Polls - Advanced Prostate Cancer | HealthUnlocked
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Answer Only if you are on ADT (Hormone Therapy): During the past 7 days, how often have you felt unusually cold for at least one hour a day?
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Sometimes we want to ignore specific people. Sometimes we read everything so we don't miss-out. Do you want an "ignore" or "mute" button?
Are you currently or scheduled to be treated with Pluvicto? (We know there are factory shortages and want to gauge impact)
We're posting 40-60 second prostate cancer videos from top doctors, every day on YouTube. Have you subscribed (for free) to see them?
2 of 2: With Covid as your only consideration, what kind of prostate cancer patient conference would you prefer to attend through 2022?
1 of 2: With Covid as your only consideration, would you attend an in-person prostate cancer 2-day conference in New York City in 2022?
Which name do you like for a monthly email clinical trial newsletter from the patient's point of view, including which trials are enrolling?
Do you get your post-diagnosis treatment -mostly- in an academic (medical school/university research) or community (non-academic) hospital?
Train YouTube to value prostate cancer videos and help our community's videos reach more men, and raise prostate cancer awareness.
How often should we email the new Prostate Cancer Newsletter? (Free Subscription Here: https://malecare.org/prostate-cancer-newsletter/ )
“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our advanced prostate cancer community to another man or his partner/spouse/carer?
How has the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic impacted your ability to see your medical team for an office visit?
What percentage of our Advanced Prostate Cancer community have more than one cancer diagnosis? Please respond to this one question poll.
We are considering LiveStreaming talks with Doctors and inviting your live questions. Which platform would you most prefer we use?
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