So a few weeks back i posted my (private) results which showed me as possibly a poor converter of t4 to t3. I had been re-experiencing; hair loss; tingly scalp/mouth/tongue and hands; really stiff muscles and really sore tendons. My vits were also low...
Folate 16 (8.83-60.8)
Ferritin 63.1 (13-150)
B12 224 (<145- Deficient, 145-250-Insufficient, >550- ideal)
I am still waiting on the results of DI02 test.
Ive umm-ed and ahh-ed about going back to my GP re the low B12. As he is very difficult. He refused to treat me for hypothyroidism even though I at one point had a TSH of 7, and bad symtoms). Because he refused to treat me, I was eventually diagnosed with ME and one of the 'treatments' was B12 injections about 6 years ago. (But he wasn't involved in that – I then also got to see an endo who trialled me on levo and then kept me on it. He wrote that my previous symptoms were probably due to being hypothyroid rather than ME, and that I probably had a problem with conversion. However my surgery seem to overlook that letter out of the hundreds of letters that went back and forth whilst trying to find out what was wrong and happily still see me as someone who has ME.)
I don't really now how to self supplement, so I'm just chucking everything at me! Since I last posted I went out and purchased some, Holland and Barrett 15mg Iron with vitamins and minerals. ( Contents: vit C 125% NRV, B1 364%, B2 143%, Niacin 63%, Pantothenic Acid 167%, B6 286%, B12 (cyanocobalamin) 800%, Folic acid 100%, Biotin, 100%, Calcium 16%, Copper 120%, Iron 107%, Molybdenum 60%.)
I also was recommended Hairburst for the hairloss by a friend. There were expensive but I thought why not, in for a penny in for a pound! Contents: Vit A 100%, D3 50%, C 125%, Thiamin 454%, Riboflavin 357%, Niacin 31%, B6 357%, Folic acid 100%, B12 (cyanocobalamin) 800%, Biotin 500%, Pantothenic Acid 1666%, Calcium 25%, Zinc, 100%, Copper 100%, Selenium 100%.
And then I just thought I had better be safe than sorry as I am sure I have a lot of stomach acid and probably a difficulty to absorb B12, so I got a Better You B12 spray (methylcobalamin) 1200mcg and a Better you D3 spray 75ug.
This lot I have been taking for just over a week or so. Amazingly my hairloss has definitely slowed already! My tingling is less pronounced, and so is my stiffness etc.
I don't know whether to continue on this regime and get tested privately in ??? many months time and continue the way I am. Or wherever to stop, make an appointment to see GP, be brave and ask about B12 injections and a possibility of going back to the endo, AND making a private appointment with an good endo who has been recommended and actually is part of the same endo team on the NHS around my way.
I know this sounds stupid, but my GP and I really don't see eye to eye, hence the fact I am trying to self treat rather than go and have a pointless appointment that makes me feel like a neurotic hypochondriac! But there is part of me saying 'try it as you don't know what you may get if you do manage to get a referral and B12 injections!!'
Dilemmas... help?
Do I try and get back in with the endo both via NHS and private via GP and get stuff on NHS
Do I ignore GP and go private to endo, and get stuff privately? (money is an issue-isnt it?)
Do I continue self supplementing and if so how?
Sorry.... mad ramblings....