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underactive thyroid treatment

Ania22 profile image
4 Replies


I am taking Nature Throid for nearly 1 year but still do not feel my old myself.

These are my recent test results:

Serum free T4 level 11.5 pmol/L 9.5 - 22pmol/L

Serum TSH level 1.8 mU/L 0.1 - 4mU/L

I am taking 2 grams. My TSH is fine, but my free T4 level seems to be too low.

These are my other test results:

Comment: ) - Repeat, Date recieved27.02.18 *POS*, Micro + Cult Urine u Routine, Antibiotic therapy, Rbc 10-50 x 10^6/l Wbc <40 x 10^6/l, Epith Cells++ Bacteria- Yeast-, Cult:- ........10^7-10^8 orgs/l, Proteus sp. PROT, Doubtful significance.

Urine culture N/A

Urine culture 22 Feb 2018

Comment: (LE1016) - no growth, RBC so repeat test, Date rec. 22.02.18, ?uti, Micro + Cult Urine u, Antibiotic therapy, Micro:- Rbc 50-1000 Wbc <40 x 10^6/L Bacteria -, Epith Cells -, Cult:- No significant growth

Name Result Normal range

Urine culture N/A

Urine culture 16 Feb 2018

Comment: (ADE1016) - unlikely to be significant; repeat if symptomatic of infection, Date recieved16.02.18 *POS*, Micro + Cult Urine u routine, Antibiotic therapy, Rbc <10 x 10^6/l Wbc <40 x 10^6/l, Epith Cells- Bacteria- Yeast-, Cult:- ........10^7-10^8 orgs/l, Enterococcus sp ENT, Doubtful significance.

Serum ferritin 49 ug/L 10 - 291ug/L ( after taking iron supplements for 6 months it moved from 10 to 49)

Wheat RAST test 16 Oct 2017

Comment: (CB1016) - Within normal limits - No action needed, Wheat Allergen IgE, Assayed at Immunology Dept. M.R.I.

Name Result Normal range

Wheat RAST test 0.4 kAU/L < 0 - .4kAU/L


Total immunoglobulin E level 16 Oct 2017

Comment: (CB1016) - Within normal limits - No action needed, Total IgE, Assayed at Immunology

Name Result Normal range

Total immunoglobulin E level 22.3 ku/L < 114ku/L Graph

Cow's milk RAST test 16 Oct 2017

Comment: (CB1016) - Within normal limits - No action needed, Milk IgE Allern, Assayed at Immunology Dept. M.R.I.

Name Result Normal range

Cow's milk RAST test 0.4 kAU/L < 0 - .4kAU/L


Egg RAST test 16 Oct 2017

Comment: (CB1016) - Within normal limits - No action needed, Egg Allergen IgE, Assayed at Immunology Dept. M.R.I.

Name Result Normal range

Egg RAST test 0.4 kAU/L < 0 - .4kAU/L


TTG Coeliac Screen 16 Oct 2017

Comment: (CB1016) - Within normal limits - No action needed, Negative, Normal result. Low likelihood of Coeliac disease.If very, high clinical suspicion refer to GI specialist., In diagnosis results may be falsely low in gluten free diets

Name Result Normal range

TTG Coeliac Screen N/A

View all TTG Coeliac Screen results

Serum electrolytes 16 Oct 2017

Comment: (CB1016) - Within normal limits - No action needed, Serum Electrolytes and Creatinine

Name Result Normal range

Serum sodium 140 mmol/L 133 - 146mmol/L


Serum potassium 3.8 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.3mmol/L


Serum creatinine 48 umol/L 45 - 100umol/L


GFR calculated abbreviatd MDRD 90 mL/min > > 60mL/min Graph

eGFR only validated in stable CKD in Adult Caucasians

Acute kidney injury 0 < 0 Graph

Haemolysis screening test N/A


View all Serum electrolytes results

Full blood count - FBC 16 Oct 2017

Comment: (CB1016) - Within normal limits - No action needed

Name Result Normal range

Total white cell count 5.8 10*9/L 3.7 - 1110*9/L


Red blood cell (RBC) count 4.51 10*12/L 3.8 - 5.810*12/L


Haemoglobin estimation 133 g/L 115 - 165g/L


Haematocrit 0.4 0.37 - .47


Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 88.1 fL 76 - 100fL


Mean corpusc. haemoglobin(MCH) 29.4 pg 27 - 32pg


Mean corpusc. Hb. conc. (MCHC) 334 g/L 320 - 365g/L


Red blood cell distribut width 12.3 11.5 - 14.5


Platelet count 285 10*9/L 150 - 45010*9/L


Neutrophil count 4 10*9/L 1.7 - 7.510*9/L


Lymphocyte count 1.4 10*9/L 1 - 4.510*9/L


Monocyte count 0.3 10*9/L 0.2 - 1.110*9/L


Eosinophil count 0 10*9/L 0 - .610*9/L


Basophil count 0 10*9/L 0 - .110*9/L


View all Full blood count - FBC results

Androgen Profile 03 May 2017

Comment: (ADE1016) - Within normal limits - No action needed, Androgen Profile, , Interpretation of 17-OHP is dependent on the timing of the sample, in relation to the menstrual cycle., The following reference ranges apply:, Follicular phase <3.6 nmol/L, Luteal phase <8.6 nmol/L, No biochemical evidence of hyperandrogenism

Name Result Normal range

Serum testosterone 1.3 nmol/L 0.3 - 1.6nmol/L


Serum androstenedione 4.1 nmol/L 0.8 - 4.7nmol/L


DHEAS level 6.7 umol/L 0.9 - 9.6umol/L


Serum sex hormne binding glob 169 nmol/L [Abnormal result] 20 - 155nmol/L


Free androgen index 0.8 < 4.6 Graph

Se 17a-hydroxyprogesterone lev 1.2 nmol/L 0.1 - 8.5nmol/L


Serum TSH level 03 May 2017

Name Result Normal range

Serum TSH level 2.7 mU/L 0.1 - 4mU/L


Gonadotrophin levels 03 May 2017

Comment: (ADE1016) - Within normal limits - No action needed, Serum Gonadotrophins, NB new method in use and new ref ranges from 28/03/11, Female Reference Values: LH FSH, Follicular phase 1.9-12.5 2.5-10.2 iU/L, Mid-cycle peak 8.7-76.3 3.4-33.4 iU/L, Luteal phase 0.5-16.9 1.5-9.7 iU/L, Post menopausal 15.9-54.0 23.0-116.3 iU/L

Name Result Normal range

Serum LH level 5.9 U/L N/A Graph

Serum FSH level 8.2 U/L N/A

Serum oestradiol level 294 pmol/L

Serum progesterone 54 nmol/L N/A Graph

Luteal result >25nmol/L suggests ovulation.

Day of Cycle 21

Serum calcium 2.23 mmol/L 2.15 - 2.6mmol/L

Serum albumin 46 g/L 35 - 50g/L


Corrected serum calcium level 2.29 mmol/L 2.2 - 2.6mmol/L


Serum alkaline phosphatase 38 U/L 30 - 130U/L

IgG 10 g/L 6 - 16g/L


IgA 1.6 g/L 0.8 - 4g/L


IgM 0.8 g/L 0.5 - 2g/L

Serum cortisol 390 nmol/L

Thyroid peroxidase antibod lev 1137 iu/mL [Abnormal result] 0 - 60iu/mL

Serum folate 12.6 ug/L > 5.4ug/L

Serum vitamin B12 14 Feb 2017

Comment: (SHL) - Within normal limits - No action needed, Normal B12 levels. No need to repeat for upto 2 years, unless clinical changes indicates repeat.

Name Result Normal range

Serum vitamin B12 766 ng/L 180 - 910ng/L

Liver profile

Name Result Normal range

Serum total bilirubin level 17 umol/L 1 - 21umol/L

ALT/SGPT serum level 24 U/L < 31U/L Graph

Serum alkaline phosphatase 39 U/L 30 - 130U/L


Serum total protein 73 g/L 60 - 80g/L


Serum albumin 46 g/L 35 - 50g/L


Serum globulin 27 g/L 18 - 35g/L

Serum C reactive protein level 0.1 mg/L < < 10mg/L Graph

CA125 level 17 Aug 2016

Name Result Normal range

CA125 level 17 kU/L < 35kU/L

I would appreciate if somebody would reply and give me an idea what to do.

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Ania22 profile image
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4 Replies
SeasideSusie profile image

When taking NDT it is essential to test FT3, it is the most important test. NDT generally lowers TSH and FT4 and you need to see where your FT3 lies to know if you are adequately dosed. FT3 should be in range, most people feel best when it's in the upper part.

Your other results are difficult to read, there is far too much information to plough through, I expect you've just done a copy and paste job. All that is needed is

Test Name..... Result..... Reference range

All I have noticed from them is:

Serum ferritin 49 ug/L 10 - 291ug/L ( after taking iron supplements for 6 months it moved from 10 to 49)

Ferritin needs to be at least 70 for thyroid hormone to work, preferably half way through the range. You don't say what dose of supplements you are taking but if you add liver to your diet, maximum 200g per week, that will help raise your level.

Thyroid peroxidase antibod lev 1137 iu/mL [Abnormal result] 0 - 60iu/mL

Your raised antibodies confirm autoimmune thyroid disease aka Hashimoto's. You can help reduce the antibodies by adopting a strict gluten free diet and supplementing with selenium l-selenomethionine 200mcg daily if you don't do so already.

Ania22 profile image

Thank you for your reply. I bought test for FT3, TSH, antibodies, t4 and FT4.

I had many tests done as I am trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully.

I am reposting my tests. Hopefully it will be easier to read them now.

Feb 2018:

Serum free T4 level 11.5 pmol/L 9.5 - 22pmol/L

Serum TSH level 1.8 mU/L 0.1 - 4mU/L

Serum ferritin 49 ug/L 10 - 291ug/L ( after taking iron supplements for 6 months it moved from 10 to 49)


Wheat RAST test 0.4 kAU/L < 0 - .4kAU/L

Total immunoglobulin E level 22.3 ku/L < 114ku/L Graph

Cow's milk RAST test 0.4 kAU/L < 0 - .4kAU/L

Egg RAST test 0.4 kAU/L < 0 - .4kAU/L

16 Oct 2017:

Serum sodium 140 mmol/L 133 - 146mmol/L

Serum potassium 3.8 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.3mmol/L

Serum creatinine 48 umol/L 45 - 100umol/L

GFR calculated abbreviatd MDRD 90 mL/min > > 60mL/min Graph

Acute kidney injury 0 < 0 Graph

Total white cell count 5.8 10*9/L 3.7 - 1110*9/L

Red blood cell (RBC) count 4.51 10*12/L 3.8 - 5.810*12/L

Haemoglobin estimation 133 g/L 115 - 165g/L

Haematocrit 0.4 0.37 - .47

Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 88.1 fL 76 - 100fL

Mean corpusc. haemoglobin(MCH) 29.4 pg 27 - 32pg

Mean corpusc. Hb. conc. (MCHC) 334 g/L 320 - 365g/L

Red blood cell distribut width 12.3 11.5 - 14.5

Platelet count 285 10*9/L 150 - 45010*9/L

Neutrophil count 4 10*9/L 1.7 - 7.510*9/L

Lymphocyte count 1.4 10*9/L 1 - 4.510*9/L

Monocyte count 0.3 10*9/L 0.2 - 1.110*9/L

Eosinophil count 0 10*9/L 0 - .610*9/L

Basophil count 0 10*9/L 0 - .110*9/L

03 May 2017:

Androgen Profile, , Interpretation of 17-OHP is dependent on the timing of the sample, in relation to the menstrual cycle., The following reference ranges apply:, Follicular phase <3.6 nmol/L, Luteal phase <8.6 nmol/L, No biochemical evidence of hyperandrogenism

Serum testosterone 1.3 nmol/L 0.3 - 1.6nmol/L

Serum androstenedione 4.1 nmol/L 0.8 - 4.7nmol/L

DHEAS level 6.7 umol/L 0.9 - 9.6umol/L

Serum sex hormne binding glob 169 nmol/L [Abnormal result] 20 - 155nmol/L

Free androgen index 0.8 < 4.6 Graph

Se 17a-hydroxyprogesterone lev 1.2 nmol/L 0.1 - 8.5nmol/L

Serum TSH level 2.7 mU/L 0.1 - 4mU/L

Serum Gonadotrophins, NB new method in use and new ref ranges from 28/03/11, Female Reference Values: LH FSH, Follicular phase 1.9-12.5 2.5-10.2 iU/L, Mid-cycle peak 8.7-76.3 3.4-33.4 iU/L, Luteal phase 0.5-16.9 1.5-9.7 iU/L, Post menopausal 15.9-54.0 23.0-116.3 iU/L

Serum LH level 5.9 U/L N/A Graph

Serum FSH level 8.2 U/L N/A

Serum oestradiol level 294 pmol/L

Serum progesterone 54 nmol/L N/A Graph Day of Cycle 21

Luteal result >25nmol/L suggests ovulation.

Serum calcium 2.23 mmol/L 2.15 - 2.6mmol/L

Serum albumin 46 g/L 35 - 50g/L

Corrected serum calcium level 2.29 mmol/L 2.2 - 2.6mmol/L

Serum alkaline phosphatase 38 U/L 30 - 130U/L

IgG 10 g/L 6 - 16g/L

IgA 1.6 g/L 0.8 - 4g/L

IgM 0.8 g/L 0.5 - 2g/L

Serum cortisol 390 nmol/L

Thyroid peroxidase antibod lev 1137 iu/mL [Abnormal result] 0 - 60iu/mL

Serum folate 12.6 ug/L > 5.4ug/L

14 Feb 2017:

Serum vitamin B12 766 ng/L 180 - 910ng/L

Serum total bilirubin level 17 umol/L 1 - 21umol/L

ALT/SGPT serum level 24 U/L < 31U/L

Serum alkaline phosphatase 39 U/L 30 - 130U/L

Serum total protein 73 g/L 60 - 80g/L

Serum albumin 46 g/L 35 - 50g/L

Serum globulin 27 g/L 18 - 35g/L

Serum C reactive protein level 0.1 mg/L < < 10mg/L Graph

CA125 level 17 kU/L < 35kU/L

These are my other test results:

27.02.18 *POS*, Micro + Cult Urine u Routine, Antibiotic therapy, Rbc 10-50 x 10^6/l Wbc <40 x 10^6/l, Epith Cells++ Bacteria- Yeast-, Cult:- ........10^7-10^8 orgs/l, Proteus sp. PROT, Doubtful significance.

Urine culture 22 Feb 2018

Comment: (LE1016) - no growth, RBC so repeat test, Date rec. 22.02.18, ?uti, Micro + Cult Urine u, Antibiotic therapy, Micro:- Rbc 50-1000 Wbc <40 x 10^6/L Bacteria -, Epith Cells -, Cult:- No significant growth

Urine culture 16 Feb 2018

*POS*, Micro + Cult Urine u routine, Antibiotic therapy, Rbc <10 x 10^6/l Wbc <40 x 10^6/l, Epith Cells- Bacteria- Yeast-, Cult:- ........10^7-10^8 orgs/l, Enterococcus sp ENT, Doubtful significance.

shaws profile image

The most important thing when we are taking thyroid hormone replacements it how 'we feel'. If we feel fine with no clinical symptoms that's the correct dose. If symptomatic we need to raise. The following link may be helpful.


Ania22 profile image


I am posting my recent test results:


FREE THYROXINE *11.2 pmol/L 12.00 - 22.00

TOTAL THYROXINE(T4) 62.3 nmol/L 59.00 - 154.00

FREE T3 *3.05 pmol/L 3.10 - 6.80

THYROGLOBULIN ANTIBODY 10.100 IU/mL 0.00 - 115.00


Thank you for all replies

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