Fear of fainting/passing out anxiety - Anxiety Support

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Fear of fainting/passing out anxiety

winona4ever profile image
29 Replies

Hi all! So I have this fairly new fear of fainting in public places. So I’ve been avoiding literally everything public. Even bringing my kids to the park. I’m so afraid I’m going to embarrass myself and be out of control. I’ve never fainted before so I have no idea where this is coming from. I’ve had health anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder since I was 10, I’m now in my late twenties. This fear is affecting my everyday life so miserably. My anxiety always manifests in different ways and fears. Like heart attack, pulmonary embolism, seizures, etc. But never this passing out fear that came out of no where and has lasted a very long time. I can’t enjoy anything anymore. Also! It’s not social anxiety I don’t think. As I love being around people. Any advice or someone to relate with would be so helpful. Thank you!!

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winona4ever profile image
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29 Replies
Agora1 profile image

dearest winona, this is still anxiety playing it's mind game with you.

When the things we worry about don't transpire, our anxiety picks yet another

fear to see if we will fold with that one. This is all an automatic response to our

high adrenaline. Our subconscious mind stores the fears that we have and plays

them over each and every night while we sleep. Is it any wonder that we wake up

to morning anxiety afraid to face the new day??

Looking back at your other posts, I see that all this seems to have started with seeing

your brother have a seizure. And no matter what the cause of it was at the time, it

left it's mark on you. Sometimes when we witness an upsetting health event with someone else, we start thinking it can and will happen to us. That's not true. You

are not your brother. I don't think it's social anxiety either.

I would start working on different methods in bringing down your anxiety. It's not

always about medication and therapy but retraining our brain in thinking more

positively. When a negative thought appears and you feel the rush of adrenaline,

ask yourself, "is this doing me any good?" And then reverse that thought as quickly

as it came and continue with what you were doing. It takes practice but well worth

the results in allowing you to enjoy your life once more. :) xx

winona4ever profile image
winona4ever in reply to Agora1

Thank you so much for your reply. It truly means so much to me and is deeply appreciated. Your words really absorbed and I feel like that reminder is so good to hear from someone else. Sending you all my best, thank you again!!!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to winona4ever

:) xx

Cat33 profile image
Cat33 in reply to winona4ever

Hello winona4ever

If you type in DARE Response - fainting it will bring up the section I mentioned earlier

All the best x

winona4ever profile image
winona4ever in reply to Cat33

Thank you so much!

sweetiepye profile image

If you think you are going to faint, lie down immediately . This is the fastest way to get blood to the brain. It works. Pam

winona4ever profile image
winona4ever in reply to sweetiepye

Thank you Pam, I appreciate your reply!

Cat33 profile image

Hello winona4ever

I can't better Agora's wonderful reply but just to add I can recommend DARE Response by Barry McDonnagh it's a fantastic book and there is a section about fainting that would bring you a lot of comfort I'm sure

Wishing you all the very best xx

Kkimm profile image
Kkimm in reply to Cat33


Is it possible to summarize the DARE response for us to read.

Best wishes


Cat33 profile image
Cat33 in reply to Kkimm

Yes of course I'll get back to you later today as I'm just off out xx

Cat33 profile image
Cat33 in reply to Kkimm

Hello Kim

I've just seen if you type in DARE Response -fainting - the section that is in the book is on there x

winona4ever profile image
winona4ever in reply to Cat33

Oh wow! Thank you for the recommendation. I’d love to get and read! I’ll order today. Thanks again and sending my best to you.

Cat33 profile image
Cat33 in reply to winona4ever

The book is brilliant it really makes a lot of sense

Good luck x

Kkimm profile image


I really feel for you it must be so difficult especially with young children.

Have you had any therapy or medication at all. Antidepressants were a life saver for me. Very best wishes.


winona4ever profile image
winona4ever in reply to Kkimm

Yes I go to therapy once a week but I’ve never taken medication for it. Getting to the point of feeling like I need to though.

Clarrisa profile image

It may help also to stay well hydrated especially if you are experiencing hot weather. Avoid constrictive clothing & dress on the cool side.

Maybe take baby steps towards what you are trying to accomplish. Set shorter term & longer term goals. A longer term goal could be to go to the park. Shorter term goals could be to spend some time just sitting outside. Bring cold fluids to drink & small ice packs should you need help staying cool.

Visualize the Amazon river keeping you cool!

winona4ever profile image
winona4ever in reply to Clarrisa

Thank you for your sweet reply! Feeling very grateful for all your replies. That is a good idea. I was thinking yesterday to maybe carry a water bottle with me at all times or something. Maybe with some lemon and honey and apple cider vinegar. Something like that. Thank you for your recommendations! All my best

chamonix0522 profile image

I actually do pass out and its always been at home. I have 2 jobs and figure if I pass out at work then I will probably just go out on disability. I am 53 though and dealing with this for only 2 1/2 years. I reluctantly got on a small dose of effexor rx for my anxiety and it has helped tremendously with fears and phobias. I am not recommending medication but try different things from meditation to yoga in order to help you get through this temporary period. You are so young and can beat this with the support of your friends and family. Debbie

winona4ever profile image
winona4ever in reply to chamonix0522

May I ask why you pass out? Is it a medical problem you experience? I think having never passed out, the fear of the unknown scares me a lot. And I don’t want to embarrass myself in public and have people see me pass out and have to help me or something. Thank you for your reply and sending you love!!!

chamonix0522 profile image

I had my first episode around 40 due to anxiety and it stuck around for 2 months until I got on Effexor. What I mean stuck around is I get these terrible adrenaline rushes that feel like I am at the top of a roller coaster and I want to jump out of my skin. These can last hours, days or weeks If I do not calm myself down I will get heart palpitations, my blood pressure drops, I get tunnel vision and pass out. The episodes stopped for about 10 years and then hit when I had my first hot flash. Heart palpitations accompanied mine the second time. I see a heart doctor at Cleveland Clinic and going to a neurologist this month. Now it only happens before or after the bathroom. Its called Autonomic Nervous System disorder because anytime you feel like passing out even if you don't it involves the vagus nerve. I have seen integrated medicine doctors, functional medicine doctors and 2 episodes were recorded on an EKG and Blood pressure monitor. I got on the hormone patch, take Effexor and increased my salt intake. I really had to self diagnose along with what the doctors have done. They even suggested acupuncture. Try and take small steps and go places with the kids. Maybe the library or park and only stay a little while. I had to do the same or would have ended up in my house all the time. You do have some control over your vagus nerve and think you will find it interesting to look it up online. Coughing, cool showers, breathing exercises, changing my diet have helped a lot. If you ever get to the point where you really feel like your going to pass out you must lay down because I got hurt twice by trying to get to a couch or bed. Anxiety can make you feel like you are light headed and going to pass out. It is a very uncomfortable and unwanted feeling. The doctors say it isn't life threatening but there isn't a cure just good management of the symptoms. I wish you the best and stay strong for your children. Debbie

winona4ever profile image
winona4ever in reply to chamonix0522

Thank you so much for all your helpful information. Bless you! That sounds very difficult. You are truly not alone. Sending love!

Omg this is so me! I get the weirdest head symptoms and just wait to faint while I’m out ... it’s so scary

primrose81 profile image

I can sympathise with you entirely as it happened to me once - it was at a family barbecue. All I can remember is my vision going, went to sit down on chair and promptly passed out. They sent for an ambulance and it turned out it was Left Branch Bundle Block

primrose81 profile image
primrose81 in reply to primrose81

Anyway you have been given excellent advice here and I would empathise how important it is to "get down low" i.e. on the ground as the heart consultant said to me. Wishing you all the best x.I really like the sound of that book by the way! Thank you.

winona4ever profile image
winona4ever in reply to primrose81

So sorry that happened to you! Thank you for your reply. So is that something that you have to take anything for? Or is it just random and sporadic? Sending my best!

primrose81 profile image
primrose81 in reply to winona4ever

It is a bit of both, difficult to describe heart thing - basically I think the left bit of the heart shuts down(hence the bundle block thing) while the right side tries to take over.It can happen very quickly and there is notreatment for it. I think Itemd tox

primrose81 profile image
primrose81 in reply to primrose81

Sorry about nonsensical bit, the reply box seems to have a limit of space - don't understand how people write long posts! I'm so glad to hear you don't have GAD and enjoy being with people. I tend to panic a lot and tend to hyperventilate.Good luck xx

How are you doing?

winona4ever profile image
winona4ever in reply to

Thank you for asking. Kind of the same to be honest. It’s not seeming to really get better. Thinking maybe exposure therapy? It’s so uncomfortable.

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