Posts - Mental Health Support | HealthUnlocked

Mental Health Support

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All posts for April 2020

At last the help I need 🤞🏻 feeling good & positive

Happy 😊
Daz2310 profile image


Anyone on setriline,experience depersonalisation , not sure if it’s the medicat...
Suzana2311 profile image

Is sertraline good for anxiety ?

Hey guys Since my brother pass away last year I have being getting bad chest pai...
Camajah profile image
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Mental health stabilising, sleep better hope returned

Been rough few months after a few days away from home returned reenergised and m...
Daz2310 profile image

Introduction - Severe Treatment-resistant Depression Sufferer

Hi I have just joined the MH support group, and wanted to say Hi and, my name is...
HangTough profile image

Any advice please if lorazepam 1mg small amount to take

I have had depression anxiety for year now , on 225mg venlafaxine xl and 30mg mi...
woodpeckers1 profile image

Triggers - what do you all do?

Hi I’m new to this and have never wrote about my feelings and my many years of ...
Pea83 profile image

Not giving up no matter what

Hello there as it stands I haven’t posted for some time due to really poor menta...
thrillseeker profile image

Broken and not beautiful

How is it that there's still something left inside you? Dear friend Dear you D...
Ayir profile image

Timely becomes dead from within

Hey my pseudo name is Ayir and I had my own experiences with mental health issue...
Ayir profile image

Is it ok to be selfish

Is it ok to just think about yourself and not care about others
Shilpa08 profile image

Hello from a Newbie

Hi I'm Carol and am new on here. I suffer with depression and anxiety. The first...
Carjul60 profile image

I messed up and stressing out

I am in graduate school. I thought that my term paper was due this coming Thursd...
Byelka profile image

Getting it off my chest - GUIDANCE?

27 gay male Have been on antidepressants and propananol for 8 years with some br...
Hidden profile image

"Find people close to you"

This is slightly off topic but apparently there is an option here to "find peopl...
formidible profile image

Infection showed up in blood test

Hi! It’s me again! Last time I wrote I said that I’ve been having some problems...

Is cooking important

Is it important for a girl to know cooking after marriage does cooking a paramet...
Shilpa08 profile image

Working in a care home

I am working as a bank support carer on 22 hrs roughly plus overtime helping out...
Angelmarrow141 profile image

In need of some words of wisdom

So I haven't posted in a while so sorry due to the fact of life being wrapped up...

F* k life

Life can kiss my ass one minute good next minutes shite , God , Jesus ppl o fait...
Daz2310 profile image

Living in the now, moment

Past was abuse and torture and future has question marks all over it. Doing men...

Confused and lonely

Hello all sorry my phone got damaged and due to lockdown it couldn’t be fixed fi...
Shilpa08 profile image


Please could anyone tell me their experiences with fluoxetine. I suffer with anx...
Jacki12 profile image

Hi how’s everyone today

Daz2310 profile image


Heads all over the place..stressed
Daz2310 profile image


Yesterday I was dead heading and pruning back plants in the front garden. I fell...
Hidden profile image

Help needed

I'm new here, but not new to low moods!...been like this for many years, (I'm 65...
Andrew1975 profile image

Why does terminology and labels effect how a relationship between people works?

I'm really confused about relationships... as soon as I get into a "relationship...
urck profile image

working from home, feeling low, self harm **trigger warning

anyone else working from home, and feeling really low? The current situation in ...

Selfish needs

My mother in law died last November she was 103, obviously the whole family were...