Info on kratom. : Those of you using... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Info on kratom.

RCHD profile image
36 Replies

Those of you using kratom please check out this YouTube channel started by an RLS sufferer..

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RCHD profile image
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36 Replies
BAK524 profile image

I wish he talked more about how he quit and how he is controlling his RLS without the kratom.

RCHD profile image
RCHD in reply to BAK524

I think you need to go to the channel and watch all the videos… be devoted a whole channel to it ..

BAK524 profile image
BAK524 in reply to RCHD

How do I get to his channel?

RCHD profile image
RCHD in reply to BAK524

It’s on YouTube , follow the link that I posted and then subscribe to his channel by clicking subscribe. There’s a lot of people talking lately on the adverse affects of kratom… unfortunately. I know many here don’t like to hear it .. but I watched it wreck my husbands life and mind.

TeddiJ profile image

After watching this, I feel super lucky that I was able to get off it easily with one night of Buprenorphine and the next day of vomiting! Who knows, but it somehow worked like a charm. Although I wasn't on Kratom for ages, likes this guy. I also didn't take it during the day, although the withdrawals were coming earlier and earlier each day.

I would like to know what he took to sleep though an entire night of RLS?! That never happened for me-I had to take it every couple of hours overnight and it was awful. Drinking dirt while exhausted and your legs and mind are in misery. I took red borneo and it sounds like he took one of the green strains.

BUT! I am also grateful to Kratom, as it got me off methadone and prevented dreaded methadone withdrawals. Two doctors cut me off and I would have been in serious serious serious hell without Kratom to take over.

RCHD profile image
RCHD in reply to TeddiJ

Not sure I think he took the red which is also green powder. They are all shades of green. Check out his channel he has more videos.I’m glad it helped you short term. That’s awesome. Yeah it’s not meant to be used long term. It’s actually illegal in more than 25 countries and wrecks a lot of people sadly.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to RCHD

I see! Thanks! So he must call it the green monster because all the strains look green...

RCHD profile image
RCHD in reply to TeddiJ

Yes, but the red Borneo type, is the one that is similar to opiates and particularly the most detrimental. I understand why people use it, I get it. But they really need to consider what other things it might affect as well, in my opinion. 🤗🙏🏾

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to RCHD

So is no joke with long term usage.

BocaMom profile image

Not sure how he took Kratom before bed - it makes me energetic.

It also causes a bit of nausea for me. Thankfully I’ve never felt the urge to take it continuously or in high quantities but maybe that’s just luck.

I mainly take it before a long driving trip.

Definitely caution is advised.

RCHD profile image
RCHD in reply to BocaMom

Yes some strains create more energy, but I think even the red Borneo can have an excitory effect.

Reb0013 profile image

Thank you for sharing. I experienced first hand the kratom addiction through my adult son. He took it for chronic neck pain and became addicted rather quickly. Took almost a year to convince him his behavior was like that of being on street drugs. He couldn't function, he took more and more of the stuff all the while it caused him to be in a drunken state of behavior, messy, couldn't hold a conversation that made sense and so on. Thank God he finally weened himself off. I have been taking a product called Hirsuta for sleep and RLS. It is also from a coffee plant but does not have the addictive properties Kratom has. It helps me tremendously; I can take it nightly or I've been known to take it every 3-4 or 5 nights and without any side effects. It is inexpensive to buy on line ($18 USD for a pouch that lasts me 8 months)

RCHD profile image
RCHD in reply to Reb0013

Interesting…. I have not heard of that. Has anyone else?

Zyxx profile image
Zyxx in reply to RCHD


RCHD profile image
RCHD in reply to Reb0013

Also thanks for sharing about your son. I’m glad he got off it! Good for him.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to Reb0013

What? Wow! Have you posted this to the community before? Which site do you use? Thank you.

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to TeddiJ

Yes, I posted some time ago that I get a lot of relief from this product . I've been using it over a year now. I am in the U.S. I purchase through a reputable site call It is a powder; I buy the 85 gram size which lasts many months. I take 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon mixed in a tad of orange juice and water. They have a phone number as well if you need to talk w/ them 1(903) 883-7479 here in the states. Not sure if I am allowed to post all this so if I am not then I hope administration will let me know rather than blocking me on the site. This site has helped me tremendously and if not for this site there would be many factual articles that I would never have read, many others like myself who benefit from sharing experiences and treatments perhaps. Do your own research on Hirsuta so that you are comfortable with it. I do have a medical laboratory background and read everything I could find on it before I started using it.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to Reb0013

Thank you so much for the info! I am in the US, as well, and I definitely research everything. I think/hope you are ok posting that as many have posted products/brands that work for them. At any rate, I so appreciate it because I like to go with reputable and tried and true with things like this, or kratom, supplements, etc.

Yes, this site has been a godsend for me and for thousands of others. Thank you and many thanks to all who share experiences and knowledge.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to Reb0013

PS-I just looked it up. I see that it is just like taking Kratom. I have such ptsd right now from drinking dirt every 2 hours in the middle of an exhausting night. Does this actually last through the night for you? One dose?

Thank you!

RCHD profile image
RCHD in reply to TeddiJ

It’s pretty much same as kratom… it’s only endorsed by people who use kratom. I’d be careful.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to RCHD

Reb does say it isn't addictive but, yes, it is quite similar to Kratom, it seems.

RCHD profile image
RCHD in reply to TeddiJ

Seems like all the people online are addicted. Again, maybe at a low dose not a problem. Try getting off of it and see what happens. If you can stop or get bad withdrawals, it’s the same,

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to RCHD

Just like what happened to me with Kratom. Although it did get me off the methadone, so it does have its good points; short term only, if possible!

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to RCHD

Most everything I read on line is from people on Kratom; I have not seen anything on line from anyone taking Hirsuta.

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to TeddiJ

Hi Teddi, yes it lasts through the night with me. I can tell you with all the research I've done on it I have read, been told by pharmacist and have experienced it does not have the same addictive properties as Kratom. Kratom is hellish to get off of. Nor does Hirsuta cause you to feel "high" or out of sorts like Kratom can. Again, I do have some medical knowledge and practice a clean lifestyle. If I felt Hirsuta in any way was doing harm or addictive I would stop it today. I don't take it nightly now but did for about 1 year. I find if I eat properly and do a few other things that seem to work for me I can take the Hirsuta maybe 2-3 times a week an hour before bedtime and it just enables me to fall right asleep and sleep 7-8 hours without any creepy, crawly, tugging leg or back sensations. (I do get up to potty but fall right back asleep). This is just me though; I swear by it. However, I would say as with anything you have to feel comfortable with it.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to Reb0013

Reb, thank you so much for all these details-I love details! Lol. They just help give the full picture-very helpful.A few more details, please-how MUCH did you take before bed? I could never get that right with kratom and thus it created much more misery every 2 hours.

Also: what supplements do you take? Even though I thought I was up on most of that topic, ck out Zyxx's 2 videos he posted to me today on "Info on Kratom" thread. Perhaps it could add to more good nights for you! And me, and all of us!

My nights are awful right now-off the Kratom and methadone (to get off the DA's). Trying not to take too much of a DA pill but suspecting when I do, I am already augmenting again. Taking Horizant but only 1 week in and Dr. B says it may not work for patients who have augmented.

That is the problem for many of us: all of the natural and great, easy solutions don't work as much because we have augmented, brain is a mess, and we have gone through withdrawal from the DA;s-which apparently can last up to a year to recover from. I am trying Berberine to help things reset.

Thanks very much for your input and help!

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to TeddiJ

I take 1/4 -1/2 teaspoon mixed in 1/4 cup of OJ and water combination. I started with that amt and still take that amount. Additionally I keep an eye on my iron profile especially ferritin level. For me, my ferritin is best b/t 100-150. I follow for the most part a FODMAP diet. This has helped tremendously. You can google the diet and I keep the app on my phone for when I am eating out. The diet is all about not eating certain foods with more complex sugars/carbs that are difficult to break down... especially at night before bedtime. I began experimenting with it last year and cut out one food at a time on the chart until I saw results and knew what triggered my flare ups. I take supplements; 1000 Vit D3 along with 200 mg of Vit C for absorption - always in the morning w a lit food. I also take a good B-Complex daily (no need to worry about getting to much as B Vit are water soluable and you excrete any extra but I don't overdo it. 100 mg Magnesium Malate in am and 200 Mag glycinate after dinner along with 800 of Calcium. Both Mag glycinate and Calcium help with sleep and calcium is better absorbed during the night. Occasionally I'll pop an additional 1000 mg Vit C. I randomly take Chlorella which is a green superfood for detoxing the gut and randomly take a product called CuraMed which is derived from Turmeric for inflammation. It helps the arthritis in my hands and fingers. The toughest thing has been giving up caffeine - even though I only had 1 cup in the morning. The caffeine directly affects my restless legs, even more so than an occasional glass of wine. I now drink hot green tea in the morning just because it does provide some antioxidants even though I struggle not having caffeine coffee in a.m.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to Reb0013

Omgosh-mixed up your names! So sorry-it is Zyxx's posts on there! I am so sleep deprived today! oy-lol.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to Reb0013

Ooooh-thank you so much for all of this! You are ON TOP of it! The videos and Zyxx talked about high amounts of potassium in that post. I am going to try that-do watch it as it's interesting, even with all that you know.

Also-did you know that all the experts now say to get ferritin even higher? I am in the 200s and have been told to do another infusion to get back into the 300's (this is just newly recommended for RLS sufferers).

I think you should do an infusion and see how good you feel after. Especially since you are not messed up with drugs and DA issue like me.

Plus try his potassium powder. I am going to!

Thanks, again!

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to TeddiJ

I have read some evidence that a higher ferritin can be beneficial for some RLS sufferers. I am afraid of organ damage since iron can be transported and stored in organs possibly causing longer term damage... so I tend to stay b/t 100-150 probably more out of precaution/fear of the unknown. (I had an infusion in Jan. 2020) Mine has held well so I'm not taking iron supplements at this time. It's a balance I suppose with how you feel with a little higher ferritin value vs trade off of the RLS aggravations.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to Reb0013

I see. I had an infusion April 2021. It was great and so much easier. I also felt better and if I hadn't been on DA's at the time, it would have been really fab.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to Reb0013

PS, Reb: that is such a low amount to take to get you through the night. It must actually be much stronger than kratom?! As a newbie to it, 2 teaspoons only lasted 2 hours for me. Although I was coming off methadone, too.

Reb0013 profile image
Reb0013 in reply to TeddiJ

It is the recommended amount to start - I have stayed on that amount as it works well for me. Best of luck to you; you'll have to decide for yourself but for $18 it was a life saver for me after back to back nights of no sleep and leg sensations. It is not a pain killer like Kradom.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to Reb0013

Great to know all this! Thanks so much, Reb.

Goldy700 profile image

I tend to be very wary of taking any medication everyday. I find the medical cannabis a god send and it works to "melt" my legs and back and helps me to get a restful sleep. Even though it is low on the addiction scale ie 6 as compared to 100% for opioids I like to take a few nights a week off to keep the effect strong. After years I find it works just as well and no side effects. For the nights I am not taking it I will have a hot bath, get on my exercise bike, use my Chi machine which vibrates my legs and back and gives a strange euphoric feeling in my head, and sometimes a hot water bottle on my back and legs. My gut feeling is not to let the body get too used to any particular medication which is why I like the cannabis because you can "cycle" it whereas I don't think you can do that with pharmaceutical drugs. I wonder if you could do that with Cratom - cycle it with other things so it would not become addictive but use it when you really need a good night's sleep.

TeddiJ profile image
TeddiJ in reply to Goldy700

Thanks, Goldy-this is all great info, too. I so wish I had not started my rls journey with drugs. One of my worst mistakes ever; now I am paying for it bigtime.

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