Posts - Diabetes India | HealthUnlocked

Diabetes India

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All posts for April 2013

Why diabetics

Firstly, the creator has destined you to suffer from illness during your life on...
kunjukunju48 profile image

My fasting BS is 110 after taking trajenta 5mg in the morning and Volibo .2 M at night after meal. Is Insuline better option for me ?

Is Insulin therapy better option than these medications? What are the side effec...

Diabetes...Modern medicines and Ayurved

I fully agree that nothing can beat modern medicin( read Allopathy) in life savi...
kamtadale profile image
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what is latest treatment available to cure diabetis

sureshmada profile image

how does omega-3 oil helps in diabetes?

health4all profile image

Is a person become diabetic due to tension

mps1958 profile image

Is it good for health in diabetes to take Watermelon and musk melon in moderate qty ?

Domi profile image

I am diabetic with sugar level 170 PP and regularly taking in twice a Gluconorm PG 1 before meal and Volix-0.2 mg after meal

but now i have a problem of constipation along with gas problem daily is it due...
Domi profile image

does diabetic male become week in sex?

is there any specific medicine to boost up the erection activity without any sid...
cbs1945 profile image

iamdiabetek. pltellme solution

santosh6919 profile image

Am I diabetic?

Recently I had hepatitis and cholycystitis.there iwas diagnosed as diabetic.i am...
Santhosh4567 profile image

i am hypertensive and diabetic how much salt should i takeor change the salt

aashu profile image

How can yoga helps in diabetes?

The science of yoga is an ancient one. It is a rich heritage of Indian culture. ...
StopDiabetes profile image
Diabetes India

My Lipid profile TC118, HDL 27,LDL 66, Tryglicerdie 119. My FBS109, PPBS 144,HbA1C 7.4. If following LCHF food can be harmful for Lpid

TAKHAN52 profile image

Kindly inform me daily meal contents to follow LCHF food requrement. My FBS 109,PPBS 144 HbA1C 7.4. take Amaryl 1 mg daily

TAKHAN52 profile image

sugar in fasting is bad or after fasting?

if u person goes for sugar test and his readings are 113 while fasting and 160 a...
abhinav1990 profile image

I have 218 Fasting & 303 Post Lunch what is my status I am 3 yr old Diabetic patient

nokidat profile image

Please open www.friendsof and watch the videos related diabetics....also have in the utube..

Hi, I am from Kerala, accidently I have opened the above web site and watch th...
mashktm profile image

which fruets and vegitabels and leaves are good for diabetic patients

sankarakumara profile image

Cinnamon has proven benefits

1/2 tsp (approx 1g) of cinnamon powder in empty stomach in the morning can lower...
samz profile image

which fruits and vegitables and leaves eatng daibetic patients...?

sankarakumara profile image

give about daite

tell me helth
paragrani profile image

I am under diabetics medicine since last 12-15 yrs, leading normal life. My fast Blood sugar is 95-100, post is more than 230.

How to reduce it?
joyedicula profile image

my fasting sugar is 156 & after lunch its 115 then what to do for my problem

bmsampat profile image

is oatmeal suitable as an interim evening snack

sridharv50 profile image

Is this proper to alter the daily dose of insulin on the basis of blood sugar test conducted at home. How frequently dosage can be changed

I am a diabetic for the last 17 years and on Tab (Galvus met) + Humalog Mix Insu...
Bharat profile image


klaworld profile image

some people are lean and some people are fat even they take medicines for diabetes.what is the reason.Is it by diet control?

sargunamoorthy profile image

Is mango cause diabetic?

scdograde1 profile image


tukya profile image