Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for November 2022

ADAA Story of Triumph: Anxiety = Taboo

"Walking up the stairs I approached the sky lounge. I was nervous, palms sweaty,...

It’s so difficult.

Grieving is so hard when you already have major depression and other mental illn...

Thoughts & Feedback on Overcoming Your Anxiety....

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all doing well! I am new here and I hoped you can...
taomon profile image
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Sis is sick and her teacher said "she's gonna end her from exams when she's back" and i'm panicing

She texted me this some hours ago. I didn't get a notification and noticed some ...

Scared of how life has become. Hoping for better

Background - in March of this year I had a panic attack that floored me. First a...

Did i jump to assumptions through irrational thinking?

It's my Mothers birthday tomorrow and i was asking if/when she was around. She s...
Shanm2 profile image

Trivial Pursuit: Neighbors Edition

Have you ever had an, let's say, interesting neighbor, and how did you deal with...
Hidden profile image


I received a scary diagnosis, pleural effusion. I've freaked out, cried so hard ...
Raggedy-Ann profile image

Unlikely Friendship Photo of the Day.....

Step away from yourself for a few minutes and just think about this beauty.....


I'll share something goofy with everyone. So last year I purchased one of these ...
Hidden profile image

physically tired but can’t sleep

I have not slept in like 24 hrs Tomorrow is a big day for me and I need to res...

Rough with the smooth.

It's all in the game!
gerrerd profile image


Mind empty.
gerrerd profile image

Fifty one.

And counting.
gerrerd profile image

Simple as ABC.

gerrerd profile image


gerrerd profile image


Repeat, repeat.
gerrerd profile image

What's the point?

I don't see the point in living anymore. I'm not actively suicidal but life seem...
Milkshake_15 profile image

When should/could enough be enough?

When ones depression is frequently triggered and worsening as age keeps rising. ...
Amelua profile image

How do you deal with panic attacks?

Mine come at random times when I start thinking about the trouble in my life or ...
Mommycakes profile image


Why do I feel sad about not winning the powerball ? Like I know there’s a very l...

arrgh………it’s bad enough to have anxiety induced fear but

….I also feel so intensely ashamed that I am afraid of things that seem so ordin...

Missing Family Life

It's obvious that the holiday spirit is alive and well in my neighborhood. A 5-m...
Hidden profile image


Have wife and 21 and 24 year old. Retired with mental health breakdown , last 2 ...
Rangers15- profile image


Hi, I thought it would try out a support group since I can’t seem to get relief...

What do you do or think of that makes you feel safe when you have fear?

For me right now it’s thinking of the hope that I may go to God, angels, and a h...
Starrlight profile image

Getting off Ativan

I'm seeking advice and recommendations to coming off Ativan, I'm on 0.5mg twice...
GucciPaddy profile image

how do i know if i have anxiety?

i'm not sure why i'm feeling so strange recently. i used to be full of optimism...
dwhp profile image

Give The Devil Some Anxiety!

He deserves it!

I can't sleep sometimes because of my nightmares that I am still having every single night.

I was wondering if I could talk to a trustworthy female that I can possibly talk...
FallBaby2001 profile image