Posts - Anxiety Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety Support

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All posts for July 2019

Worried about stopping antibiotics too soon

Has anyone here stopped taking a course of antibiotics too early.I was on the an...
Diamond22 profile image

Holter Monitor Results

I got my holter monitor results back today. Can anyone tell me what “intermitte...
ss017 profile image

Venting so I won’t cry

Hi I recently got hired to this cool new job. I was awesome in the interview, b...
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Anxiety and weight loss

I know these two go hand in hand, I’m trying to get on top of both but it’s so d...
MrsSimpki profile image

Why is this?

i'll be doing nothing and my anxiety will randomly hit why does this happen my h...
Meyer_Gdmnx profile image

Another day.

Today is another day. Let that be a reminder that you’ve made it from yesterday....
aprlcap profile image

Am I crazy?

This is a bit different to most subjects discussed on the site, but it is about ...

Why does hip ache so much after bending over.

I did a little gardening today and my hip and knee hurt so much. It is an ache i...
Hands_1 profile image

Nausea again

I had fish and chips last night and for the first time I didn’t enjoy it as much...
Laniben profile image

Dude anxiety is the worst it’s ever been !

eally don’t know what is causing this, but I am so terrified I’m gonna end up ch...
Jmerrick22 profile image

Food poisoning or anxiety or something else??

Hello, So last Monday (the 24th June) I came down with horrible diarrhoea (sorr...
Sugarplum1811 profile image

Vitamin B helps lessen derealization a LOT, but makes me more anxious??

Hidden profile image

Fear of fainting/passing out anxiety

Hi all! So I have this fairly new fear of fainting in public places. So I’ve bee...
winona4ever profile image

Lots of posts about breathing- this might help

Routine Mammogram FEARS

I have a routine mammogram tomorrow. I have been swimming in a fear loop for abo...

Burping Betty tonight

I’ve been trying to burp for the past half hour and feel I want to do a really l...
Laniben profile image

deep muscle itch all over

bothering me after reading about some neurological disorders that cause this.

Propanalol 40mg

I take propanalol 40mg once a day, does any one know how to wean off this medica...
Krasykat profile image

can anxiety make you feel sensations you never felt before?

after reading on certain neurological disorders i felt the symptoms such as burn...
Hidden profile image


I feel like my anxiety is at its peak in the morning as soon as I wake up. Does ...
aspeers22 profile image


I was just proscribed zoloft but my father was on it and hes having these vivid ...
Godisthecur profile image

What is this !? Does anyone know or heard of anything similar ??

Hi ! I’ve just completed EMDR therapy for PTSD. The one thing it hasn’t solved a...
Danevans01 profile image

Fighting my anxiety and it’s not easy to shrug off

Been nervous all day and bc I am going through things. I am worrying and it’s ab...


i’ve gotten way better at controlling my anxiety, figured out things that helps ...


Just curious if anyone experienced really vivid dreams while taking Lexapro. The...
mer10 profile image

Scared to take my med

So I finally transitioned my babygirl to Formula so I can go back to taking my M...

Back to worry.

I happenes to comment on another group about someone who has been having twitchi...
Ericamo1 profile image

Heart palpitations

I 've been getting a few more than normal heart palpitations recently I know nor...
Dean872 profile image

Plane trip

What was your first travelling by plane like (since being diagnosed with some of...
masa2333 profile image

Escitalopram/ Lexapro-5 weeks in!

After a pretty rough first 2 weeks of side effects ( I nearly gave up after a we...
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