November blood test results B H on 100 thyroxin... - Thyroid UK

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November blood test results B H on 100 thyroxine, upped to 125

miglet54 profile image
14 Replies

These are my first private test results. I have new ones from GP this week please advise. Marked no further action according to receptionist Gp phoned last night to discuss, suggested raising a further 25 thyroxine to 150

TSH .66. (.35-5.5)

T4 10.8. (10- 19.8)

T3 3.3. (3.5 - 6.5) below range

Vit d 64.7 desired level 75

Ferritin 41.2 (10-291)

Serum Alk phosphate 273 ((30-130) above range I have fibrous dysplasia

I am supplementing b12 3 x weekly jabs, thorns basic b and adrenal support in the morning. Lunchtime d3 and k2. Evening zinc, magnesium and selenium. During the night solgar gentle iron and vit c, early am thyroxine with a glass of water, followed by a snooze. Vit levels are slowly improving but I can't say that I feel any better, mentally sharper perhaps, but my main aim seems to be getting back to my bed. Advice appreciated please .

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miglet54 profile image
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14 Replies
bluebug profile image

You have Hashimotos, auto immune thyroid disease. Medical treatment is the same as for hypothyroidism however your thyroid hormone levels can fluctuate.

If you aren't gluten free then it is worth being so as often those with Hashimotos have issues with their gut. You want to ensure when going gluten free you avoid shop brought gluten free products as the gluten is replaced with other unhealthy things as fillers or binding agents.

bd79og profile image

With vitamin deficiencies and thyroid I 'm afraid you have to be patient. I keep trying to be but do find it terribly frustrating to be still completely hit by fatigue every afternoon. I'm sure that the supplements you are taking will help somewhat especially the iron and B12. My B12 was very low and supplements made me feel mostly normal for several months. Similarly my ferratin was borderline low several years ago and may have helped precipitate me getting ill. Try Isabella Wentz for advice on hashimotos. Gluten free and dairy free help me a lot although I have never tested positive for antibodies. Good luck and hang in there!

Katepots profile image

You're doing all the right things but how is your diet with the Hashimotos?

Gluten, casein, and soy free works best. Also nightshades can be a problem.

How about healing your gut?

Lots of bone broth, I also use collagen powder which helps.

Also good pro and prebiotics.

Phi naturals 10/30 works well for me. Can't remember prebiotic offhand but can let you know if you're interested.

Link to Epstein Barr, h pylori, Lyme etc so worth testing.

Really need to get those antibodies down.

miglet54 profile image
miglet54 in reply to Katepots

Hello Kate, I've tested Neg. For H.pylori. vegetarian for 40 years. Only recently discovered I'm Hashimoto. I'm finding gluten free difficult but trying. Eating saurkraut and looking into KimchI. I take lots of codeine which is constipating so I'd be happy to hear about your experience with gut bacteria.

Josiesmum profile image
Josiesmum in reply to miglet54

Unfortunately codeine, ibuprofen etc are also bad for your gut lining :-(

I would stick with 100% gluten free, low sugar, high vegetable fibre, healthy fats inc omega 3s, lots of prebiotics and probiotics and drink plenty of water.

miglet54 profile image
miglet54 in reply to Josiesmum


Katepots profile image
Katepots in reply to miglet54

I'm hassling my GP to test for Epstein Barr and Lyme at the moment as ticks love me so that's a probability.

I did a bit of a cleanse for parasites and have started pro and prebiotics which have made a massive difference. I'm the other way to you so it's helped with consistency and smell! 😩 Great conversations we all have haha

If you're still struggling you really need to try and be gluten and casein free (milk) as both look like the thyroid to the body which is why the immune system attacks when eaten. Molecular mimickry, v interesting.

Fermented foods are great for the it so definitely continue with them.

Soy is not a good one (endocrine disrupter) so check its quality, no gmo's.

eeng profile image

You still feel awful because your FT3 is below range, and your FT4 is right at the bottom of the range. You definitely need more thyroid hormone. 150mcg isn't a particularly high dose assuming your thyroid is probably not working at all at the moment (and possibly never will). Basically with results like yours I would take all the Levothyroxine my GP would prescribe, and even then you might end up needing more. Your GP will probably stop prescribing more when your TSH drops below the bottom of the 'normal range', which might leave you with FT3 and FT4 levels that are suboptimal, but cross that bridge when you come to it.

miglet54 profile image
miglet54 in reply to eeng

My thoughts exactly, she tried to blame my tiredness on too much b12. I've been on 125-100 for 10 yrs I think. I said that I might add a bit of t3 purchased online and she stuttered and stumbled a bit,, but then I reminded her I had to buy all my extra b12 online as she has stopped supplying it other than the few jabs per year maintenance. Now I'm to try 150 for 6-8 weeks, then see again. If it's no better this time I'm going to change from thyroxine. I feel like I've wasted25% of my life trying to get well, I've gained 7 stone too.

CSmithLadd profile image
CSmithLadd in reply to miglet54

Tiredness on "too much b12?!" Oh my! Now that's a doctor talking like a car mechanic assuming you don't know the difference between a lug nut and a windshield wiper.

There's no toxicity level for B-12. What the doctor said is utterly ridiculous.

"The fatigue and lack of motivation you describe can’t be attributed to the amount of B12 you’ve been taking. This vitamin is not toxic, so you don’t have to worry that too much could be harmful. In fact, fatigue (as well as memory loss, balance problems, constipation and depression) are more likely to be symptoms of a B12 deficiency than of getting too much of it."

I'd get another doctor, Any doctor who makes it up as they go along isn't worth their weight in iodized salt. From my experience, the vast majority of doctors don't have a clue when it comes to the thyroid. They scratch their heads so much they've affected their brains.

Going to a GP for thyroid issues is most often a total waste of time. Not only does it waste your time, it also causes your blood pressure to rise and irritates the hell out of you every time you are spoken to as a child. Why do GPs try to be everyone's parent? I suppose when they can't make headway in helping a patient, it's much easier to simply blame the patient! So much simpler if they would just say, "I'm a fish out of water on this. I don't know what I'm doing."

But they never will own up to that fact.

It seems to me that your body is starving for T3 to be in all of the cells. Waiting for T4 to handle that task while you suffer with high TSH is ridiculous. Adding T3 in the way of an NDT product is probably the best thing for you. For one, you'll be getting small amounts of T3 right away. Since it may be that you're not converting T4 properly (which is often the case as stomach acid lessens with hypothyroidism and results in mal-absorption of vitamins, minerals and hormones necessary for thyroid hormone to work properly), adding T3 could go a long way in your recovery process.

I don't think it is unfortunate at all that many of us have been forced to self-treat. To me, educating ourselves and self-treating accordingly is about the only way a person with hypothyroidism and its peripheral issues (mal-absorption leading to leaky gut, gluten intolerance, allergies due to the abundance of histamines, etc.) will ever get the care required to become optimal again. This is how we regain our strength and our health! And we do it without the irritations of ignorant and condescending physicians who make our blood pressure rise and our skin crawl!

However, not everyone has to take drastic measures. The sooner hypothyroidism is detected, the faster it can be to reverse. In between, are a myriad of patients with so many maladies they're quickly labeled as a hypochondriac (how fitting: "hypo" chondria). Hmm.

But for those of us who never saw a hint of becoming healthy as we continued to slide down a rocky road of more and more symptoms and syndromes while under the care of certified physicians... well, we do what we have to do in order to have some quality of life! I call it simple self-preservation.

Getting away from idiotic doctors was the single best thing I have ever done for my own treatment. I tried to enlighten them -- but no -- they were too busy reading results with no clue as to what any of it meant. Being a Graves' Disease patient, they certainly didn't have a clue about that either. I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands. I've only gone up, up, up from there... and "there," at one time, certainly resembled a bottomless pit!

I did this by reading everything I could get my hands on. All the briefs, journals, and clinical trials that doctors no longer have time for. And they were fired, one by one. Hurrah! Doctors gone from my life when it comes to my thyroid treatment. They are mostly idiots who follow strict protocol and never see you as an individual. Fearing malpractice and losing kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies will do that.

When you don't have a doctor who "gets it," it becomes necessary to find out what it is you need and then make sure you get it. You deserve an end to this madness. It's not rocket science and it never was. It is merely a balancing of a machine that needs to be finely tuned in order to function properly. Bringing back the balance to your body's imbalances is the thing that will bring you back to where you once were. You can learn how to do it -- and if you're lucky, you might find a doctor who is willing to learn as well.

I never found that doctor, but they do exist.

Bottom line, you're in the right place and among the right people to help you do whatever it is you need doing.


miglet54 profile image
miglet54 in reply to eeng

Well I'm 63 now and think I've had this all my life. It wouldn't surprise me if my thyroid had given up. My tsh rocketed recently for no obvious reason. Hashimoto probably.

steviecat profile image

I'm no expert, but I think that eeng is absolutely correct.

eeng profile image

I might be wrong but I think B12 is one of the things you can't overdose on, the excess is excreted in the urine. Some websites differ on the subject, but then some websites say the earth is flat. How your doctor can seriously blame any symptoms on too much B12 is something that eludes me.

miglet54 profile image

Don't worry, I did tell her just that. Too much just gets pee'd out.

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