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Endometriosis UK

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All posts for December 2013

Does anyone ever feel like a hypochondriac? Like people don't believe how ill you feel?

I feel like I get up every day feeling poorly. And when my partner or kids and f...
angiechick78 profile image

Awaiting hysterectomy i have a question about zoladex and oophoectomy and hoping someone answer

Hi i suffer from endo and adenoymosis at the end of Jan Im having a hysterectomy...
michelle2013 profile image

Back & Hip pain, could this be caused by Endo, please read i'm in the process of being diagnosed..

Hi all, i'm 24 and i've had pain during and after sex for the last 6 years, i we...
Jessica_Louise profile image
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Are any of you ladies experiencing hives with endometriosis?

I was only getting them on my forearms, neck and chest while ovulating. Now, I a...
montana09 profile image

First period after taking the pill back to back for 9 months, extremely nervous, any advice?

Hi! I'm new to this and I'm not sure if I'm doing this right but I usually find ...
Lilybean profile image

Endometriosis and work :(

Hi I'm new here! I'm 20 years old and have recently been diagnosed with endometr...
Stephiex1993 profile image

Down in the dumps!

I had a lap in jan of this year as I was rushed into hospital with horrendous pa...
helsbels_m profile image

Advice or thoughts please

Hi all Hope your all feeling as well as you can be. Just wanted to see what you...
Zoe78 profile image

Right ladies, i went to see my consultant (gynea) that's above the doc that sent me for the lap. She has now told me the result.Confused ATM

Right so when i awoke from my lap all i was told, was that they had removed the ...
Diagnosis21 profile image

Nerve damage after op..

I seem to have loss of 'normal' feeling near an incision after laparoscopy? It f...
charlotte88 profile image

Excessive continual bleeding - does anybody else heavily bleed for up to nine weeks? What reasons have you been given?

I have never had the standard 28day cycles. More recently the time I'm bleeding...
ShortStuff88 profile image

Hi ladies. Like many of you I've been suffering for years. Finally after seeing four different gynae docs the last one has decided to a lap

in the new year. I was just wondering what to expect while recovering as I am my...
Hidden profile image

The contraceptive pill, anxiety and depression.

I wondered if I could hear some of your experiences with the pill, combined and ...
melodyxo profile image

3rd Prostap injection, joints ache, stomach pain, headache and exhausted is this normal...

jayneeb3 profile image

Who gets terrible Diarrhea in the lead up to their period?

And how do you deal with it? Especially when you have to work, look after kids ...
kiwi1 profile image

Second opinion appointment yesterday...

Thank god for the GP that referred me to a different hospital!! Within a minute,...
flash profile image

Adenomyosis and pregnancy...?

I had my 3rd lap in 4 months last week (the first was not with a specialist endo...
caf123 profile image

Anyone else out there struggling with being single at 40 and stuck with Endo? How will I ever meet someone who will accept me with this?

Hi lovely ladies. I've noticed that a lot of women on this site are lucky enough...
Cooka profile image

Lap results - can anyone tell me what they mean - confused?

Hi Ladies - I went to see my gp to explain my but I got the impression she didn'...
Merlion09 profile image


So far only taken tibolone 3 times and noticed shortly after my head, face and e...
monkeymagic72 profile image

I had a laproscopy yesterday to treat endometriosis and have found it really sore? Did anyone feel the same?

Also how long before you were back to normal activities.
Becky101 profile image

Stage 4 endo and consultant has said i need both tubes ovaries uterus and cervix out :-((( hellp

I just came in from work to a letter from appt outlining what hed said, and my h...
AlleyKatz profile image

Just been diagnosed with endo. The gyne still doesn't know though if my monthly headaches nausea and fainting spells are associated? Can

Anyone please let me know if you are affected by this. Thanks x
Emmaev profile image

Just back from gyne after waiting 1hr 1/2 to be told nothing showed up on MRI And would I like to go estrogen cream!

I was told by gyne that endo only really shows up between bowel and womb, except...
jane39 profile image

Endo and depression

Hi Ladies I have been having a very difficult time recently with my endo and pr...
Nat18 profile image

To stay on zoladex after having 6 months dose until surgery or av 3 months on pill and then back to zoladex??? Help plz ladies I'm confused

Hey all I just don't no wot to do! Continue on zoladex after having being on it ...
As-17 profile image

severe pain after stopping prostap, has anyone else experienced this?

I had my last Prostap injection the end of September and decided against having ...
kb21 profile image


Hey ladies, went back to my gp as being suffering with pain in my stomach, pelvi...
Jembee profile image

Dissapointing experience - lap at a listed endo centre

Home now after having lap and haemorroidectomy in same GA. had been waiting a ye...
synnova96 profile image

Advice needed...... my doctor wants to see me as i have written a letter asking to be refered to an endo specialist elsewhere in the country

i have seen every specialist going locally for the last 12 years i have always s...
gemmap profile image