Posts - Advanced Prostate Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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All posts for April 2020

(off topic) Firmagon useful for treating pedophilia

It will probably surprise few of us that libido-reducing Firmagon has been found...
Tall_Allen profile image

Why does this game plan sound off ?

I thought I had done my research and may have got it right despite my ignorance ...
treedown profile image

PSA 3.12 after 3/17 radical prostatectomy. Future treatment thoughts?

I'm new to Advanced Prostate Cancer, moving "up" from Prostate Cancer Network du...
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Helping pay for Xtandi

Hello --- My medical oncologist says I have to take more Xtandi --- I looked at...
ken12491 profile image


Anyone have experience with the Decipher genetics program, it’s’ effectiveness a...
VN6465 profile image

Returning B.O.

So, my husband has been on Lupron for 19 months. Had 6 rounds of Docetaxel, fol...


Hi Guys Any advice on Gut Winds, assume the Xtandi is causing it. and has a ter...
Andrevz profile image

Want to know how you feel with hormone therapy, and Brachy?

I was told I am a 3+4. My doc wants me to do ADT (hormone therapy), and then do ...
CarrotBoy profile image

My Facebook post on the 4th anniversary of my diagnosis

Today is the fourth anniversary of me discovering that an uninvited guest was li...
onajourney profile image

ADT and body odor or the lack there of.

I have been on Lupron for 6 months now with eSRT. I had my last shot the beginn...
SooHwa99 profile image

Xtandi and ache in tailbone

Has anyone experienced aching in the tailbone and surrounding muscles? Started X...
Scootman profile image

ADT or no ADT

At 6 months post RP with a PSA is .03, my urologist refereed me to RO. Urologist...
Jmr11820 profile image

RRP Oct2016, slowly rising uPSA over past year in addition to several other issues including hypogonadism, intermittent TRT, osteopenia, etc

RRP Oct 2016 with slowly rising uPSA over past year in addition to several other...
LowT profile image

5 alpha reductase in inhibitors

There are many on this forum that take Avodart to reduce DHT levels. I perused t...

A Phase III trial comparing Atezolizumab with Enzalutamide vs Enzalutamide alone in patients with metastatic CRPC

Presented at the AACR Annual Meeting April 27. [1] Bottom line: no add-on valu...

Positive APC Treatment

Just a positive 4 year report on my health. Diagnosed in March of 2016 with a co...
Wdoug profile image

Tired of Being Tired

Happy hump day brethren. I’m a stage 4’er and have been taking zytiga and lupron...
3putt profile image

Why does PCa stay dormant in bones for so long, and then emerge so fiercely?

I noticed one of my countrymen, Bjry, had posted a paper just published by resea...
Blackpatch profile image

Here is some Hope for you

I’m 4 1/2 years post diagnosis at Stage 4. Starting in i was told this would kil...
Chugach profile image

Cabazitaxel: 25 vs 20 dose? Neulasta vs. No Neulasta? Any experiences?

Hi, It looks like Barry's doing Cabazitaxel next. Have done reading, several s...
Barbara345 profile image

A day in the life

My latest blog post, in which a dead car battery briefly thwarts an attempt to p...
tom67inMA profile image

Relugolix. Could It Be A Game-changing Drug for Advance Prostate Cancer

What is know about this drug whose manufacturer is now seeking FDA approval afte...
ronton2 profile image

Will my teeth fall out?

I value the few teeth I have left. They serve me well during midnight snacks. I ...
monte1111 profile image

General Review from Prostate Cancer News

Dear All: This is worth looking through. "Prostate Cancer News and Reviews"...
efsculpt profile image


It is has been clearly established that Hydroxychloroquine should NOT be taken f...
billyboy3 profile image

Prostate Cancer dormancy – recent Australian study. “Prostate cancer cell‐intrinsic interferon signaling regulates dormancy and metastatic

You need more molecular cell biology than I have to follow the detail of this l...
Bjry profile image

Castration Resistant?

We learned today that I am now castrate resistant, I have an appointment with th...
Hidden profile image

Update on my Dad: 4 months since last PSA and Provenge

Hello Health Unlocked gang! It's been quite a while since I've posted in the gro...
Lynsi13 profile image

New to this

Hello everyone. Looking for some inspiration. Diagnosed with metastatic pc two m...
Curehunter profile image

Told to discontinue Casodex (Bicalutamide)

My dad was put on Casodex for 3 months immediately post-chemo. So he was on Lupr...
Cheerr profile image