Full blood count Monitoring
Total white blood count 4.7 10*9/L [3.9 - 10.2]
Red blood cell count 4.48 10*12/L [3.9 - 5.2] Haemoglobin
concentration 144 g/L [120.0 - 156.0] Haematocrit 0.449 L/L [0.355 -
Mean cell volume 100.1 fL [80.0 - 99.0]
Above high reference limit
Mean cell haemoglobin level 32.1 pg [27.0 - 33.5]
Red blood cell distribution width 12.6 % [11.0 - 16.0] Platelet count -
observation 241 10*9/L [150.0 - 370.0] Plateletcrit 0.240
Mean platelet volume 9.8 fL
Platelet distribution width 49 %
Neutrophil count 2.30 10*9/L [1.5 - 7.7]
Lymphocyte count 1.78 10*9/L [1.1 - 4.5]
Monocyte count - observation 0.34 10*9/L [0.1 - 0.9] Eosinophil
count - observation 0.12 10*9/L [0.02 - 0.5] Basophil count 0.05
10*9/L [0.0 - 0.2]
VITAMIN B12 Monitoring
Serum vitamin B12 level 291.0 ng/L [211.0 - 911.0]
25OH VITAMIN D (GP ONLY) Monitoring
Serum total 25-hydroxy vitamin D level 74.3 nmol/l
Ranges below relate to TOTAL 25-OH Vitamin D
Below 30 nmol/L is deficient
30 - 50 nmol/L: may be inadequate in some people
Above 50 nmol/L: is sufficient for almost the whole population
There is some evidence that levels nearer 75 nmol/L may be
beneficial for the frail elderly at risk of falling (see CUH Trust
Above 500 nmol/L: Toxicity likely
For advice on management please s
ee NOS publication :
Vitamin D and Bone Health: A Practical Clinical Guideline
for Patient Management and/or CUH Trust guidelines Ca
and Vitamin D supplements to adults with GFR>30mL/min/1.73m2
FOLATE (SERUM) Monitoring
Serum folate level 5.04 ug/L [> 5.38]
Full blood count Monitoring
Total white blood count 4.7 10*9/L [3.9 - 10.2]
Red blood cell count 4.48 10*12/L [3.9 - 5.2] Haemoglobin
concentration 144 g/L [120.0 - 156.0] Haematocrit 0.449 L/L [0.355 -
Mean cell volume 100.1 fL [80.0 - 99.0]
Above high reference limit
Mean cell haemoglobin level 32.1 pg [27.0 - 33.5]
Red blood cell distribution width 12.6 % [11.0 - 16.0] Platelet count -
observation 241 10*9/L [150.0 - 370.0] Plateletcrit 0.240
Mean platelet volume 9.8 fL
Platelet distribution width 49 %
Neutrophil count 2.30 10*9/L [1.5 - 7.7]
Lymphocyte count 1.78 10*9/L [1.1 - 4.5]
Monocyte count - observation 0.34 10*9/L [0.1 - 0.9] Eosinophil
count - observation 0.12 10*9/L [0.02 - 0.5] Basophil count 0.05
10*9/L [0.0 - 0.2]
VITAMIN B12 Monitoring
Serum vitamin B12 level 291.0 ng/L [211.0 - 911.0]
25OH VITAMIN D (GP ONLY) Monitoring
Serum total 25-hydroxy vitamin D level 74.3 nmol/l
Ranges below relate to TOTAL 25-OH Vitamin D
Below 30 nmol/L is deficient
30 - 50 nmol/L: may be inadequate in some people
Above 50 nmol/L: is sufficient for almost the whole population
There is some evidence that levels nearer 75 nmol/L may be
beneficial for the frail elderly at risk of falling (see CUH Trust
Above 500 nmol/L: Toxicity likely
For advice on management please see NOS publication :
Vitamin D and Bone Health: A Practical Clinical Guideline
for Patient Management and/or CUH Trust guidelines Ca
and Vitamin D supplements to adults with GFR>30mL/min/1.73m2
FOLATE (SERUM) Monitoring
Serum folate level 5.04 ug/L [> 5.38]
Below low reference limit
Serum Folate Reference Range = Greater than 5.38 ug/L If the
patient cannot be fasted be aware that a folate rich meal, eaten less
than 3 hours prior to venesection, may increase serum folate
Serum calcium level 2.56 mmol/L [2.08 - 2.65] Serum albumin level
38 g/L [35.0 - 50.0] Serum adjusted calcium concentration 2.64
mmol/L [2.2 - 2.6] Above high reference limit
Urea and electrolytes Monitoring
Serum sodium level 142 mmol/L [133.0 - 146.0]
Serum potassium level 4.2 mmol/L [3.5 - 5.3]
Serum creatinine level 71 umol/L [44.0 - 97.0]
eGFR using creatinine (CKD-EPI) per 1.73 square metres 78 mL/
min/1.73m*2 eGFR result is consistent with CKD Stage 2, provided
AKI has been excluded.
NICE no longer recommends adjusting eGFR for adults of
African-Caribbean or African family origin (NG203, updated August
FERRITIN Monitoring
Serum C reactive protein level < 4 mg/L [0.0 - 6.0]
Serum ferritin level 24.6 ug/L [10.0 - 291.0]
A normal ferritin may not exclude iron deficiency if levels are at the
lower end of the normal range or in the presence of inflammation.
PHOSPHATE Monitoring
Serum inorganic phosphate level 1.11 mmol/L [0.8 - 1.5]
Thyroid function test Monitoring
Serum TSH level 0.84 mU/L [0.35 - 5.5] Serum free T4 level 13.6
pmol/L [10.5 - 21.0]
FREE T3 Monitoring
Serum free triiodothyronine level 3.4 pmol/L [3.5 - 6.5] Below low
reference limit