Thank you Rooked!!! for posting about using Cabergoline for treatingTerminal Androgen-independent Prostate Cancer!!! I did a quick search and found several very recent, VERY encouraging articles. So why hasn't this been made more public??!!!
For those who didn't see Rooked's post, here's a link to what he posted:
A Novel Patient Case Report to Show the Successful Termination of Untreatable Androgen-independent Prostate Cancer: Treatment with Cabergoline (Dopamine agonist).
-and here's the article in my title:
A Proposed Efficacious Treatment with Clioquinol (Zinc Ionophore) and Cabergoline (Prolactin Dopamine Agonist) for the Treatment of Terminal Androgen-independent Prostate Cancer. Why and How?
Here's a link to my search: