I am hoping that someone here can assist me please. I am looking to have a private blood test to check that the thyroxine I take is converting to T3 and I am unsure exactly what test I should be requesting ( on the Blue Horizon site) to find the answer.
My history is a TT 12 years ago. I am now 40 years old. I Have always had symptoms of hypo ie fatigue, acne, unable to shift weight gain, digestive problems etc etc. I take 125/150 mcg thyroxine alternate days. My latest blood tests results are
Dec 13. TSH 0.09 ( range 0.3-4.2)
March 14 TSH 0.05 (range 0.3-4.2)
My GP wanted to reduce thyroxine at the first test but I resisted knowing how poorly I've felt on 125mch daily. She agreed to the further test in March, she deemed this as normal result. They are not willing to check anything other than TSH hence me going it alone.
I hope someone can give me a bit of assistance.
Thank you