Have you contracted SHINGLES as a res... - ITP Support Assoc...

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Have you contracted SHINGLES as a result of your immune system being suppressed ?

AnthonyHeard profile imageAnthonyHeardAdministratorITP Support Association44 Voters

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7 Replies
virginiabranscom profile image

I contracted shingles after having the vaccine, but before I was ever on prednisone.

AnthonyHeard profile image
AnthonyHeardAdministratorITP Support Association

Just to clarify the reason that I have asked the question about Shingles is that I contracted shingles in December 2009 following 4 years of being on and off Prednisolone. At no stage of being on Prednisolone was I ever told that as it was suppressing my immune system it could make me more vulnerable to viruses, like shingles etc. So i just wondered if other people who have been issued Prednisolone have been alerted to the fact that they may be more vulnerable to viruses as the treatment is suppressing the immune system. This is just based on my own experience and of course we all have different experiences and reactions to the various treatments. In no event am I suggesting that all people who take Prednisolone will contract shingles but it did happen to me and was very painful. I still get pain from it even now.

EllaG profile image

My hospital gave me a blue steroid card to carry with me at all times which explained the risks to your immune system and told you to try and avoid people with both chicken pox and shingles

janran profile image

Luckily, I have not contracted shingles. I have been off prednisolone since November (was on them for about 6 months). I was warned by my hospital and GP that my immune system would be suppressed. This was a concern for me as I work in a school and am exposed to lots of viruses. I have had more than the usual ammount of coughs and colds and a dose of the norwalk but no shingles so far!

regsmum profile image

I was warned about the possibility of shingles because I had a spectacular coldsore when I was first diagnosed so the doctor gave me anti-virals (aciclovir, I think) I didn't catch anything in spite of working in a school. I have had my first ever dose of flu a few months after finishing prednisolone and I wonder if there is a connection.

AnthonyHeard profile image
AnthonyHeardAdministratorITP Support Association

Like regsmum I also was prescribed Aciclovir when I had shingles for Christmas 2009. It sure has turned out to be the Christmas gift that just keeps giving !

Topography52_- profile image

I had steroids when I had optic neuritis years later I have had my first shingles episode Oct 2016 then I was diagnosed with my low platelets food for thought aye .