Posts - Cholesterol Support | HealthUnlocked

Cholesterol Support

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Cholesterol levels posts

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Can I slowly get off Crestor by substituting it with Natural remedies ?

Hello All, I Am on Crestor since the last 4 or 5 years, Can I slowly get myself...
Iffu profile image

Vegans and high cholesterol.

Hi to all! As a vegan with higher than healthy cholesterol,due to eating too man...
Vegannanny profile image

Tips for reducing cholesterol

Cholesterol peeps ! After 6 months , losing weight and no butter , I’ve found my...
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Eating Right is Not Restrictive

If you want to improve your body's health and lower cholesterol, you need to eat...
sos007 profile image

Intermittent statin use???

I have a very high Cholesterol level partly due to eating an Atkins type diet!!!...
ANNMURR223 profile image

Niacin for high cholesterol

Hello everyone. I am a 65 year old female. I’ve always had high cholesterol desp...
Idalmis profile image

Cholesterol and HIV

Is it safe to take Bestatin with Sustiva?

If You Want to Know Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Stop Focusing on LDL-C, Instead Focus on Apo B & Apo A1 - the ApoB/ApoA1 Ratio

"LDL-C has been the primary focus in lipid-lowering trials for more than two dec...
sos007 profile image

Is It Time to Retire Cholesterol Tests?

Most readers of this forum are obsessed over their total cholesterol and LDL cho...
sos007 profile image

CholBiome reduces Cholesterol

I had a reading of over 6 and I’m allergic to statins. My doctor put me on Ezeti...
Benbarth profile image

Abnormal high hcl cholesterol level

Hi. Just wondered if I could get some advice. I have had a result of 2.8 for hcl...
Wheezy42 profile image

What do my results mean?

Hello everyone. I hope you are all well? Recently I had some blood tests done. I...
x_b_x profile image

Im only 19

Hi there. My blood test results for cholesterol came back about 2-3 months ago a...

High HDL v High LDL v Low Trig's

There are two studies that show high HDL is protective of heart disease even whe...
Markl60 profile image

Plaque regression can be done... apparently

Thoughts on this YouTube video... It seems a combination of niacin and LOW DOSE...
Paul12 profile image

Numbers high again

Good morning all. I had blood work done in April and my numbers were in the norm...
Bluetoo profile image

Statins and Alzheimers

After my bypass surgery in March 2015, I was given a statin drug specifically, R...
sos007 profile image

Eat These 3 Foods Daily to Lower Cholesterol

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates People are ob...
sos007 profile image

What Causes Heart Disease its not LDL

Dr Malcolm Kendrick explains why LDL as a driving factor in heart disease is tot...
Markl60 profile image

High cholesterol

This is my first post. I am 32 years old and I have hypothyroidism too. I was in...
hallmelody profile image


Cholesterol up to6.1 ldl4.7 any tips to get it down to a safe level I am new to ...
G73mcd9756 profile image

Anyone else??

I have been on 40 mg of Simvastatin for years. Having extreme insomnia and naus...
Valine42 profile image

Hi Just joined the group

After a long battle with a doctor gave in and is taking simvastatin. Does anyone...
Techembrace profile image


If trigs are lowest ever by LDL and total cholesterol are high does this mean th...
Paul12 profile image


DASH diets and similar (Esselstyn) advise against oil and yet high Omega 3 (eg t...
Paul12 profile image

Track you plaque

I have seen several protocols for reducing plaque in arteries. There is even a b...
Paul12 profile image

Coconut Oil and Cholesterol.

Has anyone had any experience good or bad by incorporating Raw organic Virgin Co...
Claverley profile image

Nutrient Needs

I have read a number of post relating to cardiovascular disease and elsewhere th...
jimmyy profile image

Lp-Pla2 lowering through statins

If you have VERY HIGH Lp-Pla2 then statins combined with ezetimibe would seem to...
Paul12 profile image

My mother and her brother both died in their mid 40's with heart failure due to v. high cholestorel. Can I stop the inevitable?

First of all I think this forum is great and I've learnt a lot from many people ...
callmedave profile image
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