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All posts for March 2014

NRAS Group meetings w/c 17th March 2014

Dear All Please find details below of a very busy week of NRAS Group meetings! ...


I'm struggling at the moment with painful hands, wrist and feet/ankles. I'm star...
sarahjen profile image

Glad I joined

Thanks to everyone who gives you feedback on here. It really helps to know your ...
Crazyjo profile image
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Week six of Methotrexate 10mg and .............

pain in hands worse than ever.Feet burning. I am due to increase to 15 mg next w...
hev53 profile image

So........ what now?

Four and a half years ago, I started going to see my GP every few weeks with a p...
PJ68 profile image

glasgow research i thou...
cathie profile image

Wonder if anyone has experience of prednisolone side effects?

does anyone have experience of side effects from prednisolone. Are the commonest...
maywing profile image

Anti inflammatories

Hi is there anyone who is unable to take anti inflammatories as due to stomach i...
Crazyjo profile image

Does anyone have Rheumatoid lung disease and Nodules?

Hi, I was diagnosed with RA when I was 18. I am now 43 and on TCZ (Tozilamab) , ...
dmc12 profile image

Poor service from health care at home

Heath care at home have now not delivered my injections twice in two weeks. So I...
Louganis profile image

MRI and steroids

Just to follow up from yesterday's postings. My GP finally managed to speak to r...
cathie profile image

Early morning pain

Now I'm off all RA meds and awaiting an MRI scan the old symptoms are returning....
cathie profile image

Does methotrexate cause weight gain?

fluffy1609 profile image


What I would give for a decent nights sleep. Take sleeping tablets occasionally ...
Crazyjo profile image

Surgery on feet

Hey all not been on in a while had a lot going on but I find out on the 26th if ...
charhunt profile image

Steroids yes or no

I phoned my RA Nurse specialist this morning for advice. I told her the problems...
Sharon56 profile image

Feel Almost human today, weird

Went to a new Rheumy yesterday. She actually did a physical exam and put hands ...
MarshaM profile image

I have R.A &crohns , have had T.N.F &different medicines not working any more, were do I go from here feeling low about it:-(

kitty18 profile image

Still battling the side effects of methotrexate,

But determined to carry on, just upped from 7.5 to 10mg, still have diarrhoea, b...
Titchyj profile image

What happens now?

Hi, I have tried Methotrexate and Mycophenolate and now Leflunomide, iI have bee...
Hankie profile image

Has anyone changed from Humira to Simponi, when Humira stopped working? I realise everyone different, just curious as this is my next tx pla

Zigzager profile image


Thankyou for all your replies about methotrexate and finding drugs that help. Fe...
maywing profile image

Hi everyone. I have an appointment with my RA nurse tomorrow. I've lost about half stone since Nov. not trying to and only on medication a

Month. No side effects from them maybe a little nausea occasionally. Has anyone ...
Redrooster profile image

Chest infection.

Hi All I have a really bad chest infection at the moment which started at the we...
trish1957 profile image

Well got an earlier appointment to see my consultant after Physio tonight 28th march and boy am I not gonna take no,I want a definite answer

Knee is he gonna do my knee replacement or fob me off again
Deejojo profile image

Collar bone pain - does anyone else get this?

Does anyone know what it is from? I have costochrondritis and RA in shoulders, s...
Hidden profile image

Hi there. I was doing really well on Hydroxy but was developing more symptoms of the disease. I started my first course of oral steroids

Just over a week ago. Started at 20 mg ,4 a day for first week and then decrease...
cougar67 profile image

Hi am new

Is anyone on biological therapy?
Crazyjo profile image

And so one follows the other

Hi good people of this great site I am just seeking some advice on this rubbish ...
clearasred profile image


Happy Monday people, some of you may remember a few weeks ago I wrote a post reg...
Bazzypants profile image