Below are my lab results. Diagnosed Graves Disease February 2019. Off thyroid medication. Feel awful. Pain left side of my head, shoulder, arm, hip and thigh. Itchy eyebrows. Also flush cheeks. Have deviated septum and possible TMJ.
Recently put on estrogen patch. Been a year of feeling sick. Why if my thyroid levels are normal am I still so sick and in pain all the time?
Primary care referred me to Rheumatologist. I have young kids and I have no life in me to get going every day.
Any help or thoughts are GREATLY Appreciated!!
(*)mean abnormal-
RF SCREEN QL<14 (<14) rheumatoid factor, screen, qualitative
TSH1.42u[iU]/mL(0.40-4.50) thyroid stimulating hormone, serum
ANTI-DS-DNA<1 (< = 4 Ne) anti double stranded DNA
HYAL CAST URNone Seen/[LPF](None Seen) hyaline casts, urine
BACTURMICRONone Seen /hpf/[HPF](None Seen) bacteria, urine, microscopic
EPITH CELL UNone Seen /hpf/[HPF](<or=5) epithelial cells, squamous, urine
RBCS MICRO UNone Seen (<or=2) RBC urine by microscopy
WBC BLOODNone Seen /hpf10*9/L(<or=5) leukocyte (white blood cells) count, blood
WBC ESTERASENegative (Negative) leukocyte (WBC) esterase, urine
NITRITE UANegative (Negative) Nitrite Urine
TOT PROT URNegative (Negative) Protein [Mass] in Urine collected for unspecified duration
BLOOD URNegative (Negative) BLOOD, URINE (hematuria)
BILIRUBIN URNegative (Negative) bilirubin, urine
GLUCOSE, URNNegative (Negative) glucose, urine, semiquantitative
PH URINE6.5 (5.0-8.0) pH, urine, semiquantitative
SPEC GR URIN1.006 (1.001-1.035) specific gravity, urine
APPEARANCE UClear (Clear) appearance, urine
UA COLORYellow (Yellow) urine color
T3FREE280pg/dLUnits converted. See lab report for original value. T3 (triiodothyronine), free
SSA<1.0 (<1.0) Sjogren's syndrome-A, extractable nuclear Ab, serum
THYROGLB AB<1 IU/mL (<= 1) thyroglobulin antibody
URINE CULTFINAL urine culture
LYME IGG WB<0.90 B. Burgdorferi IgG Antibody by Western Blot
* ANAAC-1 Aantinuclear antibody
* ANACHOICEPositive (Negative)AANA Choice Screen
CRP0.02mg/dLUnits converted. See lab report for original value. C-reactive protein, serum
FOLATE12.9ng/mL(> 5.4) folate, serum
B-12664pg/mL(200-1100) B-12, serum
T4, FREE1.0ng/dL(0.8-1.8) thyroxine, serum, free
FERRITIN98ng/mL(16-232) ferritin, serum
LIPASE21U/L(7-60) lipase, serum
AMYLASE44U/L(21-101) amylase, serum
MAGNESIUM2.2mg/dL(1.5-2.5) magnesium, serum
* CHOLESTEROL223mg/dL(<200)HCholesterol [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma - mg/dL
ESR9 (?)mm/h(<30)Nerythrocyte sedimentation rate
EGFR IF AFA108 (?)mL/min/1.73m2(>=60) eGFR if African American
SGPT (ALT)15U/L(6-29) alanine aminotransferase (SGPT), serum
SGOT (AST)14U/L(10-35) aspartate aminotransferase (SGOT), serum
ALK PHOS51U/L(33-115) alkaline phosphatase, serum
BILI TOTAL1.2mg/dL(0.2-1.2) bilirubin, serum, total
A/G RATIO2.0 (calc) (1.0-2.5) albumin/globulin ratio, serum
GLOBULIN TOT2.2 (?)g/dL(1.9-3.7) globulins, serum, total
ALBUMIN4.5g/dL(3.6-5.1) albumin, serum
PROTEIN, TOT6.7g/dL(6.1-8.1) protein, total, serum
CALCIUM9.4mg/dL(8.6-10.2) calcium, serum
BUN/CREATNOTE (calc) (6-22) urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio, serum
CREATININE0.76mg/dL(0.50-1.10) creatinine, serum
BUN18mg/dL(7-25) urea nitrogen, blood
CO2 TOTAL29mmol/L(20-32) carbon dioxide, serum, total
CHLORIDE102mmol/L(98-110) chloride, serum
POTASSIUM4.4mmol/L(3.5-5.3) potassium, serum
SODIUM139mmol/L(135-146) sodium, serum
GLUCOSE SER100mg/dL(65-139) blood glucose
BASOPH COUNT31 CELLS/UL10*3/mm3(0-200) basophil count, blood
EOSINPABSMAN68{Cells}/uL(15-500) eosinophils, absolute, manual
ABS MONOS477{Cells}/uL(200-950) Absolute Monocyte count
LYMPH COUNT1569 CELLS/UL10*3/mm3(850-3900) lymphocyte count, blood
NEUTROPHILS#4055 cells/uL (1500-7800) neutrophil count, absolute
BASOPHIL %0.5%(0-2) basophils as percent of blood leukocytes
EOSINOPHIL %1.1%(0-8) eosinophils as percent of blood leukocytes
MONOCYTE %7.7%(0-13) monocytes as percent of blood leukocytes
LYMPHS %25.3%(15-49) lymphocytes as percent of blood leukocytes
PMN %65.4%(38-80) neutrophils as percent of blood leukocytes
MPV11.3fL(7.5-12.5) mean platelet volume
PLATELETS234 (?)10*3/mm3(140-400) platelet count
RDW11.8%(11.0-15.0) red blood cell distribution width
MCHC RBC33.9g/dL(32.0-36.0) mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, RBC
MCH32.4pg(27.0-33.0) mean corpuscular hemoglobin, RBC
MCV95.5fL(80.0-100.0) mean corpuscular volume, RBC
HCT42.2%(35.0-45.0) hematocrit, blood
HGB14.3g/dL(11.7-15.5) hemoglobin, blood
RBC4.42 MILLION/UL10*6/mm3(3.80-5.10) erythrocyte (RBC) count
WBC6.2 (?)10*3/mm3(3.8-10.8) leukocyte count, blood