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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for October 2015


I'm sorry if this sounds dramatic but I need some support. No one around me seem...

Zoladex injection

Has anyone ever had a blister appear after the zoladex injection?
Phoebe-sb profile image

op number 2 here we come!!!

hi all, ive seen the endo specialist today and im pencilled in for another lap!!...
dawntildusk profile image
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Wrong end?

Hello to all the fighters out there, just a quick question, I hope its not too c...
meandendo profile image


My periods had been on time well roughly 28 days for a few months but before tha...
lifewithendo profile image


So a quick removal of a cysts size of a orange turns out that I have endometrios...
Hidden profile image

Advice needed???

Hi, I've been having problems with my health for nearly 2 years now and I have s...
AG22 profile image

Work, Living & Endo!

Ok, so this morning I wrote how I was on the verge of losing my job. This evenin...
ADeeL91 profile image

Need help

So Iv been on n the pill for about 6months and have had no problems. Last two w...
Amb3r_jad3 profile image

Endo removal & myectomy.

Hi I have grade 4 endo. I am going in for an op to release the endo from all my...
Alpa profile image


Hi I am in the process of a complaint procedure does anyone have any tips or any...
Alpa profile image

Endo on uterosacral ligaments and pregnancy

I was dx a few years ago with endo on my uterosacral ligaments. There is one spo...

Time for a specialist

Ive decided my pain needs investigating more, I'm sure ive recovered from my hys...
Tboag profile image

Mirena Coil

Hi, I had my first mirena coil inserted ten days ago at the same time as having ...
amy-x profile image

Period lasting over 3 months?!

I was prescribed mercilon just over 3 months ago to try to help with relieving m...
Kall27 profile image

Endometriosis & Bladder

TMI!! Currently sat on the loo. Been here for 3 hours. Crying my eyes out and pi...
ADeeL91 profile image


Hi all, Well i would be due to be going to my pre op appointment shortly for my...
lifewithendo profile image

Got my first initial appointment...

Hi all, I have got my first appointment in the next couple of weeks with a gyno ...
amzjp profile image

Thank you for supporting my half marathon

Hello Endo warriors, I just wanted to thank you for the support/donations/and s...

feel like I already know what my answer is going to be....

Hi everyone I am getting closer to my appoitment to see my gp to recieve my resu...
Neenee92 profile image

Going for hysterectomy

Hi ladies, Well I have reached a decision that I'm going to most likely have a h...
fedupwithendo profile image


My doctor sent me to A&E last Monday 5th Oct. They further admitted me to the Gy...
EmilyM14 profile image


What's it like to have a laparoscopy? Does it cause more problems? Does it a wh...
GemCat17 profile image

Zoladex odd symptom?

Hi, this question is for those who are on zoladex or had it. Did any of you expe...
Amy_jane profile image


hi there can anyone tell me if they get pain inermittently. i had chronic pai...
jellybaby15 profile image

Burning sensation

Has anyone experienced this burning sensation with Endo?
Mm76 profile image

Feel crappy😢

Hi, been diagnosed with endometriosis about 2 weeks ago. At the time I felt rele...
Lucy16 profile image


Hi everyone I have been suffering with endometriosis for the last 5 years these ...
mgzrrover7 profile image

Confused 😱

Just back from a gmeds appointment. she checked my previous scan results yes mul...

Time off work after lap

How long did people take off work post lap? I had mine a week ago and had remova...
frankie28 profile image