FREE THYROXINE 14.6 pmol/L 12.00-22.00
TOTAL THYROXINE(T4) 89.8 nmol/L 59.00-154.00
FREE T3 4.91 pmol/L 3.10-6.80
ACTIVE B12 159.0 pmol/L 25.10-165.00
FOLATE (SERUM) 5.1 ug/L 2.91 -50.0025 OH
VITAMIN D 58 nmol/L 50.00 -200.00 Interpretation of results: Deficient <25 Insufficient 25 -49 Normal Range 50 -200 Consider reducing dose >200
Inflammation Marker CRP -HIGH SENSITIVITY *6.6 mg/l 0.00-5.00
Iron Status FERRITIN 86.5 ug/L 13.00-150.00
MAGNESIUM *1.08mmol/L 0.60-1.00 (flagged as high but nothing to worry about - been supplementing so will cut back)
SELENIUM 1.10umol/L 1.00-1.90
RT3 was checked previously on 27 July 2017 and was 33*ng/dL 10.00-24.00 was flagged as too high.
Medichecks comments: "Your thyroid stimulating hormone is low whilst you have normal levels of thyroxine and T3. Given the normal levels of your thyroid hormones I suspect that this is simply due to your T3 suppressing your thyroid stimulating hormone more than would be expected when taking levothyroxine alone.
If you develop symptoms of an over-active thyroid (agitation, weight loss, anxiety, skin/hair changes) then you should discuss this result with your GP as you may need a dose decrease. I recommend rechecking your thyroid function in 3 to 6 months.
Your thyroglobulin antibodies are normal.
Your thyroid peroxidase antibodies are normal.
Your levels of vitamin B12 and folate are normal.
Your vitamin D levels are bordering on insufficient. This may progress to vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency if you don’t take steps to increase your vitamin D levels.
We recommend supplementing with 400 - 800 iu of vitamin D per day for twelve weeks. If you are already taking vitamin D then I recommend that you increase your dose.
Your CRP level is elevated, this is often caused by recent infection, injury or inflammation. If you are experiencing any symptoms such as unexplained fever, pain or inflammation then you should discuss this further with your GP.
The type of CRP test that you have had is one which can also indicate future risk of cardiovascular disease. I recommend repeating this test in 6-8 weeks to see whether it remains elevated. If it does then I recommend that you take a more aggressive approach to managing other cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol, diet, smoking and exercise levels.
Your ferritin level is normal indicating healthy iron stores."
On 200mcg Eltroxin and 20mcg NHS prescribed liothyronine when blood was taken.
Can't lose weight, fatigued, brain fog, heat intolerant, low libido, sleep apnoea, asthma, varicose eczema on legs, swollen legs and ankles, poor immune system, regular chest infections that floor me, flaky nails etc. Still feel hypo. NHS endo wants to increase T4 by 25mcg to try and get me into upper quartile of FT4 reference range but will not increase my T3. She does not test for FT3 or rT3 hence used Medichecks.
Was previously diagnosed by NHS as Vit D deficient and prescribed colecalciferol 1600IU for three months then 800IU. Have been taking this for six months already. No loading does given. Take it before bed and thyroid meds first thing on empty stomach. Don't have coffee don't eat for an hour. I am on Ibersartan for high blood pressure, Loratidine & Nasonex spray for hayfever/allergies, and use inhalers for asthma and montelukast tablets.
I have DIO2 gene from one parent which impairs conversion, had gallbladder removed in 1982, and since then have had IBS type symptoms which gastroenterologist subsequently decided was too much bile in my system. Questran he gave me bound me up so stopped using it. Been using apple cider vinegar in water before dinner.
Have been gluten free a while time now. First degree relative is severe coeliac. My blood tests were normal (I was eating gluten at the time) and GP has refused to refer for bowel biopsy (despite NICE guidelines). I feel better not having gluten and endo said I might be gluten intolerant.
Am desperate to feel better, lose weight and get my life back. Your help very much appreciated.