For anyone who has had a bone marrow ... - ITP Support Assoc...

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For anyone who has had a bone marrow biopsy, were you offered sedation when you had the procedure

AnthonyHeard profile imageAnthonyHeardAdministratorITP Support Association28 Voters
No I was not offered anything and did not know I might need something so I had nothing
Yes I was offered it but declined it
Yes I was offered it and accepted it
No I was not offered anything but knew about it asked for it and was given it
11 Replies
linda64 profile image

i did nt know i could be sedated but they said there would only be a slight pain which there was i ve never thought about it since

Morgan profile image

It was taken with no notice from my chest and wasn't pleasant. The ache stayed with me for about 3 weeks, especially when driving. But it gave the final diagnosis of ITP and not leukemia which was a relief.

Nicebaps profile image

I've had 3 Bone Marrow Biopsy in the past 2 years. I was given a local anesthetic into the skin and on all 3, it was very painful. It should take about 20 minutes to complete but on the first one it took nearly 2 hours because the lady doctor couldn't brake through the bone and had to wait for a male doctor who put a lot more weight behind the needle :-(

AnthonyHeard profile image
AnthonyHeardAdministratorITP Support Association

Thank you all for your answers and it is quite clear that when having the bone marrow biopsy we are all getting such varied information. In many cases we are not being told/advised about just how painful the procedure might be and in so many cases obviously we are not being offered sedation. This is a topic I will raise at the ITP Support Association Convention on April 20th and at least be bringing the issue out in the open hopefully it might spare a lot of pain for people who have the bone marrow biopsy in the future. I guess the most important thing is to ASK for sedation becuase it will probably not be offfered otherwise.

ITP_1992 profile image

I had the bone marrow biopsy when I was 13 (12 years ago) and I was not sedated. I still remember now how painful it was, I was just crying quietly but it was very uncomfortable. It was hurting for about a month after that, every time I laughed I get a pain in my chest and I still have a little scar on my chest today!!! Not a pleasant experience :(

ITP_1992 profile image

Oh I forgot the worst bit, hearing the little crack in my bone!!!!!

catherineb profile image

Our little boy had the biospy when he was 3, he was sedated and it was taken from his pelvis, he dosent even remember it happening!

I've had two BMBs, one when I was going onto a drug trial and they insisted on it, and the other time when I developed neutropenia. If anyone would have suggested sedation to me it would have most likely given me the expectation that it would hurt a lot. As it was, I didn't know it might hurt and it didn't. Telling people it will hurt is not always a good thing!

blue2901 profile image

my 10 year old son got a general for his bone marrow aspiration and biopsy ,to rule out leukemia and to see if he was producing platelets ..

sparko35 profile image

Hi Just got back from having biopsy OMG bloody painful had to do it twice as first time the biopsy didn't come out they had to inject more numbing fluid in to me and it still hurt hope to get some answers now

RobertSp profile image

I was told that bone can not be anesthetized.