Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for March 2023

Anxiety and Depression in the Family

Since I am new here, this is my first post. Thank you for including me. A fami...

A Flood of Emotions

It’s getting harder to stay afloat. I can’t stop my mind from racing and going t...
Sloth23 profile image

Scared for a future talk

My BFF said we need to have a time set up for a serious talk and i cant help but...
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When in the day do you take your meds?

do you find that a particular time of day is best? My doctors don’t seem to have...
Kelkel00 profile image

Pulsating Chest when falling asleep !!!

Hi guys So when i fall asleep or sometimes when I’m waking up, I get this wei...
Linzib1 profile image

Hi how are you all doing has any one heard of wellbeing. And did you find it has helped you

Hello there hope everyone is well has anyone heard of wellbeing group and has an...

Grateful to be alive

I never thought I'd say I'm grateful to be alive. But I am. All my life I've sai...
Caseopia profile image

ADAA Blog: White Knuckling: All Pain, No Gain

White knuckling is the term used to describe the process of fighting or powering...
ADAATeamRachel profile image

Powerful image.

Its not the shell its whats inside.
gerrerd profile image

As you sow so shall you reap.

gerrerd profile image


Pick the good ones leave the rest.
gerrerd profile image

Im going crazy pt2

So i met some guy on my favourite videogame and followed each other on social me...


There are often instances in your life which push you towards realising if any o...

Coping isn't coping

Drives me nuts when someone tells me to turn my mental illness into art, writing...

Im going insane

AghkjjfdfhuhbcgghI can't calm down my damn mind. I write and talk bs and ppl ask...

In the eye of the storm.

I sit here, it is what I have to do. I read. Books, articles, whatever keeps m...

new friend

I recently met a new friend that lives in the same neighborhood as me and so fa...
Curry223 profile image

Guilt is a useless feeling

my nephew is dying- he’s 37. He’s been hanging on for a week. I’m several states...

What does Come and Treat First?: Depression or Poor Sleep Quality?

Hi, all _ this is first post downhere on Anxiety and Depression, even though I ...
Cowbsky profile image


Does anxiety make you loose weight and upset your stomach?
Caribgirl profile image

feeling anxious again after starting to feel better….relapse?!

so I’ve been taking Prozac for almost exactly 2 months now. Just added Wellbutri...
Kelkel00 profile image


Hi just started taking Prozac for anxiety, Iam having nausea, how long does it t...
Caribgirl profile image

great stuff

I been on it for years and it works great! Tried something else due to my weight...
Muchneeded profile image

My Self-Care Story

For several years, I was working two jobs (one that was full time with travel an...

Managing Anxiety

I had my liver biopsy yesterday, so now the waiting begins for the pathology res...
Sawdust23 profile image


Breathe in Breathe out.



Letting go.

If it does not bring you peace, let it go.


Nature knows best.
gerrerd profile image


Everything changes.