Polls - ITP Support Association | HealthUnlocked

ITP Support Association

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ITP TREATMENTS - Which ITP treatment has given you the best outcome in terms of the longest period of remission ?

At What Age Were You Diagnosed with ITP ? (Please use the age of any child you are answering this poll on behalf of)

Do you suffer from tiredness/fatigue and do you think it is linked to your ITP ?

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Have You Had Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) to treat your ITP ?

Have you ever had CLUMPING PLATELETS when you have had a blood test ?

Have you had or are you going to have the FLU jab this Winter ?


Have any ITP sufferers got diabetes and if so what treatment are you on for your diabetes ?

Have you contracted SHINGLES as a result of your immune system being suppressed ?

For anyone who has had a bone marrow biopsy, were you offered sedation when you had the procedure

For anyone who has had a Bone Marrow Biopsy, were you sedated or not when you had the biopsy done ?

What is the most number of times you have visited the hospital in any one year since you were diagnosed with ITP ?

Are you aware that RARE DISEASE DAY is an ANNUAL event which takes place on the last day of FEBRUARY each year ?

As an ITP sufferer do you feel the COLD when others don`t ?

Did you know that SEPTEMBER is International ITP Awareness Month ?

As a follow up to last months poll, what best describes your experiences of bleeding ?

Since suffering from ITP have you experienced any BLEEDING ?

When prescribed Prednisolone/steroids for ITP what other medications were you given to help counteract the side effects?

Since being diagnosed with ITP, what is the HIGHEST platelet count that you have had?

Do you think an APP for mobile phone/tablet computer would be a useful addition to the services provided by the ITP Support Assoc

Since your initial diagnosis, how long have you been an ITP sufferer ?

As an ITP sufferer which of the following statements BEST reflects your opinion of your dentist(s) ?

What is the lowest level that your platelet count has fallen to ?

At what age were you first diagnosed with ITP ?

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