Posts - NRAS | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for April 2017

6 weeks on Humira

Hi I have been 6 weeks on Humira. I have had 1 day that I felt a lot better it h...
PamMd profile image


Hi I take methotrexate and have weekly blood tests. Ive been on it now for a few...
Eiram50 profile image

RA and Hip Problems

Hi Everyone. Can anyone please explain to me the link between RA and hip problem...
Pat64 profile image
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Humira pain.......

just got back after 2 painful days in hospital, definite bad reaction to Humira ...
Metalhead666 profile image

Just diagnosed

Hi all, I have just been diagnosed with RA, I'm on my 4th week and full dose (4...

MTX problems

Hi all, haven't been on for a while but always keep up to date reading posts. I ...
55MC profile image


I'm still waiting for some answers to my question on how long does Rituximab tak...
Ritaalice13 profile image

PIP application

Can you help me, I've made an application for PIP and my form has arrived. Aside...
Hysteria123 profile image


Hi guys!, I hope you're all well and relatively pain free!!, I go on holiday in...
Cydney96 profile image

Newly diagnosed...RA and possible PMR

Hi all..I am new here and have just read lots of posts which have been really h...
Shazz10 profile image

Live long and prosper

Well its been a whilst hi Sylvia, and all other fellow sufferers of my post. I w...
craigsif profile image

Humira pain

shocking night, no sleep and no relief from the incredible pain, can't move out ...
Metalhead666 profile image

My story

Hi everyone I have had rheumatoid arthritis and vasculitis since 2012 it started...
Outhwaite1 profile image


Hi, My Rheumatologist is going to discuss the above medication and decide whethe...


Hiya. Not been on here for a while. Twins are now 4 and I hear their school on T...
jlmack profile image

Humira pain

just had 1st injection of Humira today and cannot believe the pain I have had al...

Arthritis in the jaw and neck

I have arthritis in my jaw and neck. Has anyone had saline washouts in the jaw j...
Angelicamoth profile image


Well folks I'm home now from hospital got out this afternoon as I'm on oral anti...

Rituximab Infusions

I am on my fifth round of rituximab infusion and have always experienced a few s...
Launaloo9 profile image

Just a MASSIVE thank you.x

I would like to say thank you with all my heart to the response & support given ...
Hidden profile image

15 year old boy doagnosed with Chrons desease

Hello All, My son has just been diagnosed with Chrons desease. We are still doin...
Ifayed81 profile image

Hair dye job gone terribly wrong

Hi All! A few days ago i went in to do my blond highlights (like i have been do...
Ifayed81 profile image

Previous blood tests

I'm new here and trying to establish if I have RA. I've just been diagnosed with...
tinkerbell22 profile image

RA first focused blood tests

Hi all, I have just posted an intro as I'm concerned I have RA. I have some blo...
tinkerbell22 profile image

Do I have RA and have I had it all my life...?

So I am a little overwhelmed at the moment. I very recently Finally got diagnose...
tinkerbell22 profile image

Losing my independance......

Good Sunday Easter day to you all. My post this morning is about my loss of in...
sylvi profile image

Pain patches

Hi i.m not good with any tablets they effect my stomach pain feel sick constipat...
keeta profile image

Ra sufferer

Hi everyone from aussie land Happy Easter I was wondering if anyone from the usa...
Rocky07 profile image

Concerns Benepali

Please can anyone help? I am now almost due my 5th Benepali Injection, I am unsu...
Janesidney profile image

High & Low

Yesterday I put a post up about finally hopefully getting a why is it...
Hidden profile image