Success Thyroid Story: Hi! I promised myself that... - Thyroid UK

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Success Thyroid Story

SpicyLotus profile image
51 Replies

Hi! I promised myself that I would come back and write here if I managed to "naturally" put my thyroid levels and my Hashimoto’s back in their place, in case it could help someone else fix theirs. My TSH levels are now perfect and my Hashimoto's is pretty much in remission as my antibodies are pretty much gone and so are my symptoms. BTW, by “naturally”, I mean without thyroid medication no longer doing the work for me.

This is my experience, and not medical advice, and we are all individuals who function differently, but we also have a lot in common, so it may help in your venture to fix your thyroid.

When I first signed in to HealthUnlocked, only a few years ago, I had just been diagnosed with Hypothyroid, and Hashimoto's being the cause of my hypothyroidism. My TSH was at 8, my T3 was just a little low and my T4 was normal for conventional medicine but on the low end for functional medicine. My TgAB (Thyroglobulin antibodies) were around 50, and my TPO (thyroid peroxidase) were at 90. I could barely get off the couch, I was beginning to flirt with the idea of suicide as I no longer found anything in life exciting, not even food, or music, which used to heal me in down times.

The endocrinologist that diagnosed me put me on 50 mcg of Levothyroxine medication and told me I had to take it for the rest of my life. I asked her if there was anything I could do to reverse this and she said no, and she insinuated it only gets worse with age, so to come back every few months to possibly increase the dose.

I had not gone there to test for Hashimoto's, as I had never even heard of it, nor to check on my thyroid, which back then I had no idea was such a vital gland for all of our organs to function. I went there to test for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Alzheimer's, as my most significant symptoms were severe joint pain, and cognitive decline, plus Arthritis run in my family. I was having a hard time sleeping with joint pain, and having conversations without remembering everyday common words. Sometime I even had to take a pause to be able to introduce myself, as my own name did not immediately come to mind! Frankly I had been going to all kinds of doctors, and orthopedic surgeons regarding my symptoms for 2 decades, so someone could have diagnosed me at least 20 years before that! I had been diagnosed with Psoriasis, another autoimmune disorder, in my early 20's, but back then I'm not sure people were as aware as today about the curse of autoimmune disorder: once you are diagnosed with one, you are prone to a hundred others.

Prevention was not ever mentioned to me, as conventional medicine attempts to take care of symptoms, but not to prevent from related issues, so I just kept going about my life making no change of my old habits until the second autoimmune diagnosis came in: Hashimoto’s.

I did follow doctor’s orders, against my will, and took the thyroid medication for about 2 years plus. It helped me function and not be so depressed and sluggish all the time. And it helped me start to do research to make lifestyle changes. Once those lifestyle interventions started to work, I slowly weaned myself off the medication (a little less than a year ago now).

To keep this story somewhat short: Today, without taking any thyroid meds, my TSH=2.2, my T3&T4 free are within range, my TPOs are fully gone, disappeared, and my TgABs are only at 13 (so I'm almost at full remission!)

How I got to this point:

I went off gluten (the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life!)

I made a point of getting proper sleep each night (8 hours minimum).

I removed all toxins that I was aware of from my immediate environment, and my kitchen, and my bathroom shelves.

I tested for intestinal permeability (commonly known as Leaky Gut), was positive, and I had antibodies showing “leakage” or “holes” or ulcers, throughout several areas of my digestive system, not just some missing or loose intestinal wall cells.

I tested for a bunch of parasites, bacteria, and viruses, that could always be the underlying cause of autoimmune disorder. I was positive for Heliobacter Pylori. If you read about this bacteria, you'll know it causes ulcers, and left untreated can lead to all kinds of gastrointestinal issues, including liver, colon, intestinal, stomach cancers of all sorts. But it is HARD to get rid of it, because it has such survival instincts, that it even changes your intestinal PH (alkalinity or acidity) of your intestines so it can survive! So basically it disturbs your microbiome like a hurricane went through your intestines!

To get rid of the freaking bacteria, I first tried the natural way, with herbs and strong ailments, and it didn't work. So I went on to really harsh antibiotics, and finally got rid of it.

In the meantime I had finally succeeded at becoming radically gluten free, which is helpful in healing a Leaky Gut. It was not without effort I quit gluten, I even had horrible withdrawal symptoms like one who quits a drug! I thought I'd end up in a white looney's shirt in a mental institution with the cravings and desire to quit quitting gluten. But being off gluten helped tremendously with the symptoms of joint pain and brain fog, so slowly I stopped wanting to get back to it. I was already feeling better, less tired, foggy, and achey.

After I got rid of the H. Pylori, and due to the harsh antibiotics, my Leaky Gut had to be addressed even further, so I went on a very strict food protocol called the AIP (Autoimmune Paleo). Also because I needed to find out if I had other food sensitivities apart from gluten. This food protocol is sometimes also called the Reintroduction Diet, as you remove ALL posible allergens known to man, and reintroduce them later one by one, 72 hours apart, so as to sense any biological changes within you that could mean a reaction to that food.

I had attempted the AIP before, but I didn't stick to it strictly, as I kept eating chocolate, caffeine, and night shades. But after being off gluten, and what a battle that was for me!, I felt capable of following through any diet in the world; after all, the hardest part was done! Mind you, I grew up being a picky eater who devoured a packet of chocolate cookies a day! And sometimes only craved bread and butter for a meal. Sometimes I’d buy a huge Tiramisu and ate the whole thing in one go. I loved Cheetos, UTZ, candy….

I felt much better without gluten and on the AIP diet. I had gained alertness, my speech and memory was slowly coming back, basically my symptoms were disappearing, but my TSH levels and Hashi antibodies were not improving yet. It was not until I got the H. Pylori out of my system, that I didn’t see my numbers decline positively. In the midst of all this, at one point I fell off the wagon, went back to eating normal food, my cookies, croissants, pasta, my etc, then all my symptoms came back. So I went back on the AIP again but full on strict for 3 months, then after 3 months I reintroduced only a few foods back, and here I am now without either symptoms not antibodies and with perfect TSH levels, and I got all my energy back, and I am better at remembering things, talking, and understanding. By the way, I sound horribly unhealthy, but amidst all these processed junk food I liked, I did make myself a ton of salads, vegetable dishes, etc... I also enjoyed healthy eating then, but it was always easier and faster to just eat food that you didn't have to prepare or pay so much money for. I also wasn’t aware of how addicted I was to certain foods that were providing no nutritional value to my life.

Now, if you are a vegetarian or a vegan, and wanted to try this diet, you can too, just skip the animal protein part, and follow everything else to the dot. A friend of mine with hypothyroid went on it as I did, but I ate animal protein and she didn’t, and we both had our thyroid stabilized. She also went on to do other things such as infrared saunas, and she removed her mercury amalgams and what not, so her cause was metal toxicity, while mine was bacterial and food sensitivities and allergies. So you need to find out why your are hypothyroid, but the food aspect of it was beneficial for both of us no matter the cause. If you do AIP the vegetarian way, do not fall into the trap of reintroducing nightshades until later on in the protocol, or nuts, or beans, just because you are accustomed to eating them.

I learned so much about myself doing the AIP. It turned out I was allergic to eggs and almonds, which I had never suspected of, and sensitive to gluten, corn, dairy, and soy. Just because you don’t have a stomach ache after you eat doesn’t mean that you don’t react negatively to foods. Being tired after eating, or getting bloated, or headaches, or getting tongue blisters after you eat can also mean you react negatively to meals, there are hundreds of symptoms that can hint at it. You should have the same energy level before and after eating a meal. I became a lot more tuned with my body during the reintroductory face of this "diet" because you have to listen to all these signs and symptoms happening in your body, that you usually think of as normal (just because you've been having them all your life, and so does everyone else!). You also learn about who cares for you and who doesn’t, because you are going to have a lot of people discouraging you, while what you need is support.

I know that some people's thyroid levels may be worst than what I started with, I'm sorry if that is the case, but there is still a lot you can do to improve your thyroid health and it is worth giving it a go. You'll have to do even more work at digging deeper into your health and finding the culprit for your unregulated thyroid. I have literally focused in my health for the last 3 years, made it my priority and it paid off. I brought with me every single meal and snack that I took to work, and that was against all odds since my job doesn't make it easy. I have changed my sleeping habits, my eating habits, my stressing habits, even who I hang out with. I pay attention to every single thing I put in my body, as it all affects health, even body lotion, deodorant, and toothpaste. I spend 3 times the amount of money in food now, as I buy everything organic/bio and all my animal proteins are as clean as possible from hormones and other endocrine disruptors. Technically I cannot afford my eating standards for what I make, but I figured in the long term I was saving my health and I cut it off from other less important aspects of my life. Luckily I caught my thyroid destruction in time to help it heal back to healthy again. Even-though I gave it 42 years of abuse before remediating.

There are even more great details to my story of other things that were saved and rejuvenated along the way, but that’s enough details.

I think disposing of that horrible H. Pylori bacteria, along with not eating grains, dairy, and soy, was the key to my success. Maybe yours is the same, similar, or different, but you have to be your best advocate for your heath and find out. Dig!

Very important is to note that you will at some point also have to get a micronutrients test done, it is a must, so you can compensate lack of nutrients absorption by taking the right supplements for you. If you have a thyroid disorder, you are quite likely missing key nutrients. So test to address vitamin or mineral deficiency correctly (don’t take any supplements for 72 hours before the test so you get correct levels). If you do try to do the AIP, you’ll be missing some key nutrients in the process for a while and you’ll have to compensate. Although, my deficiencies prior AIP were many, Vitamin D, a bunch of the B vitamins, Selenium, Magnesium, Zinc, glutathione, and DHA & EPA levels were off, and now I have no deficiencies anymore. Interestingly enough, I kept a lot of the AIP habits in my current eating. I learned that eating healthy is just as addictive as eating unhealthy. Fixing my gut and my microbiome, must have helped me absorb nutrients better, which in turn also help me think and move better.

I just wanted to tell my story in case it inspires anyone to try digging into their root cause as to why they have a thyroid disorder. Sometimes it is toxin accumulation, food allergies and/or sensitivities, leaky gut, metal toxicity, bacteria, viruses, or bad habits. For me it was a combination of most of those. The root cause almost always involves a digestive disorder. I do believe in that old Hippocratic saying that all disease begins in the gut. It turned out to be true for me, as I probably got that bacteria from my mother, as she was positive too, and also my friend's metal toxicity started with her mercury amalgams in her mouth which is the first door to the digestive system.

Find out what it is for you. It was again not without effort and sacrifice that I managed to get here, I no longer eat "breakfast items", I do three nutrient dense meals a day instead. I had to relearn to be, and even change my social circle to only keep those friends who supported my change in lifestyle, with whom I didn't need to drink or party to stay in touch with, etc, etc. You will need all the support in the world, and an environment that does not hinder your change and development.

I want to wish everyone the best health, and don't let any doctor tell you, that your health issue is irreversible, because it is! if you got there, you can get back! It is however much harder to fix things, than it is to destroy them. Good luck, and remember what Einstein said: insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

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SpicyLotus profile image
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51 Replies
jimh111 profile image

Good news and interesting. There were so many interventions it's impossible to know which one(s) had an effect. A few possibilities. You could have had an allergy / intolerance that either presented like hypothyroidism or distrupted your thyroid hormone action. It's possible you were affected by endocrine disrupting chemicals and you have now reduced your exposure to them. It seems that thyroid autoimmunity causes symptoms independant of thyroid hormone levels, not much is known about this. There are links between helicobacter pylori and autoimmune hypothyroidism. The study referenced in this link found that eradication of helicobacter pylori lowered thyroid antibodies. I have read the study in full and all the patients had very high TPO antibodies, generally above 1,000 so we don't know if this works with lower levels.

So, we don't know what had the beneficial effect, my money would be on endocrine disrupting chemicals as your symptoms were profound but your thyroid hormones were only a little low.

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply tojimh111

Frankly, just alone getting rid of that bacteria gave me a new life, because I was always noxious and that symptom is also gone after eradication of H. Pilory. I do think getting rid of foods that were causing an immune reaction were also key.

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply tojimh111

I agree with you . I'm just wondering what came first ? Thyroid issues or Leaky Gut issues ???

mcooper profile image

Thank you for such an uplifting story !

Danifox6 profile image

Hi there. Would you by chance be able to PM me some links to the tests you ran for ex for leaky gut and parasites. I want to run these too ! Thanks

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toDanifox6

Yes, absolutely, let me find you the links, at least the main ones as I went to so many doctors and got what I could from each of them. Now, for some things I tested in Spain and others in the USA. I hope you can get the same quality tests wherever you are as there are a lot of crappy tests out there, I myself wasted some money of a couple of them until I understood what exactly I was looking for. How exactly do I PM you?

BCUOK profile image
BCUOK in reply toSpicyLotus

Fabulous story. Thank you for sharing. You showed real commitment and it's paid off. I know I would benefit from a gluten free diet but the toast keeps calling! I would also love those links you're sharing with Danifox6. Have no idea how you DM either but if you figure it out, would you mind sharing with me please? Thank you again.

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toBCUOK

I posted some links higher up, but they are from the USA.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministrator in reply toSpicyLotus

There is no need to keep this information private (unless you want to). Can't think why you were asked to, effectively, keep it secret!

So long as it is informative, you can name laboratories on the forum.

(It would only be someone promoting such laboratories which would be a problem.)

Regarding Private Messages, the help facility has this link:

katbar profile image
katbar in reply toSpicyLotus

Hello, my daughter is also suffering with stomach problems and everything else you mentioned previously, she has had a really hard time this year, she does have thyroid cancer and has had a two operations to have the thyroid removed and is waiting for treatment. Please could you send me the tests you did for your gut and bacteria, getting these tests through a Doctor is difficult, I would rather pay to help her, she was not good before the diagnosis. Thank you.

karenVOVv profile image
karenVOVv in reply toSpicyLotus

Hi Spicy Lotus, not sure if you could still see this post after two years. Could you please PM me the the tests that you ran as well! Really appreciate it . Thanks!

JAmanda profile image
JAmanda in reply toDanifox6

I’d be interested to know too please.

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toDanifox6

Here is a list of some of the most life changing tests that I did, I'm going to put links, I hope it's allowed on this website:

- Comprehensive Stool Analysis and Parasitology x3 (you also have options at the bottom of requisition form to test for Heliobacter Pylori, which I did, but I mist say I recommend a breath test from your regular doctor for free instead, as it gives you the count, while this one only tells you if you are positive or negative, and it would have been helpful to know the count to see if my attempts to rid of it with natural ailments was working at all or not). Yersinia, shigella, and bunch others are also tested here and they are sometimes also the culprit for Hashimoto's and other autoimmune disorders. Not sure if you have this test in the UK, but I'm sure by looking at what it offers you can find an equivalent. It was expensive but well worth it:

Then this test, helped me finally realize I had to quit gluten if I didn't want to go mad, as it showed me what the different wheat proteins were doing to my system. This is how I found out why I had brain fog, as it turns out, some of us, because we don't digest the wheat protein correctly, we turn it into Gluteomorphin and Prodimorphin so it can cross the blood brain barrier, (some people do it with dairy and it is called caseomorphin), once it crosses the bbb it acts as the name suggests, just like morphin or any other addictive drugs. That's why quitting gluten was so incredibly hard for me, I was basically a morphin addict, I even had visions, random temper tantrums, aggressive behavior, cursing out of nowhere words I had never even heard before! Not like me if you knew me. Best money I ever spent, it tests so many markers, and you'll never have to doubt ever again if gluten is for you or not. It also shows your intestinal permeability due to the gluten:

I also took the Celiac genetics test as well, at the time it was included in the package and to my surprise I have the Celiac gene, but luckily I have not developed the actual Celiac disease, but you may want to check so you know what's in your future if you keep eating your gluten, it's the Celiac HLA genetics test (you can probably get it for free through your doctor, make sure they don't just test for active celiac but also for the DQ2, DQ5, DQ7 and DQ8 genes. I got a package of both the celiac genetics and wheat zoomer via Dr. Tom O'Bryan on line, and you get a consultation with his practitioner once the results are out:

For food sensitivities I tried several brands, and I certainly got scammed with the Alcat test, do not even think of, it is not possible to know if you are reactive to foods by testing your white cell activity. You need to be tested for IgG, IgA, and IgM, and I think IgE as well as it is actual allergy vs sensitivity. I think in the long term sensitivity is worse, as it causes damage without you even noticing until the damage is done! I used a combination of some of the Vibrant Wellness food zoomers and Cyrex labs is a great company and very trusted one by functional doctors, but I am not completely sure they also include IgE. But you need to know your IgG, IgA, and IgM for sure. I didn't know until I tested that it was the eggs that were giving me my fractured/sore tongue all my life, and now I almost have a normal tongue again, go in this website and look at their tests biomarkers and you may be able to ask your regular doctor for some without paying so much money:

But frankly, the cheapest way is the elimination diet anyway, it just requires more, time and patience and self awareness, that at some point I lost my patience with as I needed some scientific proof that I was heading in the right direction.

madge1979 profile image

Wow !!! Congratulations !!

Well done you for your exhaustive efforts .....that was a mountain you just climbed ... but you did it and you truly deserve the rewards of better health and happiness ..and how generous of you to come back and share your experience and your knowledge with us all .. thank you and I pray you stay well and healthy 🦋

Gingersnap202 profile image

I don't know if this will be of help regarding H Pylori or not.... But . ... My hubby and I were both exposed to .. and developed... c-dif and campylobacter What a mess! ... Doc prescribed Cipro. Hubby tolerated it and improved. I, on the other hand, developed every known adverse reaction one can have to Cipro. ... To make a long story short, I researched "natural antibiotics" and came up with using a combination of organic garlic and ginger. ... About 50/50. ... I grated it fresh each time and I swear, within 15 minutes, I could feel it "working". I made about two tablespoon at a time and mixed it with honey to "get it down". ... The rest of the story... A month later my hubby started chemotherapy for leukemia. The chemo evidently destroyed his immune system and his campylobacter returned. Apparently, the Cypro hadn't gotten it all. .. On the other hand, my garlic and ginger apparently worked just fine and I never had another issue with either c-dif or campylobacter. ... Would it work on H Pylori? I don't know, but if nothing else has worked, it might be worth a try.

dbrowning02 profile image
dbrowning02 in reply toGingersnap202

Can you tell me how much you took and how long? Don't want to go the antibiotic route I know people that it had destroyed all their healthy bacteria in their gut.

Gingersnap202 profile image
Gingersnap202 in reply todbrowning02

It's been five years ago, so I may be a little fuzzy as to exactly how long I took it. I will just say: 'Until all my symptoms were resolved, and then a few more days." ... I grated it fresh for each dose and took two doses a day. As I mentioned, I mixed it with honey to get it down. I can't imagine trying to swallow that mixture without the honey!

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toGingersnap202

When I tried the natural way I used Biocidin, it actually worked for someone else I know, it didn't for me, or maybe it helped some, but back then I was doing the test that only gives you a negative or a positive for HP, so I had no way to know 3 months into it if it did eradicate some of the Pylori, and maybe it was just a matter of persistence. Make sure if you do go the natural way, you are testing the breath way so you have an actual count of Pylori, so you can see your progress, but some of the herbs you take naturally are very harsh on your stomach as well, oregano oil in large amounts etc... When I finally gave up and took the antibiotics because I just wanted that beast out, I made sure to also take a larger than usual amount of fiber with my meals so as to protect my stomach. Also in the middle of my night, in the midst of my sleep, I was taking a probiotic to coat my intestinal lining. I was taking it at night to make sure it did not interact and erase the effect of the antibiotic, as probiotics and antibiotics are opposites and thus must be taken 4 hours apart. So there are ways to not further damage your digestive system with antibiotics. The Heliobacter Pylori is already doing a great job at destroying your microbiome anyway, so you are going to have to do a Leaky Gut protocol afterwards anyway! Good luck, it is doable, I am almost certain I had it since childhood, I won't get into hideous details, so you too can do it no matter how much it coronated.

dbrowning02 profile image
dbrowning02 in reply toSpicyLotus

Thank you. What did you mean by testing the breath way?

dbrowning02 profile image
dbrowning02 in reply toGingersnap202

Thank you

Well done you and thanks for sharing, it is a mind field doctors don't want to cure just medicate 🤔 As they would lose the monies from the drugs industry, l agree with your comments as well going Gluten free looks so difficult especially when you often feel as ill as we do just looking at the diet seems hard work. But it sounds worth it . X

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply to

Eventually, you will choose your health over any food, just don't ever give up. When I originally started trying to be off gluten, I was focusing on what I was giving up, the comfort, ease, relief, taste, and even the social aspect of eating. For a long time I couldn't easily eat out, nor go and have a coffee and a pastry with my family, but now I can without the temptation. But eventually, when you set your mind to it, you focus instead on what you are gaining in the long term: a clear mind, better aging, a healthy thyroid, physical agility, and energy, and proving doctors wrong (that was a big motivation for me because I had a couple of arguments with 2 endocrinologists, one didn't want to give me an ultrasound, which then I proved her wrong as I had a nodule that had to be checked for thyroid cancer). As I was fantasizing of quitting the Levothyroxine, I figured if I could see how much damage and how much was left of my thyroid I could wean myself off it with more ease (that was my logic but the doctor's was probably more along the lines of "this is procedure. Why think out of the box and loose the money I make giving out drugs?"). Spoiler alert: Levothyroxine is the most sold drug in the world, followed by a cholesterol drug (thyroid and cholesterol go hand in hand too). Quitting gluten and changing your diet will also affect you finacially. You spend more on necessary foods rather than treats or fillers. Although as you spend less in junk, you spend a lot more in quality foods, which are not as filling so you'll need to eat more of them and get a lot more nutrients, and then good quality supplements are expensive. You basically have to reinvent yourself, and meeting friends is more about going for a walk rather than a drink, or doing a sport, or watching a movie (bring your own healthy snacks once you also quit popcorn as it is mostly GMO, and the molecular composition of corn is so similar to gluten your body will probably cross react too). Basically you reorganize your priorities somehow. I think of it as part of finally growing up, lol! By the way, good news is, as you get over the initial part of withdrawal, your cravings subside and you eventually don't have to put the effort, it becomes second nature.

Mandymoobear profile image

Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s always helpful and encouraging to hear the “up” as well as the down. I feel I’ve been on a similar journey (and still on). For me, tackling one thing at a time is getting me there slowly. Information available is mind blowing and quite often conflicting. Listening to your own body is key. And of course this site is invaluable. Well done on your efforts and persistence 👊👍

Julesb02 profile image

Thank you for sharing your story. I would also be interested to know how you were tested for leaky gut & bacterias please? I have long suspected my thyroid & hashimotos are linked to all my food issues. I too have cut out gluten and soya and feel much better for it, but my muscle pain and stomach issues continue. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and it gives me hope that there is a way out!

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toJulesb02

Go a few replies up and you will see a huge reply with test links, however if you are in the UK there may not be the same, but an equivalent. I am actually from Spain, but I was only able to get some of the testing here and there, so I gave up and went the paying route in the US with specialized companies that insurances don't cover and generally you can only get to test through a functional doctor. But if you look at the links, you will see all the intestinal permeability markers, that you can ask you digestive doctor to test you for.

jgelliss profile image

Congratulations to the new and improved You . You are indeed Amazing and very Inspirational to us all .

I can relate very much to your story . I'm going through what is called a leaky gut issues currently . No Dr ever picked up on it . If everyone would tune into what our bodies are communicating with us we would be so much better off . I had TT many years ago and never connected the leaky gut to most of my symptoms that I was experiencing . Always thinking that my thyroid meds are not working well yet again . I'm now on the mend *Thankfully*. I was off all gluten dairy sugar soy coffee for years and continue to . It became away of life for me . But that turned out to be not enough for me . Till I started with digestive enzymes betaine HCl and bile salts pro-biotic Zinc , B-Complex and extra B-6 . I can not say enough what a *Huge* difference it has made for me . In the interim I developed fatty liver and jaundice skin and now I know why . My liver and gallbladder where not working the way G-D meant to . I experienced horrific mildly put pain in my upper right side stomach shoulder and back pains and adrenal fatigue . It made it very difficult to function on daily basis . Going to my Chiropractor was not much help either . Telling my Dr about my ordeal did not help only to be told it will go away in two weeks . Years have since passed . I ended up in the ER because I couldn't deal with all that pain any longer . Only to be told it must be from sports injury . You can't make this story up . Essentially with Lots Of Prayers and I mean lots of Prayers G-D took pity and answered my prayers . I'm so very Thankful and Grateful to my Heavenly Father . Take home lesson is listen when your body communicates . Listen to your inner voice if it doesn't feel right it's *Not*. Read as much as you can and join Great Forums like this one where members have stories we can learn from and are so very helpful to share information . More information is *desperately* needed and should be addressed about our digestion issues and how it ties into other problems .

*We Are All For One And One or All*.

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply tojgelliss

I'm glad that you got through all that, and yes, I've also been taking HCI with Pepsin, and choline, and digestive enzymes... probiotics. For a second I thought I was a supplements junkie, but I'm slowly feeling the need to get off some of these supplements that I feel I no longer need. As my diet got better, my microbiome also improved, and so my digestive system seems to work on its own. I believe in medicine, but sadly, because they are so specialized, they forget to see that our body is a system where each organ depends on each other, they don't just act independently of what else is happening in your body, so everything you eat and do affects the thyroid as well, and so they should put two and two together to realize our ailments are interrelated, including our mind and spirit. Keep up the good health!!!

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply toSpicyLotus

I'm so excited for you that your doing so much better emotionally physically and spiritually . Dr's no very little about this . Some NP Dr's might know . But the irony of all of this is if *Big Pharma* can make M-O-N-E-Y off of this they would be selling us 10 different kinds of meds to supposed heal us only to make or add on worse problems for us so that they can sell even more meds . Never ending .Then we can open up a pharmacy in our own homes . Without even getting better .

What a Tragic Shame .

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply tojgelliss

It is a tragic shame, it makes me sick to the stomach, literally! Glyphosate is another reason why we are having thyroid issues. This chemical gives us ulcers, which is why we all have a leaky gut, that's why I try to avoid it, spending more than I make buying organic produce. I was also very disappointed on my last visit home, to Spain, when I found out Spain is the number one consumer of glyphosate and funny enough gastrointestinal cancer rates are going up there like crazy!!! My neighbors, France, and Italy, along with Belgium, have forbidden it. It should be forbidden worldwide!!! And I ask people in Spain and they don't even know what glyphosate is and that they are eating it every day! Even my mom refuses to buy organic/bio because the glyphosate induced veggies look prettier!! Oh what a world! That's why you have to be your own best friend and take care of what you consume. They are killing us unless you advocate for yourself!

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply toSpicyLotus

You are so Very Right . We are at a point in time and I don't want to sound morbid but reality Is that do we really know what is in our water what is in the air we are breathing there is No accountability for nothing . We must become pro active . Thank You For Being So Very Sensible .

Nico101 profile image

well done you!

i'm just about to embark on the same journey. i bought a load of stuff from the states that should reset factory settings on my gut.

good to hear it works.

Butterfly87x profile image

I’m so glad to hear someone speak about gluten in a way I can relate. I’m really struggling cutting it out and like you were I feel almost addicted to gluten type foods in a way that seems to daunting to give them up. To be honest everything you spoke about that you have given up is hard for me and I guess I’m just curious as to what you now eat to stay on that healthy track? If you have the time do you think you could give me an idea of what a daily food example is for you in terms of breakfast lunch and dinner. I haven’t been able to find any non gluten substitutes so far that don’t taste like styrofoam and it makes it seem to me that it’s a case of cutting things out altogether rather than replacing them with GF options and that’s what makes it so hard. Not to mention the time and effort it takes to eat 100% clean when your busy with kids and daily life lol

Butterfly87x profile image
Butterfly87x in reply toButterfly87x

Don’t get me wrong though reading your story is definitely inspirational and shows that it could all be worth it in the end and ultimately health is obviously above everything else and that is my goal I’m just only at the point of starting and I know it’s a long process!

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toButterfly87x

If it makes you feel any better, the craving EVENTUALLY go away!

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toButterfly87x

So I eat Whole Foods. Tons of it, larger amounts than a normal person, because it helps me not fail, by keeping my tummy filled I'm able to not fall into the trap of junk. So good animal and vegetable proteins, less of the animal proteins and a ton more of the vegetables. For sweets I only do keto cups, fruit, and dark chocolate without SOY lecitin (not easy to find). I also make keto and AIP cookies and muffins and cakes every once in a while to make me feel like a normal person, lol! Oh and I eat plantain chips fried in coconut oil, non GMO, those help when other people are eating junk around me. Dates, which I used to hate, now make me feel like I'm eating a bomb bom. Eventually your taste buds change, believe me! Just don't give up, I failed a million times before I finally followed through! Sometimes I cheat with fried potato chips in coconut, olive oil, or cold pressed avocado oil, potato chips are my weakness now, and I have to do something nutty to stay sane!!!

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toSpicyLotus

BTW, I mean I eat Whole Foods, not necessarily from Whole Foods the supermarket! Lol! Although I do shop there for the most part as their prices went down and they always have a huge selection of organic veggies and grass-fed meat etc

Islander1234 profile image

Thank you for this. Very interesting.

userotc profile image

Unsurprisingly you have had a massive response to your story. As Ive mentioned before on this forum, there should be a natural/root cause way of recovery. Im not yet fully recovered from my condition (not thyroid directly) but feel there have been improvemenets in the past 3 years because I follow a strict protocoal with many similarities to yours. I ignored suggestions to go onto levo from some on this forum as it is not root cause in my opinion.

And I firmly believe the natural protocol/solution is broadly common across various health conditions. However, it takes a certain type of person to follow it as rigidly as you have.

Your comment "I'm slowly feeling the need to get off some of these supplements that I feel I no longer need" is something Ive considered a lot. Ive decided I will probably only do it when I consider myself "fully recovered" - albeit probably difficult to evaluate.

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply touserotc

If I could go back in time, I wish I'd never fallen for the Levothyroxine and Synthroid that I took, and I wish I had just gone straight into the dietary and lifestyle changes, but it took me 2.5 years alone to even believe that I had to quit dairy and gluten, two of my ex-favorite things all my life! Good luck and as long as you don't give up and keep up the good research, you will get there! I had people at work making fun of my meals and diets, and all my supplements, don't let anyone stop you from believing in yourself and your body's resilience.

Laurien profile image

Fantastic encouraging story. I radically changed the way I ate two years ago and now do Keto for the most part. My biggest culprit was sugar as well as gluten and bad carbs and processed food. I had leaky gut. I believe that in many cases all that comes before your thyroid starts to fail. I am hypothyroid. I also have severely calcified arteries which can also come from bacteria from the mouth and leaky gut - calcium arrives to cover up the bacteria and so it goes on.

I am such an advocate of healing your gut - I can’t agree more how important it can be. Getting your memory back is a huge bonus as well! It does take enormous determination and commitment but well worth the effort. I still take NDT NatureThroid but believe as this journey continues that my Thyroid will eventually heal. Dr Izabella Wenz is a great advocate of what you are describing. I tried that first and it was the starting point of my journey for the first year. I didn’t loose weight however until I went Keto (over a year now) so yes we are all different and the key is to keep working and searching to find out what works for you.

SpicyLotus profile image

Yes, I do looooove Izabella, she has been a wealth of knowledge, I read all her books and tried to become her patient a few years back but they were not taking anyone new as she has become such a celebrity. I'm surprised about you not loosing any weight because I lost a ton of weight against my will. Did you quit all grains? And did you test for parasites and bacteria? Because sometimes the reason why you don't loose weight no matter what is because there are parasites of bacteria, H. Pylori amongst some of them, messing up your microbiome despite your efforts.

Laurien profile image
Laurien in reply toSpicyLotus

Spicy Lotus. Are you based in USA? That’s too bad you didn’t make Dr Wenz patient list but she has given out such wonderful information and you have done wonderfully well with the protocol! Yes I actually went on a brutal three month cleanse of Candida yeast before I found Izabella’s books and videos so that overgrowth was all gone and I haven’t had a yeast infection for over two years. I don’t have H.Pylori (but my husband had in 1994 and was one of the first patients to receive the antibiotic treatment to get rid of it) There was massive withdrawal symptoms from sugar when I got rid of the yeast biofilm at that time. I knew I was intolerant of gluten and had blood tests done several years ago and was not allergic to anything else. I spent almost a year on that regime and didn’t loose one pound but I didn’t put weight on! I had been eating organic prior to that but didn’t have sugar under control. It wasn’t until I figured out my correct macros for doing Keto through my naturopath and sticking to healthy fats for the fat portion and eating lots of green veggies and grass fed meat that I started to loose weight. Even at that it was quite slow but I did loose just short of 20 lbs in a year - starting weight 175lbs and I am now 156lbs. Still doing the same Keto after a few months on a cruise where I put four pounds on (I was still quite careful) and I have now lost the four pounds easily but stuck on that plateau of 156 lbs. Even with intermittent fasting of 16 hours each day and back to strict Keto my weight isn’t budging but I do feel fantastic and rarely hungry and never crave sweets. I am a great believer that we don’t do these ways of eating to only loose weight but to regain our health and only when we regain our health does our body loose the weight. And in that respect Izabella Wenz helped me regain health and Keto continued with that improvement of health and then I started loosing weight. I think my body has more healing to do before the next loss of weight will happen and I am ok with that as I feel so much better. I am 5ft 7inch so don’t really look overweight any more but would love to loose another 12-14 lbs. Until I was age 40 I weighed about 134 lbs. I am now 64. I believe my microbiome is now healed and I no longer have leaky gut. My blocked arteries are more difficult to address and I am constantly being told they can’t be reversed - but still I research and keep to my way of eating. If I can keep the calcium growth to 5% and not the standard 25% then I achieve much. I had a calcium score of 1600 and anything over 400 is dangerous. I had a cardiologist for 10 years in USA and NHS here is refusing to refer me to a cardiologist and refusing my Naturethroid! So a great deal of help they are on this journey. But I accept responsibility for my diet and can control what goes in my mouth!

SpicyLotus profile image

Wow! Well...slowly but surely! Could you maybe try to find a good functional and try to figure out your calcium situation together? I know it's expensive but they may have hundred other similar cases from which they may have gained good insight. Sometimes we need that extra push!

Widawake profile image

Hi, Your story is very inspiring. I have recently cut out gluton,caffiene,unfiltered water,sweetners,sugar and I have tried to reduce chemicals in my environment. After only a few months I had to reduce my thyroid medication. Proof i think that there is something in this. I would like to get some tests done to help me to choose the right supplements to take. At the moment i take fish oil, B complex, magnesium and probiotics. I am worried about taking these without the tests as i know how dangerous it is to tinker with supplements. Until recently i took a high daily dose of vit C. My son has just been diagnosed with high iron (still under investigation) i have read it could be a genetic problem. Vit C is a definite no no as i helps the body to absorb iron. Until i get myself tested i dare not take vit C.

Where did you have the tests done?

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toWidawake

I took most of these tests in the states, I believe I posted them all in an earlier post. I don’t think the supplements that you are taking can do much harm, they seem like good choices, and hard to overdose on. But like you said, too much iron can be very harmful, I’ve also heard that too much vitamin C can be harmful and too much vitamin A is bad. I wouldn’t worry too much about taking magnesium without having tested, because most of us are deficient in it and in any case the body has great capacity of disposing itself of the magnesium that it doesn’t need, so you’ll just get the runs that’s all. The only thing that I didn’t see that you were taking and it is always a good idea since most of us are deficient and specially people that have thyroid disorders is a good vitamin D super imminent, you should look into that.

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toWidawake

Also it is good to take probiotics in a pill but I would also try to sort of make your own good intestinal flora by eating some fermented foods, cabbage sauerkraut etc. I personally don’t enjoy the taste of these foods, but I still included them in my diet. So they were part of my thyroid reset program, although I tried to introduce them early on in my AIP diet but unfortunately I was getting hives and bloated every time I would eat them, which apparently has to do with your body not being able to detox fast enough compared to all the toxins u r releasing into your blood stream from all the changes. So I first had to just do one spoon every three days of sauerkraut, then I switched it to one spoon a day and then I slowly was able to make it one spoon per meal. Now I only eat it sporadically but I really do think it helped to re-create my micro biome in my stomach which is the reason why we have all this issues with other foods anyway

Dripdry profile image

Thank you for sharing this information and congratulations on your successful health recovery

Pinn14 profile image

Thank you for sharing your journey to excellent health. It has inspired me to 'just do it'. I have pondered on the complexities for too long, thinking that I cannot possibly follow the AIP diet with a family of five to feed.

SpicyLotus profile image
SpicyLotus in reply toPinn14

Wishing you all the best! If you can just get past the initial hardship, I promise you it gets easier later on. Your body, after being on the AIP, stops craving all the crap that we normally eat. Also remember that the actual introductory face of the AIP diet is only temporary, in the long term the idea is to eat as much variety of nutritious food as possible (with some exceptions, such as gluten, soy, and dairy, possibly also corn, because unfortunately most of us with Hashimoto’s react to those foods for life). If you are a good private/personal investigator of your own health and symptoms, you might soon be able to re-introduce some foods back into your diet. One thing I know for sure, I will never reintroduce gluten, corn, or soy, ever again, I just feel so much better without them, and it was so hard to quit them, that I don’t even want to take a chance at ever becoming addicted to those things ever again! Dairy is still a temptation, but so far so good! I have sadly slipped a little bit back to sugar, so I am considering going back to the introductory AIP diet for a short while, just to try to reset and get off sugar again. The AIP diet eventually becomes sort of like your “go-back-to” or reset button. Maybe just start with one month, 30 days, set your mind to it and don’t worry about what happens afterwards, if you slip you slip but you will at least be able to understand the benefits of it, so that you will eventually go back to it again.

Pinn14 profile image
Pinn14 in reply toSpicyLotus

Can I just ask whether you follow a particular practioners AIP diet eg Sarah Ballantyne?

Patgr3ys profile image

Thank you for sharing! A very powerful story that gives hope. X

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