Since I am new here, this is my first post. Thank you for including me.
A family member suffers from anxiety and depression. It's now manifesting as such fear of the pandemic that she will not take her mask off at work long enough to take a sip of water. She insists on bringing a hepa filter to the doctor's office. It goes on and on. News sets her off with fear, too. I need help dealing with her fears. So worried, she is controlling me. To get along with her, I am conflicted about her limits for me. I have COPD, which is the focus of her fear. So, I am grateful for her protection, yet concerned with her extreme zero tolerance for herself over the pandemic. There are hundreds of examples of that, too many for typing. Where do I go for guidance to help her? She is on Lexapro, but it's not enough to cover this fear. Thank you in advance.