I did a three point saliva
8am - .21 mcg/dL. 8-10 am .04-.56 range
12noon. <.03. < or = .21
7pm. < .03. < or =. .15.
I had a blood cortisol test done about three weeks ago and it was taken at 7am .
Cortisol total 15.7 mcg/dl. 4.6-20.6 range
Cortisol free 1.02 mcg/dL High. 0.07- 0.93. Range
So what is this saying please ?
Tsh. 0.12. Low. R- .4-4.5
Ft3. 3.6. R- 2.3-4.2
Ft4. 0.9. R- 0.8-1.8
Rt3. 9. R 8-25
Thyroglobulin antibodies. 592 high. < or= 1
Peroxidase. Antibodies. 114high. <9
Iodine. 40 low . Below range by 10 points
I take 120mg of armour in the am And 45mg in afternoon
Thankyou and I hope everyone stays safe and wash your hands .