Posts - Cholesterol Support | HealthUnlocked

Cholesterol Support

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All posts for October 2013

Game Changer?

Have a look at this video. Nothing new to people who have done the research and...
MikePollard profile image

im a male of 46........ive had a test for blocked arteries etc.......a massive shock what should my cholesterol be.....

my doc has been a total waste of time,this is why ive joined this site.............
dav67 profile image


My fingers keep locking, crossing over the other fingers. Seems like a spasm and...
joyful762 profile image
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irregular numbness in my right hand comes and goes . also a type 2 diabetic any ideas please?

birry profile image

Is it possible that Simvastatin 20mg taken daily for a year could now be causing terrible leg pains - so bad no painkillers help?

Fiddlestix profile image

I've just been diagnosed with high cholesterol reading of 8.0 which I'm told is very high. I would like to use natural remedies not medicin

if possible ad I already have a lot of medication for other health problems. Ca...
ytyvet profile image

Tide Turning?

On the day some of the food barons have fallen into line with flawed government ...
MikePollard profile image

A Miracle Cure! (well it worked for me)

After giving up on Statins after not getting any back up from my GP, I am now ab...
Mikky profile image


My hypothesis on the merits of statin therapy is as follows:- Do statins reduce ...
Floozie profile image

A UK cardiologist on the BBC news has just supported a new report that claims saturated fat is protective of the heart

On the news just now this cardiologist advises all of his cardiac patients to us...
zorro1 profile image

Could medical opinion finally be shifting towards highlighting the dangers of sugar over fat?

Saturated fat heart disease 'myth'
westbury18 profile image

Is a high-fat diet GOOD for the heart?

He leads a debate online in the British Medical Journal website that ch...
sandybrown profile image

Has anyone been told they have mild valve regurgitation and what was the treatment? Had stents after heart attack but this is new!

Clericus profile image


Had 2 stents placed 2 months ago. Still having pain in left side my heart doctor...
garybu profile image

Trust me I'm a Doctor.

Did anybody else see the second in the series? It included an interesting (but s...
Aliwally profile image

Totally in the dark with these readings :-(

I was recently admitted to A + E in the early hours with faintness and palpitati...
Hidden profile image

hello does any one use ProArgi-9+ and can i buy it in the uk many thanks

lillywhites profile image

What is the expert view and GP view on statin?

Please watch BBC I player, second episode on "Trust me I am a doctor". Very inte...
sandybrown profile image

My latest cholesterol figures

I recently visited my lipid clinic for a check up as I have Type3 Hyperlipidaemi...
Hidden profile image

Triglycerides: I'm puzzled. When I had the health check I was given a breakdown of the cholesterol test,

triglycerides being listed along with HDL, LDL, total and ratio. They seem to be...
Hidden profile image

BMI, "Is this a good indicator of good health?"

Please watch (I player), "Trust me I am a doctor programme, today part one of th...
sandybrown profile image

It is said fat in any form,even yellow of egg is resposible for increase in chlos thus creating plaque in arteries resulting in blockade.

With the advancement in age both fats and excessive carb are harmful. Taking med...
GNJanbaz profile image

Lowering Cholesterol

Just thought I'd share an interesting point about lowering cholesterol without t...
Floozie profile image

I think I've read on this site that eating fructose is bad. Is this bad in terms of raising blood sugar levels or weight loss or arthritis?

I don't buy it in packet form but do eat a lot of fresh fruit which I understan...
Hidden profile image

Are there any post-polio people here who have had the happy crestor experience?

crestor-NOT profile image

ByePass surgery median pul artery.Taking Crestor 10 and Asperin 75 Chlosterol normal,Triglycerides normal.Am I taking correct medicines for

Age 77,retired widowed alone more or less sedentery life
GNJanbaz profile image

Could a single dose of this drug lower your cholesterol?

Could a single dose of this drug lower your cholesterol? Treatment may help thos...

b12 ,folate ,b6,b9, hyperlipidemia,cholesterol triglyceride,ms,dementia,alzheimers ,autism,fatigue,anemia ,depression ,children ,adults,aged everybody needs to watch this the hour long one and the bo...
suki65 profile image

I've recently been changed from 2.50 mg [Ramipril due to the dreadful cough] onto 50mg Losartan which I think is the equivalent dose.

This is for hypertension: I started on meds in early May with a 1.25mg dose of R...
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