Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for April 2022

Rough day with siblings

I'm going to start by saying most days my brother is like my best friend. But to...

Feeling stuck

I'm feeling sad and stuck. I can't seem to stay present sometimes. I am trying...
simpleasvat profile image

Reposted~ Good Anxiety or Depression Visualization Activity to Help Yourself... Getting better requires You to try your Very Best....

Storm Clouds, then Blue Sky "I can almost visualize the clouds rolling into my w...
TrustYourSoul profile image
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Depression and OCD led to FOMO

I've had sent off program at my college yesterday. Currently I was on medical le...

How to survive and cope with ZERO human support system. No family that cares,my illness is an embarrassment to them. No friends since either

“Hello darkness my old friend “ I battle sever depressive disorder (diagnosis is...

First day with my family and mom is already drinking and defending Russia

I hate her. I hate it. I hate my family. I hate being born. 1 day and mom's alre...

New medication

Hi . I started taking Wellbutrin 150 mg . Feeling very low and tired all the tim...

Don’t even recognize me anymore:(

Ok this depression seems to be getting worse ! I dread every day when I wake up ...
Sueislove profile image

Too Many Excuses~ Get up, wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair, get dressed.....

Then DO SOMETHING TODAY. There is NO magic solution that will drop down on anyo...

I was traveling and it didn't post but i really need help

We were on that trip and sis is sick and sacrificed herself to come. And Grandma...

My New Job!

I started my new job on Monday, working with animals and taking care of a ranch....

Today is Doctor Claire Weekes' birthday.

119 years later her teachings* continue to save lives blighted by anxiety and re...
Jeff1943 profile image

How to move on from pain, stop waiting, and accept things won’t happen as you want it to be?

Am back posting after a year. I thought i have healed, accepted that things i wa...
Stitching profile image

I'm so frustrated rn. How am i supposed to heal with a family like that?

Today we should have gone on a holiday with me, mom, sis and Grandma. But mom te...

Been on sertaline for 3 half months has any1 just ever quited the meds ?

So was on 25 for about 2 half months then 10 days of 50 i started to notice i wa...
Di01 profile image


You choose !
gerrerd profile image

I'm really struggling right now, exhausted.

I'm really struggling. Tired of living this way. I've practiced a lot of DBT ski...
Joshgw profile image

Overwhelmed by emotions

Hi my supporter groub.. Today I have faced a situation I have been avoiding.. ...
Hidden profile image

Empty Nest Issue:(

Hello to all, Having a bit of a depressive time as my son has moved out as of...
gracy225 profile image

As a psychology student i noticed something

I noticed in our scientific literature it's not called depression but a depressi...

6 weeks on sertraline 50mg 💊

Hello, looking for help and advice: I’m a 44 year old female, currently taking 5...
wafflesrus profile image

Has anyone tried Chinese Traditional Medicine to treat depression/anxiety/suicidal thoughts?

Since I tried many prescription antidepressants for over 11 years and received l...
sushinala profile image

Little things mean a lot

After weeks of trawling through reams of paper work,and then getting in a pickle...
secrets22 profile image

Change of Medication inquiry

I have been on sertraline for nearly ten years, and I still go through depressio...
eant65 profile image

A Long Winter

I work with people experiencing homelessness. It was a very long, cold winter. T...

In Depression let’s look to be grateful creatively while we wait for it to lift and making it out again still all available inside the soul

I am sinking into a hole of depression. A pit where I feel alone. And dark. And ...
Starrlight profile image

In charge of the chickens this weekend.

I'm hen pecked !
gerrerd profile image

Breathing !

From a master !
gerrerd profile image


Be here now !


Good vibrations !