Posts - Fibromyalgia Action UK | HealthUnlocked

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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All posts for January 2014

Pic of the day

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Caffeine and housing advice

Lately I have been getting headaches when I drink tea and thought I was having a...
Phoenixstepf profile image

access to medical records

I asked my doctors receptionist if I could have a list of my visits to the surge...
bbstport profile image
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Need your help please!

As you all know, I have fibro and over Xmas suffered a brain haemorrhage and und...
charlii profile image

a funny thing happened...

on the way to the carvery! Stuck in traffic at 5.30pm, I turned to my friend and...
hamble99b profile image

I don't believe it

My doctor is very young and very nice. She has been being nice to other people a...
nedd profile image

Under active thyroid

Can this be misdiagnosed as Fibro? Is there a connection between the two? Do ...
weetam profile image

Thought you would like to see this.

Hope it never goes this far
Hidden profile image


JUST TO SAY A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL...esa interview in the morning not looking fo...
bobajob profile image

Hello to you all, my gp has taken me off amitypline and put me on 300mg of gabapentin, does anyone else take these and do they help..

Ruby67 profile image

Your Medical Records to be shared with anyone

Ib recent guardian an article which says our medical info will be shared with an...
bobchewie profile image


In the health and sicial care bill a clause was added whereby an administrator c...
bobchewie profile image

This picture was meant to go with my previous post.................

I couldn't get this picture to attach earlier and I assumed that it was too big ...
Hidden profile image

curve in spine

my physio told me I have a curve in my spine and its related to my abdominal mu...
anbuma profile image

When Your Pain Medication Isn't Working What your next steps might be in treating your chronic pain.

Hi EVERYONE :) Thought a few of you may be interested in reading the following...
Hidden profile image

Pic of the day


Think i may be fibro and considering giving up struggling to work at 30yrs. Help!!!

All my life ive had odd aches and pains. As a child it was considered "growing p...

quote... unquote

on fb there was a discussion about famous quotes, someone wrote "you can only b...
hamble99b profile image


I have a face to face interview with atos on tuesday just wondering if any one a...
bobajob profile image

Sorry its late but happy new year to everyone

Painful joints in shoulders and down my arms fibrofog migraine headache my table...
vixen49 profile image

Sometimes it is the simplest thing - and something you may not have thought of.....

[Edited by Admin] [Website link removed as per FibroAction guidelines] You may ...
Marz profile image

Pic of the day


Any budgie experts?

Our little bird is sick. All fluffed up and not eating. He is very old. I kno...
panda60 profile image

Had my tribunal for ESA and won!

Just wanted to share my good news that I had my ESA tribunal today and won! They...
molly44 profile image

what is the difference between Fibro and CFS

I was diagnosed with fibro a year ago however I am just inquisitive as I read on...
bbstport profile image

Hi there,just wondering if any body else is in Bristol?? If so where do you go for support xx

soozie profile image

Hi all

Just a little note to interest me. I'm Dave,forty seven and recently moved home ...
Lovelydai profile image

Channel 4 News - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome ****Please note some viewers may find distressing

Anyone living with Fibro will relate to this very poignant report of CRPS, as we...
Mdaisy profile image

Any help very much appreciated thank you

Hi all I love readying your comments I was just wondering what do any of you lov...
pepper2975 profile image

Never give up

After my tribunal on the 9th of January, I received a letter from the tribunal s...
Boromoor profile image