So you may remember I posted test results from 2014 the other day, saying I was due new blood tests. Well I've now got the results back and finally got some results!!
It's a long list so any comments on any of it is much appreciated... I've summarised at the end for those short on time/energy!
TSH 6.2 mu/L (0.4 - 5.5) 6.2 is an increase from 4.6 in 2014
Free T4 13.8 pmol/L (11.5-22.7)
Testosterone <0.7 nmol/L (0.5 - 2.6) Is this too low or ok?
Cortisol 390 nmol/L (120.0 - 620.0)
B12 vit 214 ng/L (210 - 910) is this too low given my folic acid is so low?
Folate 1.2 ug/L (5.4 - 24) I've been prescribed 5mg folic acid once a day for 3 months then retesting. Is this caused by underactive thyroid?
Ferritin 50 ug/L (10 - 307) is this too low, given B12 maybe also low and folate definitely low?
Sodium, potassium, creatinine, total protein, calcium are all middle of the ranges.
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD 70mL/min, no range given.
Albumin 45 g/L (35 - 50)
Adjusted calcium concentration 2.29 mmol/L (2.25 - 2.65) is this a bit low?
Alkaline phosphatase level 63 iu/L (38 - 126)
Bilirubin 5 umol/L (1 - 22) is this a bit low?
Total white blood count 9.6 10*9/L (4 - 10) is this a bit high?
Platelet count 331 10*9/L (150 - 400)
Haemoglobin 133 g/L (120 - 150)
Haematocrit 42% (36-46)
Red blood cell count 4.48 10*12/L (3.8 - 4.8)
Mean cell volume 94 fL (83 - 101)
Mean cell haemoglobin 30 pg (27 - 32)
Neutrophil 6.13 10*9/L (1.8 - 7.4)
Lymphocyte 2.57 10*9/L (1.1 - 3.5)
Monocyte 0.56 10*9/L (0.21 - 0.92)
Eosinophil 0.27 10*9/L (0.02 - 0.67)
Basophil 0.03 10*9/L (0.0-0.13)
Nucleated red blood cell count 0.00 10*9/L, no range given. Is this ok? Or does it mean test wasn't done?
erythrocyte sedimentation rate 30mm/h (1 - 12) Highlighted as Above Range And being retested in a month.
total 25-hydroxy vitamin D level 39.1 nmol/L (in the 30-50 "Vit D insufficiency, consider replacement" range, highlighted by dr and told to take a vit D over the counter supplement. I bought a Vit D3 1000iu, 1/day. Is this right? Dr said to take for 3 months then retest.
Alanine aminotransferase level 23 iu/L (5 - 33)
Plasma glucose 5.0 mmol/L (no range given)
"No visible haemolysis"
C reactive protein level 15mg/L (<12.0) "Above range"
I think tthat's everything! So in summary the things flagged on my results are the following
C reactive protein
Vit D
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
And some of the items I've questioned above are in range but I'm personally concerned if they're ok still... (not flagged by my dr).
Any comments absolutely gratefully received as brain fog is slowing me down figuring things out aand I'm in a battle trying to get my symptoms recognised at my gp practice.