year old women,i have sufferd with fibro since i was 7 yrs old,and have now been told i have spondylitis.

last year in september i had to go to the atos for a medical which didnt go we...
bec29 profile image

Scientists prove Fibromyalgia really exists - it's not just in our heads. Take this to your non-believing GPs.

I found this today... A second scientific study has confirmed that the Fibrom...
Sandy247 profile image

I have put the question below as it was too long to put in here.

My doctor has told me that the 'powers above her' have written to all the doctor...
Sookie profile image

If you had no faith in the DWP before, you'll have even less after you've read this!
Boromoor profile image

had esa tribunal

well went along to tribunal this morning and dont know how it went, i burst out ...
she33 profile image

Why is it that I can never find my replies , are u not getting them, I have joined in and answered many blogs

Why is it that I answer many blogs and join in any conversations but can never f...
Cookie72 profile image

Hot feet, cold feet.

Morning everyone, I have been having restless leg syndrome for years now, but al...
Izzy51 profile image

A few things on my mind.

I have just been diagnosed with fibro, no medication yet as letter from consulta...
Joanne1973 profile image

Hi all. I have been reading about stem cell treatment ,has anybody heard of anyone in the uk who does this? It seems to work . LYNDIA x

lyndia profile image

Ouch the pain. It is a little better today [however have written a very bloring blog but it might entertain someone,]

Hi all. Well, the pain is a little better in as much as the sciatica has subsid...
lyndia profile image


As everyone knows living with fibro everyday is a minefield of many different sy...
kiera2002 profile image

Yesterday I felt I was being looked after I have found a gardener - how

wonderful :) I am dubious as to how many talents he has (in the garden VG) ...
Ginsing profile image