Posts - Advanced Prostate Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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All posts for April 2018

Dr Sartor and Immunotherapy for Prostate Cancer

Here's an article about immunotherapy called "Desperation Oncology" from today's...
Darryl profile image

Free Gator Blood For Cancer Patients
gusgold profile image

is anyone on Glucamide?

***my question was appears it was a typo on the Doctor's Notes...a...
greatjohn profile image
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God or Gustave

I just read Mr. Jack's post about him going into hospice with crMPCa and 2 brain...
gusgold profile image

Fentanyl 25 mg

Does anybody else use this and does it help.I just got off the oxycodone due bei...
redbank profile image

Lupron shot for life?

I have read posts about limiting Lupron shots to just six months. We are in a cl...
Cynthgob profile image

Moving on with hospice care.

I had a MRI last Thursday, we found two tumors in my brain. I am now on hospice ...
MrJack profile image

why is one leg withering with smaller weaker calf and thigh muscles? I met a retired doctor who has the same problem, but no answers.

The doc and I both have undergone MRI's and Electro Nerve tests, that seem to r...
periclesBC profile image


I have been following several members and posting replies for a couple of months...

PQQ and The Dilemma of Pro-oxidants

It would be safe to say that most of us have bought into the theory of free-radi...
Kuanyin profile image

My current regimen - feedback appreciated

Hello all, I am writing this post for two main reasons (don't worry, its not a ...

Cancer dormancy and the role of NSAIDs

Inspired by an earlier post by Nalakrats. I came across an article discussing c...

Aggressive metastic Very high alk phos

Hi I am new here. Diagnosed March 2018. Bone mets in skull, jaw, arms, spine, ...
Br1950 profile image

Alkaline phosphate level

How does the alkaline phosphate level relate to advanced prostate cancer? My hu...
phelie profile image

Affordable Meds

Hi, I’m new to this post. My husband has advanced prostate cancer which has spre...
seattlegal profile image

18F-fluorodeoxyglucose PET

New study below. Dr. Myers once said good luck getting insurance to pay for a ra...
pjoshea13 profile image

Penile Shortening after Radical Prostatectomy, with video.

This is a follow-on from: EricE's: "Radical Prostectomy and Penis Growth?" Not t...
pjoshea13 profile image

Severe chills

I have been on Xtandi since last August, Fetanyl since last July. About two week...
chascri profile image

Retired after 30 years

I’ve been living with advanced prostate cancer stage 4 Gleason 10 for last 3 yea...
truckerbob profile image

It's been a week ....

Well, I've been on Zytiga for a whole WEEK!! Apart from the second day when I ha...
thevvy profile image

Weight gain on ADT

I have been on Eligard for almost 2 years since my metastatic PCa was diagnosed ...
Brightman profile image

Latest update

At the time of my profile creation, I was receiving Lupron shots every three mon...

Stem cells

Cells differentiate, and they can be put into a "tree" structure. The fully diff...
Hidden profile image

Immunotherapy for prostate ca

Brother prostate ca. PSA now at 12. After being 0.4. Had Prostectomy and radiati...
Harleyboo profile image

AUS Experiences?

Hey folks- So, it's been a little over two years after my RARP, and I'm still qu...
DS_WAVL profile image

Radical Prostectomy and Penis Growth?

I just had an RP on April 12th, 2018. Say, did anyone's penis grow several inch...
EricE profile image

A new screening tool using ultrasound being researched in UK
dockam profile image

Youtube video about our urinary incontinence campaign

Sign the petition at we just made ...
Darryl profile image

Keytruda? Does it work?

I ran across an article stating Keytruda was being investigated at the Oregon He...
spinosa profile image

BRCA And Parp inhibitors

Hi. I was diagnosed at age 57 with stage 4 Metastatic PC in Nov 2015 with widesp...
MartinSpurs profile image