Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for April 2022

Need friends, but my anxiety tells me no :(

Does anyone have any tips on social anxiety? I want to meet and talk to new peop...
biglover profile image

The trip is over Tommorrow. I got sick and mom's offering to take me home but i don't know

I don't know what to do. I just worry and worry about whether to go home and whe...

Good Article for Those with Anxiety

Doing the "goose shake" and "antelope shake" actually sounds silly/fun, and unde...
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I miss my dad and best friend and my cat

This is for ur love ones who passed away
Cutiey75 profile image

We all to the best we can

I want to share this.
Cutiey75 profile image


I look right, Judgement, I look left, Judgement, I tend to keep to myself, Becau...

Short recording about Dr. Claire Weekes on the BBC...

It was Dr. Claire Weekes' approach that enabled me to recover from anxiety. BBC ...
CarlJames profile image

Lexapro(escitalopram) side effects

Anyone on here have experience with taking Lexapro? Just started my 10mg lexapro...
Jsteve36 profile image


Lie #1-You're supposed to have it all together Lie #2-Everybody's life is perfec...
Therapist104 profile image

A life I don't want but can't stop

I pretty much don't have a life like Everything about me is a lie.... I'm in too...
W-saint profile image


I feel like a vampire, not the childish ones, but the real ones. The real vampir...

Good morning a newbie here and suffering badly to cope.

Hello all, i hope everyone is well. Ive posted on Health Unlocked before but abo...

New side effects on Sertraline

Hi I’ve been on Sertraline for almost 8 weeks..I recently started with eye probl...
crackpotty profile image

How can I cope with my stress without getting overwhelmed to tears?

I've been going through this pattern for awhile (I noticed it after the pandemic...
Indiegal profile image

How long does it take to get a good diagnosis?

I am an extremely sensitive person, shy, and I admit I do have some anger issues...


But never defeated !
gerrerd profile image

We shall overcome !

Every day !
gerrerd profile image

Story of Triumph: My Panic Attack

Yasmina was having a normal day until she experienced a panic attack for the fir...

ADAA Blog Post: Menstruation Matters for Mood. Period. Or does it?

“You must be on your period.” “You’re just being hormonal.” Many of us have hear...
ADAATeamRachel profile image

I'm maaaaad. Nobody takes me into consideration

Mom desided to go a goddamn trip now. And now i have volunteering classes which ...

Just started a volunteering role, branching out into the public for the 1st time in a year or so.

I've been unable to work or live in a socially connected way for around 5 years ...
Huxtable profile image

Apparently i can't live with my family. I try breathing, meds, pmr, water. But i can't stand my family, they trigger me

I blew out. Mom's annoying the hell out of sis and i started Yelling because i'm...

Why? Why? Why?

Why do I have to suffer? Why does God turn his back on us who are suffering and ...

Slowly Dying

I cry myself to sleep, because no one wants to help me, and I'm a little lonely....
Therapist104 profile image

Teary Eyes

My momma called the therapist, Cause she said I'm a little, Anxious too much, Wh...
Therapist104 profile image


i have bad nightmares everyday, it's tiring and it wakes me up. i don't know wha...
Aphroditee profile image

We need a Mental Health Moonshot. NIH funding is inequitable compared to physical conditions. War on Cancer began in '71.

My beautiful died by suicide after becoming exhausted with treatment/medications...
Walts_Waltz profile image

Need Someone Please I'm desperate

My boyfirend left me and I burnt all my bridges. I need someone to talk to.
JackieWillis profile image

Relationship anxiety

Good morning 🙂 Does anyone else suffer with relationship anxiety? I’m scared I’...

Failing !

Or learning !
gerrerd profile image