Ib recent guardian an article which says our medical info will be shared with anyone including companies.
The usual idiot trolls on the thread said why not as it helps insurance companies
How thoughtful..
Itt coyld mean pharmaceutical companies of course.
Someone posted a link on the thread which led to a website and documebtvwhich stated that privacy will be maintained and its about improving the quality of care..i think there might ve ab opt out...
However upon further scrutiny i foubd a familiar name appear in connection with organisatin in charge of all this. I am sure it will familiar to you all. It is ATOS..
Yes that's right ATOS have some connection with this lot.in fact ATOS run govt gateway and the IT system to dibwith NHS 24 or direct or whatever its called...Now how confident do you feel about that given that Atos healthcare find really unwell people fit for work when its obvious that they are sick
So what's going on here ?