I yesterday saw my rhuematologist and he printed off my blood test results that were ordered at my gastroenterology appointment. Unfortunatley, no T3/FT3 result.
For reference my previous medicheck test from March was:
THS 2.53 (0.27-4.20)
Free thyroxine 16.25 (12-22)
Total thyroxine (T4) 90 (59-154)
Free T3 3.15 (3.10-6.80)
TGA 13.880 (0-115)
TPA 5.18 (0-34)
Vit B12 402 (140-724)
Folate (serum) 9.94 (3.89-26.80)
25 OH vit D 88.45 (50.0-200)
Ferritin 88.73 (13-150)
Latest from NHS, 2/06/2017
Serum TSH 0.02 (0.27 - 4.20)
Serum T4 21 (12 - 22)
Serum cortisol 102 (137 - 429)
Serum B12. 1799 (137 - 429)
Serum ferritin 115 (13 -150)
Serum folate 18.5 (3.9 - 26.8)
Serum calcium 2.35 (2.20 - 2.60)
My liver function tests, which had been increasingly abnormal are now normal
I have only been self-treating since the end of March.
I currently take:
Metavive NDT 120mg divided by two doses. My private doctor (PD) started me on 30mg a day (divided in two doses) and I was to increase by 15mg every two weeks. A couple of weeks ago I was going to hold the dose and get tested but my PD told me to keep on the increasing regime until symptoms improve, and increase by 30mg every two weeks. Therefore, I am due to increase again on 22 June.
I take 3500mg vit C a day, 25mg gentle iron, 350mg magnesium, a digestive enzyme at dinner, DHEA 15mg, Q10 150mg, 155mcg selenium, 1000g omega 3, 1000mcg sublingual B12, a VERY GOOD multivitmin that includes 500mcg vit B12, 2000iu vit D, vit K2 100mcg.
I have just satrted taking Adrenavive II, 125mg once a day.
He also stopped my HRT and prescribed bioidentical progesterone lozenges instead.
I have to take a multivitamin/calcium/iron/zinc for life following gastric bypass. The current multivit I take has just gone up from £20 to £30 so I cannot afford that anymore, so will need alternatives (I am financially strapped and bought this multivit so I did not have to buy all seperate items).
I still get freezing cold, have lost none of my 3st unintentional weight gain (as I have said before this is despite having a gastric bypass), my legs (and I am sure my body) is still swollen, I sill get got flushes and occassional palpitations, I am still constipated, my hair is still falling out, and I still 'fly off the handle' at the slightest thing.
I have noticed that my skin is not so dry.
I think that's it lol Any thoughts much appreciated. Thank you.