It seems, from what I have read, that iron has to be taken without food. But also not close to when I take other minerals such as calcium or magnesium, or certain medicines like my thyroid medicine. Is it OK then to take iron at the same time I take my RLS medicine, which at this time is still ropinerole, before bed? I looked up interactions between iron and ropinerole and I did not find any, but wanted to know if anyone has taken the iron at the same time as the ropinerole? Also, I am patting myself on the back here, I have reduced my ropinerole from 3 mg down to currently 0.5 mg. It has taken me 9 months to do this, but it is like drug withdrawal each time I go down on my dosage, so going very slowly was the only way I could manage it.
When to take iron: It seems, from what... - Restless Legs Syn...
When to take iron

There should be no problem taking the iron at the same time as ropinirole. Congratulations on cutting down on your ropinirole. I'm assuming you are planning on starting gabapentin after you are off ropinirole. Start it 3 weeks before you are off ropinirole since it takes at least 3 weeks to be effective, although it won't help much until you are off ropinirole for several weeks. You may need a low dose opioid temporarily as you approach the end as it gets worse then.
Hi there I weaned of mirapex and began Gabapentin as well as take synthroid
I take my iron at night with a blood pressure and cholesterol pill
Taking it before bed with Ropinerole should be ok I think. Good luck with your change of meds.You've done brilliantly.x
Congrats on your reduction!!!
Pharmacists are very good at telling you what you can take with whar if you ask. They do a 4 year degree in the uk & know an awful lot. It can’t all be written on a label but they are likely to have detailed info if you ask
Between a thorough internet search and this forum, you’ll probably get accurate info on possible interactions. I’ve never been on a DA (lucky for me I had an allergic reaction to it) so can’t help you with that query, but know there is no problem taking iron and gabapentin together. Congrats on your reduction thus far!!