5 years journey for QOL : PROSTATE... - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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5 years journey for QOL

mijnzoek profile image
10 Replies


A five year journey trying for the best quality of life

Our experience ..

Jozef was diagnosed with multiple METS to the bones in June 2013 PSA 100 PSA doubling every month if we did not add anything

He died July 2018 His red cell and platelets count were crashing ..that in my humble opinion started after the radiation of multiple spots in his back for pain relief from bone METS

At the beginning there was a great panic .. We knew nothing..It was a learning curve

His journey was about aggressive disease ...Not about early diagnosis

We were in the public health system..It would have been nice to be able to afford an alternative doctor well versed in cancer

They are scarce and expensive..

We have found we could contribute ourselves


I would advice anybody confronted with Prostate cancer ...who wants to be actively involved with his own treatment ....to start with reading the prostate cancer protocol on the life extension site .

.It will show you can have an input..And it is easy to read


Also read what Steve Evans had to say


This will hopefully set you up to do some research on pub med ..You will find out there are multiple avenues

In the beginning I had it hard ..Until I got used to the acronyms

My husband could not do the reading ..He read the overall survival numbers ..It was too close to home and depressing for him

When I read the numbers it was to beat them

Over time I joined some prostate cancer groups in the US..

The cancer cured site is about all cancers

.It has Vincent Gammill ..Always worth reading what he has to say ..Leonard is very wise too..




Yahoo advanced prostate cancer has some very knowledgeable people on it .

.Patrick O Shea is one of them ..He posts his comments on recent Pub med publications


We went off lucrin after it stopped working ( castrate resistant in a year )

This following link is an interesting take on a life long study of prostate cancer from Prof Thomas Talberg


We were on the Thomas Talberg protocol for a long time ...a mix of amino acids and trace minerals

.It would hold back the cancer about 70% ..All about quality of life

This might work much better with less aggressive disease..So I guess this would be interesting for people with an early diagnosis who opt for wait and see

We bought from Gaya nutrition after the Thomas Talberg clinic closed after his death


This is the original formula

I think the compounding lab in Albion Brisbane makes something similar..It does not include all the trace elements


I want to share some things I am SURE made a difference . are feasible and do not break the bank. As it is all about living longer with a better quality of life


I know Prosstay at 10 a day ( 6 gram )( vitamin C and K3 ) gave us 6 months stable

If you can not find it .. (try Swansons


Big Pharma patented this and calls it Apatone A ..You can find studies on the web

We added a 60 gram vit c IV a week for a while

Later I made my own liposomal vit c .. qualityliposomalc.com/proce...

It is not too difficult once you done it once ..I My husband did not like the taste because of the lecithin



PSK an extract from turkey tail mushroom works ..at slowing the disease

It can be taken with all cancer conventional treatments

Therapeutic dose 3.5 to 6 grams a day for a 30 % extract

We took it for years ..It is on the PBS in Japan (well in their system )

It has synergy with Vit E Gamma tocotrienols ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...



I also bought PSP from Oriveda for a while

Syd Mara at Oriveda is very knowledgably

Their site has good info about research and what to look for in a mushroom extract as they are not all made equal


In Australia you can buy PSK trammune ..It becomes expensive at 10 a day ..It is about a 30 % extract ..We bought it for a long time ...

Then I bought the extract in bulk and capped my own

To save some money I was told to add cheaper beta glucans to the PSK

I added the father Romano Zago protocol for a while


A blend of Aloe Arborensis honey and vodka

I added extra vodka so it lasted a bit longer in the fridge ..and

this had the advantage of tasting nice ..


ahccpublishedresearch.com/a... this tells you ..You will live longer ..


There is a trial going on in England with terminal cancers


For a while we took Cimetidine Mebendazole and Griseofulvin

We took 2x 100 mg Celebrex almost throughout

Look into a low dose nitro patch

We tried low dose Naltrexone at 3 mg at night

We took Metformin

Look into adding a Statin with the Metformin ..There is lots of evidence for that

It can be a bit tricky to get hold of off label drugs .you have to find a sympathetic doctor and take the printout of the research with you ..sometimes you can find a supplement that works the same way .. ex We took Berberine for years ..then we took metformin


We took heaps of supplements

They changed now and then depending on what we were trying at the time

There is lots of talk about cycling them ..Not staying on the same supplements all the time ..To confuse the system

I would go to see a doctor-naturopath if I was not sure about mixing what supplements and drugs

Ex ..We were taking Berberine for a long time but when we took Enzalutamide we changed to Metformin as Metformin is not metabolised in the liver

Look into taking Propolis ( CAPE ) and Apigenin with Enzalutamide manukahealth.co.nz/en-nz/pr... this Propolis is the only one with guaranteed active ingredients



Most of them are anti inflammatory


Sulphoraphane ( brocco max )






Frankincense Terry bosmed ..I added 5 loxin

Jozef took throughout 2000 Omega 3 ( life extension )

K2 MK7 when we were not on Prosstay

Vit D 10 000 a day throughout

Selenium .. Boron ..

Zyflamend ( anti inflammatory )



Propolis from Manuka health





flax seed extracts

Biohawk Ginger ( Brisbane Prof C Hawkins )

Tumeric..( curcu brain )..Today i would probably try to make it liposomal

Melatonin 20 mg at night



Google each of the supplements with prostate cancer and pubmed to find out more

If you get conventional treatment

Google your supplements with the therapy and synergy see if anything comes up

I bought a lot of supplements from Swansons and Iherb in the US

Iherb is the easiest to use and the fastest to ship It has free shipping



I would contact anybody any where ..If I thought it might help

I would write a friendly short letter or email with a straight question

I found lots of generosity ..If you can not afford a drug find out if there is a compassionate list

I once was given the advice..Do not fret about the treatments you can not afford ..It has proven wise


Pain control became a big thing some of the times

What I learned


I bought the 70 % gel from Biovea


I rubbed his back all the time ( works for about 4 hours...sometimes much longer ) and it dissolved the osteo lumps on my right hand that did the rubbing

I added frankincense and oregano oil ..For the anti inflammatory action and the nice smell

(Read up on the oils ..they are not all the same quality )

When the pain was stronger I would add 10 ground up Endones to a tub and rub it in

Local pain relief without the intestinal issues of the opiod

Jozef also had a badly slipped disk and this kept him all right throughout



I found it was great to relax the muscles ..a lot of pain has a muscle spasm component

If the DMSO was not working well enough... I would add the magnesium.on top .Not vice versa ..as the DMSO has to applied to CLEAN skin

So I washed his back every day


Look into palmitoylethanolamide for pain ( the nerve component )..Not a gimmick


This is used a lot in the Netherlands normally referred to as PEA PURE

You can buy it from the compounding lab in Albion

Jozef took it for years

This is some of what I wished I had been told at the beginning of our journey..

It is to be taken as advice..It is only so you can find your own way .. I personally found the research empowering..To feel less of a victim

..All cancers are different ..Just look into the research and decide for yourself if you want to add to your treatment.....a little or a lot ..

.It is up to you

Talk to a sympathetic doctor …


I think most of the things we added were of incremental benefit …

They did not cure him

I do feel we have stretched his journey ..

Without adding to the burden..

an American doctor treating cancer patients with a combination of traditional and natural therapies replied to the question ..... if any of his supplements were of any value ....with the answer

My patients die in a reasonable condition .




May be look into Gen reg ..I came to this info a bit late


I think I would have liked the test on natural substances..It might have given some guidance on what supplements to try first

The tests on chemo therapy drugs is of no value if you can not access the drugs recommended.. Because they are not available .. super expensive and not on the PBS

Then maybe go for a more aggressive ADT double or triple blockade first up for as short a period as possible ..Then go for High Testosterone replacement

Through this whole journey I have never been able to get testosterone.

I would have also liked to try Deithylstilbestrol intermittently at low dose


I added oestrogen patches to Enzalutamide after it stopped working and his PSA dropped 14 % in 10 days . But ....by then we had the crashing red blood cells and platelets ..It was too late ..


After reading up for 5 years ... I think inflammation is The big worry

Cancer is an inflammatory disease..so anti inflammatory supplements the first port of call

especially if you were to have to have an operation .. Talk to your anaesthetist and see if you can have Ketorolac during the procedure ....read up


Just hoping this could help or empower somebody .



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mijnzoek profile image
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10 Replies
riichardd profile image

Hi. Would you elaborate on the oestrogen patches used with enzalutamide please.Obviously you had some excellent results but I am curious of the thinking behind it. I'm currently 8 weeks in to taking xtandi and want to prolong its effectiveness safely as long as possible. I have googled it but can't find anything about the two together. I'm currently on zoladex as well

Thanks Richard

mijnzoek profile image
mijnzoek in reply to riichardd

Hello Richard

It is 7 months ago and I have not kept up with the thinking

It was a journey trying to keep one step ahead ..my head was all about cancer

Jozef was a great friend as well as my husband

The nice thing was he trusted me completely

The things I made him swallow

I must have read something ...I can not find it now

I know BAT can still work after Enzalutamide

And we never could get hold of DES before ..so I guess it was worth a trial






riichardd profile image
riichardd in reply to mijnzoek

Hi, please forgive me for my previous insensitive message but I hadn't realised this is your first post since Jozef passed away. I can only thank you for sharing such a lot of helpful information at a time which must be so difficult for you, and send my sincerest condolences for your sad loss.


cujoe profile image


All I can think to say off the top . . . Is WOW!

Coupled with a heartfelt THANKS for sharing your experience and first-person knowledge with this patient community. I cannot imagine a better tribute to Jozef, as his memory now lives on in the helpful information you provide to the rest of us as we deal with what is essentially an incurable disease. Be Well (& may you live long & prosper) - cujoe

teamkv profile image

First off; no greater love is there than this, than to lay down your life for another. JUST WOW. Such love actively, continually, lived out loud. Bless you for taking the time to share this. Very helpful for all of us. May you be abundantly blessed with deep peace, deep rest and abundant blessings for being the hands and feet of Jesus to Jozef.

Thank you.

Kathie V

Break60 profile image

Would that all of us had such wonderful support ! You are awesome! God bless!

j-o-h-n profile image

AMAZING, JUST AMAZING. Josef was a lucky guy to have you for a wife. May he rest in peace for eternity. Thank you for your amazing post.


j-o-h-n Tuesday 02/05/2019 7:43 PM EST

TheTopBanana profile image

Thank you for this! I’m going to read it carefully for my father.

Grumpyswife profile image

You dedicated your life to saving him. Often I feel I have done the same for my husband but my efforts have been nothing compared to yours. You are an amazing person and he was so lucky to have you.

Sorry for the loss of your husband and best friend.


GeorgeGlass profile image

Nal, Any new thoughts on this post, which is now 3 years old? Anything else you would add or highlight from El's comments/recommendations? What about AHCC?

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