Hi all,
My wife has an underactive thyroid (TSH levels in separate blood tests over the past couple of years were 5.5, 4.5 and 7.5).
My wife's NHS GP has refused to treat the condition due to the TSH readings being under 10, which seems to be a familiar story from what we've read online. We have been trying to conceive and my wife has recently had 2 miscarriages, each in the first trimester. Based on everything we've read, we strongly suspect that the underactive thyroid is contributing to this.
Given the NHS position on the issue we wish to go private to sort this out. Thyroid UK has very helpfully sent me a list of private doctors (who generally seem to have an integrative approach). Has anyone had any positive experiences with a private doctor in the London or surrounding areas which they could share with me by private message? I'd be very interested to hear about doctors on the Thyroid UK list and others such as private endocrinology consultants.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance.