Posts - Advanced Prostate Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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All posts for October 2023

Blue Shield CA Underwriting holiday

In 2023 Blue Shield of California (BSCA) is offering a limited-time promotion, c...
Hidden profile image

PSA going in wrong direction

Finished 37 radiation treatments to aortic lymph nodes a week ago after a PSMA s...
Jvaughan0 profile image

Managing side effects of ADT

I have found that Richard Wassersug has many blog postings related to ways to ma...
Scout4answers profile image
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Oh my.. so this is why Epstein is on-leave..
Don_1213 profile image

declining psa #7

Gm ladies n gents, I’m here to give my results as promised post Rp, rad, and 7 m...
Nfler profile image

Does pee urgency get worse after radiation?

I had IMRT 60 Gy circa August 2022. Since then sometimes it is very hard to hol...
Derf4223 profile image

Simple fixes - outside the box

Many of us are aware of some of the SE of the treatments our guys are getting. ...
MouseAddams profile image

Running in circles

I will try and make this the short version. My husband has advanced prostate can...
Granica4818 profile image

How prostate cancer transforms into aggressive NEPC following treatment with anti-androgen therapy.

This could be a game changer as it could stop PCa from progressing. Science is ...
Scout4answers profile image

QOL Tell us your favorite/memorable holiday story

Since Thanksgiving is approaching I thought I would share my most memorable sto...
Mgtd profile image

Bladder dysfunction

in 2014, diagnosed Gleason 9, had Prostate surgery, cancer metastasized to pelvi...
Tkwham profile image

Orgovyx not working now..

Hi everyone - Looks like my Orgovyx is not keeping my PSA down. (disease details...
tcp5071967 profile image

Annual Scans

Hubby is having his annual scans today. Doc ordered CT and bone scan as in the p...
inthefight profile image

Cognition Issues

My husband is going into year 7 with PC. He had prostate removed… at Mayo in 201...
JolleySprings profile image

couldn't figure out how to edit for a picture

one of his favorite activities

Losing the love of my life

you all have been great helping us deal with the prostate cancer and Dr Corn ha...
Spring15-3 profile image

You can't fool mother nature

I can not find the post which recommends this video. It was less than a week ago...
spencoid2 profile image

Ureteral cytosis

Started Jevtana in August hoping for more moderate side effects and efficacy tha...
CWT53 profile image

ADT 's effect on body fat and muscle mass from Life on ADT blog by Richard Wassersug

ADT’s impact on Muscle and Fat October 23, 2023 Standard ADT with either LHRH ...
Scout4answers profile image

Mannose impairs tumor growth and enhances chemotherapy,

I came across a number of articles related to PC and mannose.
Rfs1975 profile image

abiraterone first line use in high risk in U.K. debate after stampede research results

Lots of current comments in U.K. press re the funding for using abiraterone for...
SimMartin profile image

Good News Update on my Joe

This Friday Joe will get his 4th dose of Pluvicto. His PSA dropped from 7.69 la...
Cateydid profile image

Effects of Omega 3 (let me remind you that walnuts have more omega 3 than fish) on cancer. Still preclinical.

Effect of omega-3 fatty acid diet on prostate cancer progression and cholesterol...
Maxone73 profile image


Well, that pesky lymph node is now no longer PSMA detectable. After 1 year of L...
Hidden profile image

Eligard and Muscle pain

I am 26 months into my ADT and generally tolerating well.I was first on firmagon...
mynacho profile image

How long to Castrate Resistance: ADT+/- ARSI

Further discussion on details of EMBARK study on another HU forum bears restatin...
MateoBeach profile image

ADT Holiday Coming To An End

After nearly 2 years of undetectable while on ADT holiday my 10/2 PSA result was...
6357axbz profile image

USPSTF Screening update in progress

Hello Cancer Brothers and Cancer Warriors - The USPSTF - United States Preven...
Cyclingrealtor profile image

QoL- We like Movies- what is your favorite

Okay I think we all like movies. However there are a few that you would rather ...
MouseAddams profile image

Any difference between 6 month lupron or 6 month elegard injection?

Hi, I’m currently on 3 month lupron injection and doing well with PSA of >0.01 ...
Lslal profile image