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Anxiety Support

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All posts for August 2017


I am 52 yr old father of a special child struggling for his education in this so...

Prozac and cipralex together?

Hi All I need answers fast please. My doctor has put me on two antidepressants....
Debby47 profile image

Sexual abuse

Hey guys. I hope your all doing ok and pushing through. I need some advice. With...
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Panic attack at its worst

finally went to the er this weekend. I went out to eat with a friend of mine I s...
Erod626 profile image


Rachieb hi I'm Cheryl 12 I suffer with social anxiety and can't go anywhere ther...
Cheryl2 profile image

Cant work im stuck

I have general anxiety been seeing a specalest for three years been on medicatio...

emetophobia, scary facebook post.

I`m emetophobic, & wrote a post about it on a facebook site. I had a reply from ...
hairyfairy profile image

Advice please

It's been a while since I've been on here as I'm trying to get better. But yeste...
abzaboo profile image

Doctors Appointment For Tomorrow.

So the weekend has passed and I rang up this morning to book an appointment and ...
_Reba_ profile image

Hi there

I'm new on here and to the communities I suffer from Generalized Anxiety, Depres...
Maybgoofy2 profile image

Where does this feeling of being about to die comes from?

Hi all, Another eventful day at A&E yesterday for me. I was getting ready to go ...
Madrilean77 profile image


I have severe agoraphobia, I can't leave my room. I'm lonely and depressed with...
kelli333 profile image

Face numbness due to anxiety??

I'm a single mom to a special needs child and suffering from depression and anxi...

Best treatment

Hi am new here.want to know what's the best treatment for panic disorder
JadeDennis profile image


Hello there I've been using propranolol 40mg 3 times a day for anxiety, to be t...
Helena1965 profile image

So i think i know what is the problem with hopefully it is i was hearing about

i think something is wrong with my vagus nerve in my body thats doing all this m...
Johnnie1234 profile image


hey what heppened to me i dont know beause when when i heard.about any disease l...
shehzad123 profile image

I need some advice

Ive recently started to take anti depressants and its making me get fog brain qu...
Hidden profile image

Overthinking about animals being hurt

I am 16 years old and overthink to much , I have a dog which I love and everytim...
GAOx profile image

Questioning myself on something I know for a fact I didn't or wouldn't do??

OK.. I've been feeling about the same. But yesterday I was real irritable all da...
Wb88 profile image

Hello everyone ...

Soo i was fine until i ate fast food and drank a can of soda but for some reason...
Johnnie1234 profile image

What a day ...

Does anyone ever get days where you just feel alone and sad. I keep thinking 💭 ...
Jmerrick22 profile image

Seasonal weather.

Well i havent been , on here for weeks becwuse ive had control on my anxiety.. w...

Sooooo lowwwww neeeee someoneeeee

My heart starts to pump like outside of my chest , I do have a lot of mucas and ...


Hi. I've been suffering from anxiety quite badly since around January 2017. I di...


Does anyone else get frequent headaches? Mine is on going tension headaches, I d...

Going to a doctor

Yesterday I talked to a friend, he is a doctor and told me to check for Meniere'...
Labanino profile image


So i am a highly sensitive person. I have a hard time even taking antibiotics wi...
Shlbell86 profile image

Fighting back from today

I have decided from today that my depression and anxiety is NOT going to beat me...
stellexxx0 profile image

Hate these damn pills

I hate taking mirtazapine it makes me so tired and crap. Doesn't do anything to ...
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