My fault try again đ
Thankyou to everyone who replied to my posts yesterday apologies for not posting correctly these are my recent blood test results
Ferritin 59.6L
B12 351 ng/L
Folate 8.6 ug/L
Albumin 43g/L
Calcium 2.37mmo/L
Adjusted calcium concentration total 2.3
Total white blood count 4.47
Haemoglobin concentrate 134
Platelets 249
Harmocrit 0.401
Mean cell volume 91.1
MCHC 3.35g/L
Red blood cell distribution width 13.5%
Neutrophils 1.78 10â9/L
Lymphocyte count 2.05 10â9/L
Monocyte 0.44
Eosinophil 0.13
Basophil 0.07 10â9/L
Bilirubin 17 umo/L
Celkdine phosphate 59 u/L
Protein 65 g/L
Globulin 22g/L
Serum sodium 141 mmo/L
Potassium 4.4 mmo/L
Urea 5.8 mmo/L
Creatine 57 umo/L
Haemoobim A1c level 36 mmo/L
TSH 1.7
Cholesterol 5.3 mmo/L
Triglyceride 0.6
HD cholesterol 2.1
HDL ratio 2.5
Non high density lipoprotein cholesterol level 3.2 mmo/L
I really appreciate anyoneâs thoughts I know there are no T3 or T4 levels as GP wouldnât test them which is so frustrating. As I mentioned previously I keep getting an intermittent discomfort in my throat / thyroid area Gp examined throat and thyroid fully and checked lymph nodes etc all seemed fine. Just wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar and how they treat it can eat drink swallow etc normally isnât a pain & doesnât feel like something is stuck there just an odd feeling occasionally.
I have had a couple of thyroid scans previously and was told no signs of nodules or goitre but that my thyroid looked like a shrivelled up walnut ?
I take Vit d every day but should I be taking zinc and magnesium and maybe eating a couple of Brazil nuts daily for selenium?
any advice greatly appreciated. Thankyou in advance.