Help with New blood results. Started with funct... - Thyroid UK

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Help with New blood results. Started with functional Doc and want to know your thoughts. Thanks

PittsburghKris profile image
13 Replies

I am Male.

I started going to a functional Doctor as I have gotten tired of dealing with GP's that will not look at anything else but TSH and getting nowhere with them.

The blood results are all requested by my functional Doc. With the results she has put me on LDN 1.5mg. Switched from Synthroid 112 and Lirothyronine 5mcg to Armour 90mg. Started Armour on the 8th of this month. Started on Candicidal supplement to help with potential minor yeast , My iodine is below range so about to start on xymodine supplement. And she said to try to avoid dairy and gluten as I show a reaction to them in blood tests. Dairy a lot worse then gluten.

Current ongoing symptoms are back pain for months off and on in thoratic area and knots under blades. Fatigue- crash in afternoons but do not take naps as I have to keep going to run my business. Sinus issues and sinus infections , blurry vision when reading and looking at screens, glasses help a lot. Joint aches and pains. ache and pains under arm pits and sides of ribs next to pecs. Glands in Pecs get sore once in a while. Cholesterol is bad but eat pretty well with not processed foods.

I currently take for past year or more--> B complex, B12, Vit D3 with K2, Vit C 1000mg, Omega 3, Magnesium Glysonite, CBD oil and probiotics.

Does it sound like she is putting me on the right track? Thank you.

TSH 6.9 .4-4.5

Ft3 2.8 2.3-4.2

Ft4 1.1 .8-1.8

Rt3- 10 8-25

Calcium 10.6 8.6-10.3 This is over range, could this be because of Vit d 5000IU i take everyday. But my Vit d is low .

Vit D- 36 30-100

Iodine 42 L 52-109

Thyroglobulin anit 26H <=1

Thyroid peroxidase AB 210H <9

Melatonin pm 5L 20-60

Insulin Serum 8.1 2.0-19.6

Pregnenolone 89 22-237

Magnesium 2.2 1.5-2.5

A1C 4.9 0-5.6

Estradiol 25 <or=39

Selenium 157 63-160

Testosterone total 542 250-1100

Testosterone free 80.2 35-155

Cholesterol 295H <199

HDL 66 >40

Cholesterol/HDL ratio 4.5 <5.0

LDL 191H 0-100

Triglycerides 199H <150

NOn- HDL Cholesterol 230H <130

HS-CRP 1.3 Average risk for cardio event.

Gliadin 6 <20

Anti-nuclear AB titer 1:160 Homogeneous

Saliva tests----

estrone saliva am <5.0 <5.0

Estriadiol saliva am <1 <2.5

Estriol saliva am 7.3H <4.1

Progesterone saliva am <1 <100

DHEA Saliva am .19 .09-1.60

Testosterone Saliva am 44 40-170

DHT Saliva am <10 <60

Cortisol AM 2.28 1.8-3.8

Cortisol noon .31 .3-1.4

Cortisol evening .14 .1-1.1

Cortisol night .19 .1-.8

I do know i have Hashi- I am not 100% gluten free yet but Dairy I am .

Thanks for reading through all of this and thank you for any guidance

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13 Replies
greygoose profile image

Sounds promising, except for the iodine. As you have Hashi's that might not be a good idea:

All too many doctors believe that the solution to all hypo problems is to throw iodine at it - at least she tested first, though, which is more than most of them do! But it's not true. Iodine can often make things much worse. And, if you absolutely have to take iodine, you should at least be taking selenium, as well. Not sure she really knows what she's doing, there.

PittsburghKris profile image
PittsburghKris in reply to greygoose

Even if the iodine is below range? I wonder if it will naturally rise once thyroid numbers get better?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to PittsburghKris

I don't know about if your iodine is below range, that's why you need an expert handling things. And I don't get the impression that she is an expert because she didn't suggest the very necessary selenium. The two need to be balanced.

Switched from Synthroid 112 and Lirothyronine 5mcg to Armour 90mg.

90 mg Armour contains 57 mcg T4 and 13.5 mcg T3. So she's given you a bit of a reduction in dose. If we take it that T3 is three times stronger than T4, the extra 8.5 mcg T3 is only equal to 25.5 mcg T4, plus the 57 mcg equals 82 mcg. That's a reduction of 30 mcg T4. Of course, it does depend how well you convert. But, be aware that that dose might not be sufficient for you.

Anyway, 90 mg Armour contains 43.5 mcg iodine. So, that will bring your levels up by itself. And, what you don't need is to over-dose on iodine, which you might to if you also take the supplement.

PittsburghKris profile image
PittsburghKris in reply to greygoose

I always thought 90mg is equal to 150mcg. So an increase in dose

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to PittsburghKris

Opinions vary. But, as I said, it does depend how well you convert. Do you know how well you convert?

PittsburghKris profile image
PittsburghKris in reply to greygoose

I am not exactly sure how well because I don’t dully understand how to read but all my results above are from same time so that might tell us something . Thanks for your time grey goose . I did learn a lot from you over past year as I do read a bunch on here .

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to PittsburghKris

If those results were done on any sort of combination of T4+T3 - NDT or synthetic - then it is impossible to tell how well you convert. Do you have any results on T4 only? If you compare the FT4 with the FT3 on T4 only, that is what tells you how well you convert. :)

PittsburghKris profile image
PittsburghKris in reply to greygoose

Results on t4 only no because I couldn't get my GP to order the correct ones all at the same time.

These results above are from 112 synthroid and 5mcg Lirothyronine twice a day.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to PittsburghKris

OK, so they're not going to tell us how well you convert.

In any case, you can always increase or decrease the dose as necessary. But, don't retest until you've been on the same dose steadily for six weeks. :)

Nanaedake profile image

If your calcium is over range, have you had your parathyroid function checked considering you have bone pain? I'm not sure how calcium responds to low vitamin D so it's something you need to ask your doctor.

If you do not have enough calcium, your body will rob your bones which act as a store, as it is needed for essential functions. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body but I don't think it should be over the lab range as it usually stays within a very tight range. so you need to check it out and get retested to find out what is happening.

PittsburghKris profile image
PittsburghKris in reply to Nanaedake

I am having another Calcium test this week to recheck to see where I need to go from here. I would think my body has enough calcium since I am over range so it shouldn't be pulling it from my bones unless the reason my calcium is high is because its coming from bones? I have been taking Vitd3 with k2 liguid cap 5000IU with coconut oil in it for at least 6 months or more so could this be causing the high calcium level?

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to PittsburghKris

I wouldn't have thought supplementing vitamin D3 would send calcium levels over range but I could be wrong. Well, if vitamin D is very low then I wonder if bones would release calcium to compensate but either way I should think it should not take calcium over range. Good luck in getting it sorted out and let us know what happens so we can learn a bit more.

G2G2 profile image
G2G2 in reply to PittsburghKris

The typical reason for high calcium is the parathyroid. Yes, pulling from the bones.

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