Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for November 2019


It’s been a few days since I have last posted. Things have been going better the...
sarahmcf profile image

I forgot to take my meds!!

I forgot to take my meds. I’m on a new medication added my my original meds. And...
Hidden profile image

Anxiety looping and hyper sensitivity

So the best way I can describe what I'm going through. Whenever something goes ...
stlanxious profile image
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It’s my fault

Not feeling happy at all.. I feel like I have ruined my family’s life. Had a con...
Yumaris profile image

Depression hits me for real.

I felt like all my friends are fake. They are just using me for their studies. I...
prince_cess profile image


I got my Effexor And Buspirone dosage upped recently after having a bad depressi...
Hope1410 profile image

Intense Back of Head Pressure with presyncopy feeling 24/7

Anyone have intense head pressure 24/7 with feeling of faintness or presyncope a...


Hi its Kann4 from last night we were msging i accident ly unsubscribed now in Ka...
Hidden profile image


Does therapy work

Ur thoughts


Even more symptoms:

I’m learning a lot more about anxiety each and every day. I do know that your bo...

Odd situation

My situation is odd. My ex-husband turned out to be a child milestone and rapist...
jjsangel profile image

Make an I did list

I am a list maker. Always have been and always will be. But I often expect too m...
Mrspjsmom profile image

Things to give yourself

daily reminder
TopGunGiraffe profile image

Holidays and loneliness

Holidays are a pain. Everybody stesses about times and food and everything else....
Hidden profile image


Does stopping mirtazapin suddenly cause weight loss?
Mike7111 profile image

Sucks how thoughts escelate

I was sitting, a friends of mine was playing around and accidentely kicked me in...
Kevin160 profile image

Hello everyone

This is my first time joining a community and Im excited. It feels good to know ...
Angel900 profile image

Can't Take Much More

I feel so alone right now. I can't cheer myself up and I can't stop crying. The ...
Supergirlfan profile image

Just switched from Celexa to Lexapro. Would love to hear positive reviews of Lexapro.

My psychiatrist seems to think that Lexapro may have fewer side effects and is b...

Feeling weird

So I'm feeling really off and confused. One of my worst fears is losing my mind ...
Plato38 profile image

I could really use a hug

I’ve never done something like this but I think I should start because doing not...

Starting Wellbutrin just wondering what to exspect.

Toughdays profile image

Fluoxetine are these affects normal

I have been on fluoxetine for almost six weeks, started at 20m about 2-3 weeks a...
Shadow19422 profile image


Hey! I'm new here I'm 20 years old and I live in Italy. Recently my former best...

The Power of Empowerment.

Hello, I'm relatively new here. There are so many great people here with sooo mu...
Tbine profile image

Numb(sorry it’s long)

So as I was growing up my mom always told me to conceal my emotions from everyon...
Gaby0 profile image

Anxiety about meds

So I am one of those lucky people that tend to get all the adverse affects of SS...
Pixels12345 profile image


No matter what my day is like this sweet little face makes me happy. No judgment...
Mrspjsmom profile image


I just posted about a blue day and I blue week, just yesterday night my bf broke...
wannabeme profile image