3rd Prostap injection, joints ache, stoma... - Endometriosis UK

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3rd Prostap injection, joints ache, stomach pain, headache and exhausted is this normal...

jayneeb3 profile image
8 Replies
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jayneeb3 profile image
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8 Replies
Cooka profile image

Sounds about right! Well for me it does. We are all different, but when I got to month 3 on Zoladex injections (which is similar to Prostap) I got a whole new range of side effects for some reason and I was questioning whether I should stay on it any longer because it made my life a misery. Are you taking add back hrt to help ease the side effects? For me it really helped with the hot flushes and moods but in the end I didn't know what was causing the migraines and bloating - the injection or the hrt add back. I lasted 5 injections and then stopped.

But as you're probably aware we are all different. Some ladies on this site have had a really good run and found these injections a great benefit with manageable side effects. I wish you all the best xxx

LynneB profile image

Hi! It sounds very similar to what I went through. I lasted for 4 injections and then went in for my second lap. Unfortunately the injections didn't stop my bleeding or pain either. My consultant said they work for 80% of women so I'm afraid we are in the unlucky 20%. I hope you find something that works soon.

LittleMissManx profile image

Hi Jayneeb

As another poster has said not everyone is suited to Prostap <and other hormone based injections> and it sounds

like you are having a hard time of it. The longer you are on the injections you may find it easier to bear as your body adjusts to the potential side-effects but only if you are feeling reasonably well and can cope on a day to day basis.

Has your consultant said how long you are to have Prostap for? Many ladies have the injections for a few months until they get a date for surgery and this is helpful to focus on. Could you take HRT alongside the injections as this may help improve things for you?

If you decide to end the hormone injections then can you consider having the Mirena coil or a suitable contraceptive pill? It sounds like you need to be seen again by your gynae to discuss alternative treatments.

Good luck with your next step

Caroline, x

As-17 profile image

Wishing u all the best Jayneeb! Yes sounds the same I'm on zoladex and my bone pains are unbearable I feel like 70yr old and I'm only 32

jayneeb3 profile image

Bless you all ladies, this is my last injection, long story but we all have those don't we, 2 years ago was discovered I had a chocolate cyst on my right ovary, having had severe pelvic pain, heavy periods and breakthrough bleeding. Had my right ovary and tube removed Oct 2012 which is when they discovered a lot of endometriosis, that is what my pain was, you don't say, I wasn't making it up then lol and my womb attached to bowel, was two hours in surgery to be sorted out. I have a cyst on my other ovary but they left that one. I was pain free for 2 months as I had no periods but as soon as they returned I had the pain on my right side, again I am on the treatment just for 3 months to see if it stops the pain which it has, so they will now remove the other ovary and womb. I have had alot of complications since, visual disturbance, constant headache, am being ruled out for MS and am still under the neurologist and eye clinic. Thank you again for you replies and hope you are all as well as you can be x

Bobby200889 profile image
Bobby200889 in reply to jayneeb3

Hi, I have been reading your reply and noticed you saying about visual disturbances on prostap. I too have the same thing, blurred vision, severe floaters and constant headache. Did you ever get an answer for that?


jayneeb3 profile image
jayneeb3 in reply to Bobby200889

Hi Bobby, it was confirmed MS on the 26th June 2013, my birthday, no cake from the neurologist. They do however think it is related to hormones, and articles I have read that endo sufferers should be tested for early stage MS not to worry you though. I never had another prostap injection after a 3month dose. I live with the pain, I have relapse n remitting MS which the symptoms are worse from ovulation to period, not that I feel that well the rest of the month.

My headaches, floaters etc were put down to migraine, again hormonal.

Whatever you do, don't let yourself be fobbed off, my age, weight, job and being a smoker were all blamed, took me 18 months to be diagnosed. My iron levels were rock bottom after finally getting a blood test 3 months later.

Much love xx

As-17 profile image

Awwww bless u Hun! Hope all goes well for u, sending lots of love n hope xxxx

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