Please could anyone tell me their experiences with fluoxetine. I suffer with anxiety and a few years ago sertraline helped me but this time round my side effects to it were too much for me to cope with. Nausea, diarrhoea, so tired but couldn't relax, no appetite. I rang the doctors and they have prescribed fluoxetine but I'm so scared to take them. Can someone give me some advice.
Fluoxetine? : Please could anyone tell... - Mental Health Sup...

We need to allow sufficient time for medications to work.
About five weeks, you should feel more positive regards your medication.
It is counter productive to keep changing medications eventually you can end up with problems associated by not allowing time for your body to feel any benefit.
We all have differences when we take medications, what suites one will not suit another.
If your Doctor has advised you take a medication , you go by his advisement you will never know if the medication is going to work if you refuse to take it.
I have been on my AD Medications now for over ten years and side effects are no longer a problem and I live my life accordingly
Thank you for your replys. I'm a key worker and working nights at the mo. So it's the side effects that scare me. I will take them just building up courage.
I was prescribed Prozac (Fluoxetine) many years ago and sadly reacted very badly to it, even after 6 weeks. Fast forward to December 2017 and my mediation was changed to Sertraline. I experienced very similar side effects and by January 2018 I was under the CRISIS Team. It was decided that I was intolerant to SSRI anti-depressants.
I did a little research on the types of antidepressants using Mind's website so I could have quite an open discussion about what possibly would work better for me (I also cannot take SNRI's either).
Everyone is different so I would speak with your GP or Mental Health Team and see if you could try an anti depressant that wasn't an SSRI if you find that the Fluoxetine doesn't work for you.
Take care xxx
It has worked very well for me, took quite a few weeks to feel the difference, but definitely worth taking it. Have tried others that made me feel sick for the first few weeks, but Fluoxetine didn't.
Been on these now for a few months. I'm good, no side effects and have helped tremendously. They work mate. We'll worth giving them a go.
Hi l just been prescribed fluoxetine a couple of years back l was put on sertaline had side effects and weight gain told that to the doctor who told me l was wrong . l worried about side effects and not sleeping read that if you take it in.the morning its better if you struggle with sleeping. Haven't taken it yet got to pick up the prescription . please let me know how you get on a bit scared to take it cos last time with sertaline was a nightmare for the first couple of weeks till it settled down wish doctors would listen we know our bodies best.
Been on fluoxetine for around 6 weeks with no side effects n starting to feel better but then it's like it stopped working n had a really bad 4 days. Spoke to my doctor and she upped my dose to 40mg. Been on them 4 days with abit of nausea n no appetite but nothing compared to my side effects of sertraline. Please let me know how you get on x
I was put on 40 mg of fluoxetine 3 weeks ago. Week 1 was fine. Week 2 was low appetite. I am on week 3 and its nausea and no appetite. I went to the doctor and she says to give it 2 months!!!!! Anyone have similar experiences? I know it is helping anxiety but the nauseous and no appetite is so hard to tolerate. Will it get better? I'm tired of waiting
It works great for me. But everyone is different. Finding the right meds is a crapshoot. We’re guinea pigs until the correct med and dosage is discovered. Good luck.