Hi, I wanted to get your thoughts on my brother's labs and symptoms, he's a young 17 year old. I didn't know where else to post this. It has been frustrating trying to figure out what is going on with his health which is slowly getting worse. He will be seeing his endocrinologist in a couple weeks though I fear he may be useless, will also be seeing a gastroenterologist this summer. This other endocrinologist had suggested that his problems are not endocrine related but rather he should see a neurologist to investigate neuromuscular disorders.
- sweating, mostly feels hot though sometimes will be sensitive to the cold
- rapid weight gain despite diet and exercising, slowed metabolism
- dominating constipation though occasional normal stools
- stomach and pelvic pain
- hypotonia according to physiotherapist, weaker than peers both boys and girls
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- ***muscle weakness, in particular in neck, shoulder and spine
- gynocostamia and occasional breast pain; does have normal facial hair for age, along with body hair (thicker than me)
- large feet
- proportionally long legs and arms (his height is just under 5'6")
- x-ray showed mild lumbar scoliosis
- minor asthma, takes maintenance inhaler daily
- high cholesterol, risk for prediabetes
- supplementing iron and vitamin D deficiency
June 2017
Ferritin 20 (28-186)
Vitamin D 22 (75-150)
B12 200 (180-655)
TSH 1.79 (0.47-3.41)
FT4 12.2 (10.2-17.3)
Tissue Transglutaminase <0.5 (<0.12)
*began iron and Vitamin D supplements
March 2018
*Muscle Enzymes 436 (<165)
CRP 0.9 (<4.8)
April 2018
Muscle Enzymes 137 (<165)
*Occult Blood 209 (<50)
DHEA Sulphate 7.2 (<15.0)
*LH 6.8 (0.8-4.9)
FSH 7.6 (0.5-10.0)
*Prolactin 6.1 (4.6-21.0)
*IGF1 549 (109-488)
Estradiol 83 (<182)
Testosterone 12.6 (8.4-28.8)
TSH 1.12 (0.47-3.41) FT4 14.7 (10.2-17.3) FT3 4.76 (2.86-6.79)
TPOab 32 (<35)
Ferritin 118 (28-186)
Vitamin D 101 (75-150) was on 50,000IU/week, upped to 70,000IU/week
*Glucose Fasting 5.8 (3.3-5.5)
Glucose 2hr Tolerance 6.0 (3.3-7.7)
May 2018
TSH 1.42 (0.47-3.41) FT4 13.7 (10.2-17.3)
Testosterone retested 9.9 (8.4-28.8)
Free Testosterone 278 (115-577)
SHBG 15.5 (10.0-70.0)
ECG required follow-up. Echocardiogram results: normal, minor palpitations
Summary: main abnormalities are elevated IGF1, elevated LH, low-normal testosterone, malabsorption, occult blood elevated with referral to gastroenterologist.
Thyroid function fine but I have my suspicions given the best of three results coincided with TPOab 32 (<35), curious if it was elevated in the other two results and its significance. Barely in range B12 last year, will request repeat B12 with homocysteine and methylmalonic acid urine test.
Curious about relevance of LH and possible primary hypogonadism though an endocrinologist dismissed it. I've read that mildly high IGF1 can be linked to diabetes or hypothyroidism, interested in ruling out possible acromegaly.
I would greatly appreciate any input. He is a smart young man but I am worried about his health. His teachers are also concerned since it is greatly affecting his mental health and well-being.